Internet safety is more difficult to day than ever before because of hacking being a new crime trend that has grown where perpetrators look for debit credit card information, computer information pass words email accounts and more to seize and to spend others money even taking from accounts monies or for deposit waiting to go into accounts from vendors or payment companies has occurred as well. A growing form of financial terrorism this has grown that terrorises the public financially. Most people have been unprepared for such attacks on their finances. What is needed is preventative measures to prevent it.
- Clear history every time you leave surfing.
- Set medium or high security on the computer.
- Some pornography sites have hack opportunities you may not want to be exposed to.
- Gaming has hack opportunities through email or ID theft adding a gaming profile another person who hacks on the system. Check email for other profiles added you may have not.
- Check you phones to ensure youre not call forwarded to another party who breaks laws in your name.
- Third parties to banking parties must ask for valid ID of any officers calling to incriminate to seize income that can be called and verified through a superior if such is claimed.
- Email must be protected use verification that does not allow log on without phone is the best. Protect on line log ins such as cable channels or any in the same way fi available phone verification and banking same phone verification.
- Be careful on pornography sites that some have hacked to get personal information or to infect viruses.
- Be careful of gaming for this ID theft that some add to email profile as a gaming profile to hack on email. Some have collected lists of people this way.
- Any authorities that claim to be authorized to take money or access yoru sites or ID we advise to verify with superiors ocne they provide name and or ID. for avoiding fake warantless scams that peopel owe money to the government.