Friday, October 6, 2017



This article is for all humans who have caught the cold or flu virus from dirty bathrooms, kitchen areas and who have allergies to help you combat problems which are in most households to a greater or lesser degree undetected. 

Science has found that it is possible to catch the cold virus from dirty sinks toilets shower stalls as viruses linger there as well as food poisoning from fridges and under sink areas where garbage canisters have crawling bacteria coming out into the food area if proper disinfectant is not used.  Using a house hold disinfectant spray between cleanings once weekly with a product like Lysol disinfectant is a good measure to take to cut down on microbes you and your family do not want to ingest or inhale.  Inside garbage cans, composting containers, under sink areas around toilets front hall areas, on furniture where pets may have visited, curtains, on old quilts anywhere where bacteria may linger may be sprayed with disinfectant in a well ventilated room.  Even inside athletic shoes you may spray these products to cut down on bacteria odor.   In addition pesticide  can be sprayed once every few months to combat spider mites which build their cobwebs in corners of the rooms and may also ruin plants if you find them infested with spider mite webs which virulently suck the life out of plants leaving the leaves light green and life less.  

Dust with long armed duster your corners of the ceilings and vacuum with your narrow attachment then spray these areas with a common house hold pesticide for spiders.   Include your vacuum cleaner inside the canister or where your bag sits because the odor spewed into a room from the vacuum cleaner usually includes some microbes being spread into your environment.  Those irritated by all this who protest with their immune system forming allergies malfunctioning in the immune system will find some relief from the chemicals used to clean the environment.  If you have chemical allergies you may see an aromatherapy specialist because some essential oils have an anti - bacterial property such as mint, eucalyptus and tea tree oil, cinnamon may also benefit as it has a burning sensation like some pesticides and lemon.   These may be mixed with a little water or solution or alcohol they sell and sprayed into canisters and your cleaning appliances instead of regular products.  In addition mint oil mixed with a lotion is excellent to apply to feet.  Fights fungus and odor and refreshes tired feet like crazy. For non morning people you can add a couple of drops to your shampoo as well it provides very stimulating eye opening results to get you going before work. 

If you do not have allergies regular products are fine just ventilate the areas you spray and do not breathe them in directly. 

On occasion chemical allergies that exist in a very small fraction of the population come about from mite and other bacteria allergy first that escalate into allergy to many things.  Use one part Tea Tree oil with five parts rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle as an alternative to chemical pesticides it works very well.

Nothing natural ever cured spider mites off my gardenias; nothing I had to go all out with pesticide soap spray they were still infested and that did the job.  Re vacuum canisters use the pesticide to kill mites and in between use Lysol or other disinfectant spray to cut on bacterial growth every time you empty your vacuum cleaner.   Many have reported a significant decrease in allergies from using this advice.  In addition clean things like make up brushes and sponges with soap or shampoo pat dry and air dry once a week to keep your skin free of bacteria from your brushes.  

Produce may be washed in a sink filled with a tiny bit of soap in cold water.  I find an oily sludge comes off some imported fruits and vegetables that have been handled a lot or sitting in areas close to traffic.   even chicken that has sat and is getting pre rot smell of salmonella.  The soap removes this and with your regular seasonings the meat tastes the same simply rinse well and do not keep the meat if it is turning greenish brown it is spoiling.

For babies over six months of age who crawl hand sanitation is very important in combatting colds and flus so hand sanitizer gel used alone or with a bit of baby lotion after is important also to protect the child from consuming bugs especially in homes with pets who track microbes in from outside the home or from litter or other pet cages.  Continue to sterilize your baby's bottles till age one is advised as well. Spray change up to daily with Lysol when the child is out of the room and windows are open as well as diaper pails when you empty them.

Spray pet areas weekly too such as around bowls, (wash those too to avoid microbes making your pet vomit)  and around their beds and heavily used resting areas.  Keep the pet away from sprayed areas till they fully dry. Do not spray Tea Tree around food and water and bedding  areas may irritate eyes.  Nor near babies crawling under 6 months of age. 

All this advice should reduce substantially cold and flu and allergy problems to give your immune systems a break when you are under stress.

Use Lysol or any commercial disinfectant in all garbage cans, composting bins, shoe closet,(light spray over soles at a distance will not harm shoes) sofas any coverlets that are not washed weekly and sit till spring dry cleaning, carpets, any areas where you leave the place for long periods without cleaning as mentioned to refresh and disinfect.  Clean your bathrooms kitchens thoroughly once a week to aviod cold virus and other bacteria from crawling on your general use areas.  Throw out tooth brushes monthly  buy new ones.  Disinfect weekly dish plastic drying wrack base and cutlery area. Monthly spray and clean your under sink area at least thought spraying your cans will reduce germ crawl there as well as taking garbage recycling and composting if you have it out daily. Salmonella, listeria,  and other sicknesses are bred from not cleaning after meats cheeses and others things have been cut and put into sinks so clean well after meats also. I have washed chicken in water with a drop of soap and it took off smelly scum off still good chicken which smelled strong from too warm temperatures in store the juice was rotting but the chicken was still good. 

On pesticides if you are not allergic to them  you may use something like Raid for spiders to spray in vacuum canisters once every three to six months as well as corners of rooms where cob webs form and may also contribute to plant spider mites. Each time you vacuum and change the bag spray it with Lysol or  other disinfectant then treat with pesticide it cuts down on dust mites that may contribute to allergies and general stuffy nose seemingly coming from nowhere.  This also you may do with mini vacs and canister vacs.  

Re garbage recycling and composting large containers spray with pesticide one to every three months to reduce insect problem associated with garbage and composting.  Spray with Lysol or disinfectant each week if you like to monthly your large cans as well.  Use pesticides out doors away from your face and in well ventilated areas only keep away from small children keep children from those areas till completely dry.

In your child's room clean their toy boxes and spray with disinfectant monthly treat diaper pails and change tables also.  Ventilate one half hour after spraying in babies room removing your child from the area.  

Tea Tree oil is the best insecticide I have found that is non chemical mix it with rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle, no carrier oil, about one part oil to five parts alcohol.  It is very strong, open windows or you may get over menthol, a natural effect of the oil. It is very good sprayed on feet to prevent microbes also spray a little not to saturate.  Use at least twice a week if you have areas that attract pests.

Kitchen sponges use a plastic container with hot water and dishwashing, liquid soap leave your sponge in there prevents mold growth in the sponge.  

ALL NEW INFORMATION HERE ON GERM BUSTING PREVENTION your immune system explained and how the observer may control it consciously in my books.  Enjoy these pages, A bonus from Golden City. 


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