Thursday, September 3, 2015



Removing oneself from conflict, arguing and emotional blame or blight from a blamee is simple and one hundred percent vital to ending the aging process and reducing the chances of your eventual death from genetic deterioration.  Upon an emotional reaction occurring in you stop and allow the feeling to pass.  If engaged with another party remember that you are not bound to be harassed and remove yourself from conflict with the example, “I would love to continue this discussion when you are no longer angry as then the likelie hood of a rational solution to the issue will ensue.”  Likewise please remember not to be an instigator of blame for surely with your training you have no excuse to be a tyrant.

Communication is only truly possible when our own emotions are removed from it for each soul has its own subjective emotional pattern from personal evolution until it is recognized and mindfully changed. Baby land is a term I use with humor for the little I identity of cerebral cortex mapping of accepted mapped information there fore accepted reality or I’m in fear of the unknown which includes the divine spirit incarnate within; an entity’s inner god self. Fear of oneself results in neurosis often projected onto another as blame; fear of unrealized divine power within ourselves unrealized that if others did then what? Then they see our game and it is scary. What is the game? It is the strategy of supremacy in the home or the work place or social circles of I know all this it is my supreme reality; I’m superior I rove you silently through soul observance to see where you are at reviewing it for what to play in my strategic brain my game of karma that brought me here to be safely on top. Move through the emotion and let it pass without tightening the body anywhere and use Quantum Body Realignment to prevent blockages. 
  • Remember to find humor in any situation that involved conflict or anger because two adults going at it observed are no more enchanting than a couple of toddlers.  Emotional people are in their ineffectual ‘child’ coping state. 
  • Examine the issue once the emotions have passed again and assess the data according to the information you have (find more if necessary through whatever means you decide). 
  • Decision is now possible through the process of assessment instead of a soap opera of judgment with superiority or other useless attitude.

Discernment in a given moment is of the upmost importance in remaining neutral.   What that means is upon creation of a concept to focus on as a holographic image there is a clean, clear mind that is able to hold that without fear.  Fear creeping in or cynicism (which hides fear in a clever manner) will not allow for the state of sharp focus to hold on to the holographic picture.  Anger may be used to spin your Merkaba fast so it is an easy emotion to get rid of.  If applied correctly can override any inertia by using the emotion to spin fast till a great velocity has been achieved and you settle into the high of it.  If there is any objection to holding a concept gets angry and gets rid of it by spinning it out.  Do not be afraid to focus on an idea that scares you or appears too large to change.  Adrenalin is not the hormone we are looking to run so staying in anger is not the answer; the momentum of Merkaba build is what uses that energy up quickly and exhilaration is replaced like a horse out of the starting gate.  Then we arrive at this unspeakable place where the holographic pictures are held in the Merkaba correctly.
Fatigue is also inexcusable as an excuse from daily work once Merkaba is known because a ten minute spin in your office over lunch can give you the equivalent of a two hour nap.  Energy is yours to create from the zero point field that we are plugged into at all times by being in existence.  Nothing can ever be missing when we know that we are plugged in at all times.  Inertia against this is simply an ignorant mind that refuses its own exalted state.  People that insist on being that do not stay with the spiritual tools they have been taught and often choose a lesser reality.   Again fear based reaction to further evolution is occurring in this state and what to remember is on the other side of such attitude is eventual death.  Moving through the fear and reviewing all of the successes that you have accomplished and excelled in is vitally important to combat fear because it is the fruit of the work that has ripened your soul and this success allows the soul to release the codex recalibration affecting the DNA that you will learn about later. 

In the processing of information in the brain for Qantum Mind Management there is a change in the brain mapping of the cerebral cortex which allows for a new self reflection of more unity with the divine within that runs the autonomic processes. Fear there fore runs less the entity as it begins to know its supreme power of self preservation that is not the flight or flight survival mechanism it is now the power of mind management and mapping the divine information of the inner alchemist through study of other BME QMTtools and practice of this tool as well spoken of here in this writing. 

In addition ageing of the body may be lessened because of this now here is an example:  Leslie comes home from work and sees her Husband sitting in the living room upset.    Prior he had made himself cook got into a groove where he was in a faster space time going about his task without any complaints even had moments of missing space time using a faster area of his brain which is associated with longevity in action.  In Leslie's presence he complains he had to cook again mapping some emotionalism about the experience of irritability or upset in the slower portion of his brain and faster areas also changing the memory of it to unpleasant experience which sets the ageing mechanism of negating life in action instead and reaffirms split duality in consciousness; a demented state that causes chaos in the body in health over time potentially inviting disease as well. 

Another habit people have that produces ageing is excessive thinking for example sitting at your desk saying to yourself, 'gee I wonder what time it is?' In your cortex to yourself instead of glancing at the clock fast to see what time it is. The cortex chatter is slowing the biological matrix autonomic cellular maintenance when people are fully grown and cells no longer are hyper accelerated growth of childhood. Slow down of constant thinking causes this process of cell maintenance some lesser light from the CNS because it is partly engaged in the thinking process and tension in the neck and back may result for example. Try this example sit trance looking at something in the room now stop yourself and say in your mind, 'I wonder what time it is? Do you feel the jam in the neck area when yo do this?  Now try it out loud same sentence again.  Same jam happens.  Is it due to speaking then do you need to worry?  Now trance and close your eyes and say to yourself inward in trance, 'I wonder what time it is?' No jam because you are speaking autonomically using your cerebellum. Good speakers and actors use the autonomic to communicate and therefore some age less quickly than cortex talkers.  If you wondered how they look so good besides minor cosmetic surgery this is their secret; autonomic communication which occurs to good communicators when they are in a flow of dialogue. Autonomic Communication is also a Quantum Mind Tech tool that may be practiced and used mindfully.   Note: Shaking in a person after experiencing any kind of a major personal shift is the failure to map the experience successfully in the cortex area of the brain.  It is not unlike shock from a trauma or accident where the being must understand “what just happened to me?”  Sometimes the events are so swift it leaves the consciousness scrambling to unify in understanding.  Contemplation with notes helps to map any phenomenon that I have found many energetic healing practitioners experienced but were afraid because of lack of point of reference in knowledge as to what the experiences were.  Fear may prevent the evolution of&nbspevolution of enlightened mind therefore knowledge becomes the invaluable point of reference to free that evolution fearlessly. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



In the study of Blue Matrix Energetics there is a change in the brain after reading these articles or any of my work that takes place where there is sleepiness while the brain is traced by its autonomic system. Usually the cortexes are mapped for new information the reader is absorbing and desiring to experience and miraculously old neurons connected are separated in order to facilitate the change.  What neurons?  Ones of the slower cortex identity what we call in BME the little I. The god self that runs the harmony of cellular replication; its inner beauty of life is the big I the boss the god within, the divine spirit that incarnated with its soul holding the recording of the experiences through the wiring described in the article Energy Science of the Soul Explained. Neurons separated are of the old little I who did not know or accept the information in the article it read. 

Those who study my work are able to retain more and more information with less sleepiness after a lot of rewiring has taken place and will find the process speeds up to moments of trance then they are awake reading again with a vibration felt in the brain the whole time 'buzzing.' Higher vibration of an enlivened nervous system with new information for well being is the result; with less ageing, greater success and joyfulness because the Quantum Mind Tech tools (QMTtools) of Blue Matrix Energetics (BME) incorporate all of those elements in the information provided.

During the early stage of brain change after the dozing off period some readers will look around the room and see their life differently with old prejudices or fears gone and are then ready to move forward.  Some will redecorate their homes, toss out clutter, change jobs, personal appearance, parenting skills, relationship skills and many more aspects of life improve. New brain connections are made where old ones have been separated through the doziness and trance to change them in the cerebral cortex. 

Plasticity is a know fact about the brain in new research and there are books about neural plasticity by scientists and doctors out now about this subject. Plasticity is this neural change as described from learning and or enacting new behavior with determination.  Any age with a healthy brain is able to facilitate this change no guarantee is given at this time for age old dementia or mentally challenged readers for full plasticity changes.  In addition people who have had space craft skirmish related injury are able to do this because they are highly desirous of healing for their brains and a new life where they 'know' in many cases.  One reason is grey cloning techniques of using greys brain mass which is morphogenic and 'fast' faster than human brains with genetic curiosity in their race. Another is the frustration of NDE light review where there is a desire to map the understood learning of healing after NDE and to understand what took place. Re cloned people I have seen with grey, meiotic from human DNA and in some cases hair follicle from their own cranium or a combination with brilliant brains where you cannot tell they were ever healed this way. For more information please see the Andromeda for Well Being page of the Starlight'sdate main blog under the blue morpho butterfly linked to on this page. 

Brain plasticity is a miracle of our divine consciousness and is there for the rewiring of humanity into super humanity from the study and application of BME QMT tools. I wrote the starlight'sdate blog to help people get through these challenging times and welcome those who read and also those who would like to learn the advanced information in live events. Enjoy these articles and your new wiring.


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