Sunday, October 17, 2021




This is a valid document for this reason, since generation X came on the scene and after till today, there is an increase in the incarnation of young people who have this as their hidden motive, to cherish one another.  In X it is hidden because they have all the social behavior that is acceptable in society if they want to, otherwise they tend to be a little unconventional, but those they bring into their lives they have a motive to cherish them in truth in relationship of personal, friendship and business.  Generations after X were the starry eyed youth that looked lovingly at every one and wanted to wait to have sex later when they got to know one another in deep friendship. 

Some of the tensions we have experienced in the world are from people who do things differently who are sex trade savvy or manipulative offending these groups who are disinterested in the old relations that spread disease rampantly including AIDS on the planet.  They are called predators who are there for self gratification to use another for the fantasy or human slavery darker motive. I have observed this dynamic surge in recent years for about fifteen years and that is why I have written this for the young to know about the silent wars around sex and coercion on this planet in our modern times.  

When you are very open and loving to people, wide eyed and innocent looking and they look at you and smile embrace you, this is a kinder earth you are seeing and participating in.  If you are opportunzied by crime and I call them crime because it is the moment they do this, subvert to use you in some way it is opportunizing hidden motive that may involve human slavery unknown to you which is crime.   It is this subtle.  Is it alright for a store keeper who sees you young attractive and walking with our friends stopping to talk saying, "stand right here next to my sign you look great!"  To attract customers?  Did he pay you a modelling fee?  That begins it the use of society as sexual lure to sell.  We went through a phase where the news had cheesecake posters of women that were removed but that is how rampant it was.  Good genetics attractiveness vibrancy and health are often treated as a commodity because everybody wants them.   The new generations of people incarnated attractive young vibrant and healthy are here to stop the opportunizing of genetics as traded sexually or for business without consent and subversive marriages of using each other for profit like a bad business deal or their lives may be compromised by it if it hits them.   They want to hold hands, lie in the grass under the trees looking at the sky, go to the beach, surf hang out with friends and in the corporate world create nice imagery for people to remember kinder times.  They do not want to fight depression, angst subterfuge dramas to end up on drugs sick with Aids.  I was living in an area with social services for people down town and watched people from corporations end up down here to services of aids or homeless shelter from bad marriages lost completely to any meaning, job losses, broken by what I'm telling you people have used each other for.  They would have big profiles or ads for business and we'd see them here strung out skinny beyond belief with muscle loss used up in the conflicts raging around personal sovereignty nd the creation of happiness and stability like a casualty of the right to genetic ownership our own! 

If you are an ad for a swim suit model provider and the put it beside a stock market company to cause a stir this is where the suggestion for subliminal hit to trade, for example or to attend a restaurant they put  it beside it is appearing there not in the businesses advertising empty of it completely,  They did not put a patio filled with bikini clad babes out they have been pointed to this way subliminally by the ad placement in some instances.  Hollywood fought this with imagery of models or actors protected for the purpose of their goods or services, not pointing to others businesses. Another example taking a profile of a well endowed woman, sharing her post with her attractive photo from another company that sells other merchandise on a business board making it appear as if this woman is endorsing their product or service.   Furthermore if the owner is sickly of the business pointed to, it borrows good health look from the other business photo in appearance.

If you keep an eye out for this type of thing on business or social networks and leave them it can avoid problems later that may be greater than what we are writing here that gets into laws about genetic sovereignty and ownership of intellectual property also as genetic records in the brain, for the court system to tackle, which may provide some precedent setting cases in the future where it is discussed because of demand for this:  protection of our brains as intellectual private property owned by the observer.   Whole degrees are in peoples brains, their careers and lives.  If you see the warning signs and go off you may be spared heart ache later.  This is where in gene therapy for example, cleaner laws must be there to provide protection for the participant in gene therapy not maintain that property as private and untouched for the mind not to be less than before the therapy taking any opportunity away from such.  If you have five qualifications and two degrees, that is your time and development, your attainment of find it is your property.    Laws to protect this are vital in an age where there has been increase of predatory conduct on others who appear genticaly attractive and or well educated.   

You can still be wide eyed and innocent embracing of people but the moment theres a latch on to you for any favors or requests that takes energy from you in ways you did not agree to give it get out of there leave those people behind report them if theres impropriety of a sexual or coercive nature to make agreements with elements that are not conclusive of the actual agenda with total disclosure to you of how you and others will be affected.

Your credentials, have a file on yourself on hand or even a list of qualifications with your work presented people can verify. This will help avoid problems of inappropriate conduct in your day snagging you because of litigation implications from such because you can verify you truth not have corporate theft of your ideas not clearly defined as yours as our qualifications. Perhaps a weekend marketing course on what is being presented by you that someone accused you of taking another's idea you provide squashing the accusation, this has happened before in matters of grey areas about intellectual property as genetic.  Is it the brain as grey matter storing your information off limits respected or grey area manipulation? That should be also defined.

The fraud investigated we found was most prevalent in people age 60 and older who may have had younger ones recruited for their cause. Those are the statistics we were looking at.  Prices were much lower in pre baby boom era of everything, after interest rates for mortgages had hit 18 percent with sky rocketing inflation in Canada in the 1980's. Fifty percent of them cheated on their taxes was purported for this reason and they hid money for shopping from partners.  Savings accounts you could make up to 6 percent interest today it s one to 2 and a half tops but mortgage rates plummeted and that is to day so theres no past proverbial knife to the throat financially with a mortgage for example, no reason for such subversive measures to be enacted.  Their pension rates are very low which makes the reality of financial struggle upon baby boom generation continue as they were expected to save on RRSE's to live off after the mortgage rates dropped putting some of them into bankruptcy raising children.  How do we know many did not go for sexual favors to save their families? We heard many did.  Do you see the mind in the closet described? There in a  portion of this demographic never discussed hidden yet some how it affects our corporates world. So hwen youre wide eyed new at the office and these older seasoned people or their new proteges walk by you they are some times cold and ignore you in fact some may fire you if you're too happy go lucky at yoru job youre not what they need. That is how shocking this was to young people out of college with degrees and qualifications. Some of us are sick of these people will not bow down to them and ant them to  grow up  and get with the times not to ruin others lives with subversion so bad there dying of cancer from it at home scared shitless of low pension rates trying to wrack up investment is puling young into them also they need them to make the money some stressed not understanding the driving motivation behind this.   We recognize they went through hardships but it was hidden unspoken and we do not want to be their prey for impropriety in the work place or investment world or anywhere because pensions are low and they are terrified.  Furthermore their generation was this, "don't talk about it!"  Screaming at their kids to be silent about family secrets.  That is where silencing of humanity also took place. their proteges should know where this all comes from to really look if they want to serve it tagging along to get rich putting down their fellow staff who is too bright eyed and bushy tailed told by another, "if he gets to sleep with her and you introduce them you'll get promoted."  Sex brokering now at the office taking place off the record, nothing official. That is old 80's soap style drama happening.

I have seen young people like this in their 20's end up in hospitals in shock nervous break downs from it then home on pills to deal with it in utter lack of understanding.  The author met micro management of this nature also and thought geez, if it was this hard on me what are the 20 year old's doing?? Do they have any idea?  I hope therye not living in terror in some paces because of photos of young women gone murdered in extreme cases of crime that where things go wrong at the office and someone stumble so not something illegal and is gone tht fast from a business  is fired and ends up at services on psychiatric medication stunned unable to talk about anything and totally lost getting sick not understanding fully what has happened to them.    College grads should not be thrown away from new generations of young this way from crime.

If you are savvy in the world and safer you may agree to nothing without full terms disclosed to you of another's intent and watch out for sites on line with questionable activity that crime can go un undetected and  'people' collect for trading pyramids and theft of customer lists for profits of other sales and or trading scams. They begin to make rules for them running a pyramid that you have to trade for five grand to get a job or sale for example or buy a certain good or service, or they defame your application slander it.  I have seen this happen.  It is crime these sites if legitimate, may be silently trying to fight.

So innocent eyed new generations observe armed with this information more carefully,  you may share it very quietly till this is gone from the planet the crime, as anonymous to a friend the author advises or in your name if the friend is long standing but does not mention your name to others is my advice for the time being.  This is for those working in companies especially where they'd fire you for it, those who run the questionable activity.   I know those also it is your world also,  you create it the way you want it, with good will to man kind. I'm tired of people saying about you, you look like wide eyed dolls and counting how may of you they have in line for things they want to sell you. It's your world, they're retiring soon be assertive do not lose your minds to all this subversion out there. Andromedans told me this the young ones have a gene tht says, "I can't hid this I want to scream it proudly!"  I will tell you this that is where before you generation X came with the gene to be able to not tell it all for safety reasons.  So to avoid violence which has happened  to some in heated debates over all this, crime provided beatings and loss of work, housing, life, survival threats human rights you can sue for if you sue correctly and  you go to the highest courts and legislative assemblies that keeps politicians accountable every where, that is the only way.   If they are not corrupt they don't care if you write there they'll thank you to help them end it. Have concise information you write after freaking out, not during if you are affected adversely by corporate impropriety or any that violate your human rights. that is where we suggest you use that gene that wants to express things proudly if you need to, it moves mountains of injustice and crime out of you or way to be your innocent selves, loving others cherishing one another again in a normal society that does not penalize you for it, it is called good will to mankind these people are losing. Now you have maximized your genetics expression in leadership for your sovereignty. Do it quietly it is your privacy because others may not m be like you  and prey on innocence. I dont want to see people in their 20s in dumpsters any more confused about what happened to them.  It is living your truth if you do anything not having to yell it to those who don't care wasting your energy, know the difference.  If homes in their time that sold for 40 thousand dollars are now 3 million for same square footage and location and you are promised by crime to get your own place so needy because of opportunizing this fact or anything else, be careful following them if people were ending up in dumpsters as some did for houses to buy according to some sources.  


  Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about...