Sunday, March 10, 2024



Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about this topic. I found this specie of animal to be somewhat misunderstood and was actually asked to provide a care article for the reason of some accidental abuse of the animals through misunderstanding.

Cats are very cute and cuddly as kittens attracting pet owners and grow up to be somewhat aloof independent type of animals with intense gaze of other creatures and owners. They are not dissimilar to snakes hissing spitting when afraid or angry and set largely in their autonomic system. For this reason they're very good with those owners who like to relax and tune into their pet without the hyper activity of dog behavior some like some do not.  Cats will sit on your chest after a meal and stare into your eyes purring so they like those not uncomfortable with intimacy who are less shy from deep eye gaze. They are liter box trained or on large private property out doors and do not need to be walked. I recommend them to those who have floors not carpet for the odd accident reeks of the strongest urine smell on the planet and is hard to get out. Though I had two pure bred cats on carpeted floors with no accidents so it is possible.

Basic things I advise for all cat owners is the following: clean food and water dishes, good quality  dry cat food, any from pet stores that have some natural ingredients, cat bed, most important item for training a cat, scratch post even simple made from straw covering it. Cats have high need to scratch when growing up and later some also. Cat litter box, cat litter best is clumping some synthetics may work if cat is not weepy eyes from it. Cat toys, a track ball trap is good, small stuffed animals they can scratch and carry around, top ones snakes and teddy bears are favorites among cats.  Nail clippers for clipping tips of nails, and a cat brush or horse rubber massage mit if you can find one, rub the cats fur to dislodge hair then smooth over the cats fur you will get tons of hair that is not digested as fur balls then expulsed. They will freak at first then let you do it use treats after each brushing forever and nail trim advised.  That is why floors over carpet, horking fur ball ropes that are wiped easily, not staining carpet is best home for a cat pet or areas they can be left in if you are gone for long time working to avoid this mess they all make on occasion summers during shedding usually.  Spray and neuter them at five months to avoid spraying later urine to mark territory.  EG a dog visits with owner they get upset and spray the carpet with urine where the dog sat. Why floors are best also in case of accidents. Also avoid touching cats underside if sleeping till it trusts you totally they can claw you. They  will usually hide from visiting kids unless they play with them with a cat toy. Tell the child not to pick the cats up to entice it with a game or toy instead to avoid scratching visitors.

Water bottle with spray nozzle you will need for training not to scratch or to eat your plants. Cat nip instead of plants. Squirt the cat on stream setting if it is scratching your furniture or carpets or biting plants. they re not harmed and dislike water will get the idea.  Place cat or kittens pas on scratch post making scratching motion they'll use it in about 3 days with this training forever and if they scratch anything else squirt them with the bottle. Eventually the own touch anything but that post forever. If you are stuck with carpet with your kitty enzyme cleaner is best for dissolving stains. Clipping nails after vein ends only to avoid bleeds when they look too long.

Play time, toss a stuffy at them they'll kick it scratch it attack it showing off how good they are as predator prey on it and this helps kittens who want to bite and scratch hands or ankles never kick a cat it will get broken ribs easily or hurt organs. Spray bottle and toss the stuffy at it to attack not your body. They do not need tons of toys, will even chase a ribbon dragged through the room behind you to play. 
Sleep time avoid putting our cat in bed thought a few days of cuddling with new kittens most do and it does not hurt them they are in warm blankets with a new owner missing their mother and siblings.  After I advise put them in their own sleep room with cat bed round soft ones are fine then they won't sleep in your hair the love to do and drool all over that your face or play mice jumping at our feet in the middle of the night.  The may cry but they'll get used to it the sleep room away from you. 

Best owners will buy two cats put vases away and go to work or school or wherever if you are not retired. The will play together not miss company and sleep in sleep room at night well no crying first nights usually may spend less time with you on your lap but are highly entertaining doing acrobatics through the home to entertain and play with each other.  Then days end they usually visit owner to sit on the lap time, they schedule you in usually. Catnip is good for rolling around and spacing out as a treat as are cat soft food teats during training. Siting on lap or chest with claw reflex some do this some do not, Small hand towel folded twice helps not to get annoyed at this for them to reflex all over where the claws hit. For new kittens moisten dry good with a little water if you want change if not eaten. 
Growling and wagging tail is anger at something leave them to sort it out usually not related to owner. If its visitor put in another room till the leave or spray bottle it. They'll leave in a huff and sit under a sofa or somewhere hiding till offense is gone. 

New invention self cleaning cat litter boxes, they may cost your more than the cat but are a treat for those who hate cat box cleaning.

Enjoy your cats, they will love you back and give tons of affection when they get to know you as owner well. PS if there's too many space ships in the sky, put your cat in a dark room with a place to hide, it won't spray or mess will be fine or hide with it under a blanket some like to cuddle with owner protecting it. 


  Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about...