Sunday, March 10, 2024
Monday, June 5, 2023
Heroin users have said, 'It is to watch the life go by but to slow it down to observe it as slow as possible to understand this using heroin.' The drug brings the observers biology down in frequency nearly stretching it in black bouncing if you take too much back and forth with heart stopping nearly beating very slow. Usually if they take less they sleep deeply as if they are in deepest state of rest possible. Now I have seen the bodies of users look bruised or discoloration or as if they're getting flimsy in the body. That is caused by not enough UV level healing hyperspace after the stretchy black first level of far infra red to cool dark matter approaching visible light happening. So some spike with crack to go faster after a few days. They are trying to map the brain to see what life is and how were held together. I said god this is terrible because in order to do this you have to go fast and it gives you a run of information in slow.
When I ascended with no drugs found BME Straspin I bent to ball shining star size dematerializing in gamma brain wave frequency. I grabbed a computer keyboard and wrote about this in slower space time for nearly 20 years now that is how information about what they wanted to know flows from fast to slow realization in day or you get stuck at exceptionally slow learning on the drugs about this.
That is my commentary on learning about our life energy and what happens to us. If you are very I'll dying the drugs help and many take them to help them. If you are very healthy you likely do not use much. Natural brain chemistry is there from advanced practice of BME that makes most vomit from how strong it is if they don't practice till they do that is our drugs. Inner brain forming its firing. That means they could hyperspace their DNA through the light vibration spectrum more and more over time to be adept masters golden humanity that may ride ships we build later of anti gravity.
On heroin in antigravity current technology in outer space people bled on heroin were unstable in space they had to turn engines off and coast.
Crack is in modern times as enticing to senses as msg in chips with new fruity fizzy flavoring and scent added users must be aware not to code out on it, heart attack if they get chest constriction and or upper body seizing muscles like arms chest seek medical attention immediately. People who fall this way may have had a heart attack and if they flop forward and cannot get up deep in trance they are in a heavy trip where they may have taken too much for cardio health to be maintained and are in upper and and lucid passing out trance at the same time. With dictatorial conduct on it heart is approaching stress if users rant yell or abuse. If they are high, smiling friendly and more expressive lucid its more the dealers desired result and smaller dose effect. Mucous discharge in lungs forms from crack smoking in some cases as it hits in concentrated vapor the lung mass that causes cold fire in higher vibration the lung mass to prevent internal injury that may occur from a small area of tissue engaged with concentrated substances. The lungs then play catch up with the homeostasis providing expulsory mucous late after the smoking is finished to rid the lings of offence in slower space time mostly now gone and any residue. Therefore deep inhalations of it are not recommended. I have walked into a bathroom after crack was smoked and got raspberry candy smell up the nose and a head high without smoking it. Those who make crack told me it said, it is for lighting around you to sit in the vapor not to directly inhale as it spikes high fast. Flopping over or sleeping wrecks the effect and they may get a cough. Charred tissue smell is common around the crack deep inhumation.
Marijuana may be associated with memory loss so not advised to smoke it before important presentations. It helps take edge off violent altercations or to other traumas and help people sleep after such. People cannot replay memory of trauma after smoking it as easily but this should not replace counselling or medical help if they need it.
The BME Straspin gives good UV off drugs and implantation by Ets that binds light they need to go go out then it works to move to UV healing phase fast for preventative self care and self healing. Using drugs exhausts the biology so the person is catching up more slowly on health recovery.
In BC Canada most of these drugs are now decriminalized be careful with them and we hope this info is helpful to avoid trips to the hospital.
At BME practice centers we do not advise use of any narcotics or recreational drugs please see your physician if you have more questions about this topic and what is right for you as a consumer and safe they may provide.
Monday, January 2, 2023
Marilyn Starlight's Gym Workout
This is a very good exercise routine to do at the local gym, it covers all the muscle groups and works well to maintain good physique and cardiovascular fitness. Not recommended for overweight people, work with a trainer to avoid accidents. For elderly people stick to aerobic based exercise to avoid injury unless you did weights your whole life and are used to it warm up well to avoid injury. If you have an average to slender build this is for you. this was my body building routine for many years that produced very good results. This has elements of most fitness training professional trainers' programs taught to them and body builders have used. My special abdominal combo is included. I was known my whole life for very flat, tight abs from this routine enhancing my genetics.
Warm up on cardio machine for twenty minutes to thirty your favorite machine, minutes, then go to the weight room.
Exercise One
Peck deck on an incline bench take two dumbbells your desired weight and do ten to twenty presses straight up and back to the chest. you may follow this with flat bench chest presses on a bar loaded with desired weight. Begin with light weight and increase to heavier if you are a beginner.
Exercise Two
Lat pull downs, sit on the bench and pull the lat machine bar behind your neck with arms wide on the handlebars. Repeat ten to twenty times then place hands closer on the bar and pull down behind the neck again for another set. Sit on the bench lean back and pull the lat bar down to the chest in front for a third set. That gets deeper into the back muscles and involves triceps.
Exercise Three
Dumbbell curls, pick up dumbbells to a weight of your choice, curl both arms together and then back down repeat for a set of ten to twenty for bicep strength. Turn arms out slightly to hit the outer bicep do another set. Alternately you may use a bar stacked with plates for this also or add it after.
Exercise Four
Tricept curl, pick up a lighter dumbbell hold with both arms and straight over head and bend elbows with the dumbbell behind your back, do your set ten to twenty reps. you may do another set with individual arms bent behind your back with two more lighter dumbbells.
Exercise Five
Squats, go to squat rack load reasonably light weight on the bar place over your shoulders with feet shoulder width apart toes pointing straight, slowly bend to ninety degrees only, (wear knee wraps if you need them for support) and straighten back up repeat, do ten to twenty presses.
Exercise Six
Quad extensions, sit on the bench of the quad curl extension machine, load the weight to your best choice, extend your legs straight and then slowly back down breathing deeply and exhaling as you go for your ten to twenty reps.
Exercise Seven
Hamstring curls, lie on your stomach after loading your optimum weight, press the leg curls as far as you can to your, buttocks as possible try not to arch your back for your reps of ten to twenty.
Exercise Eight
Calf raises, stand on a calf raise machine, load the plates do calf raises on the ball of yoru feet up then let the feet hang down past the foot bar to stretch the calf muscle do your reps then point toes in ward repeat and outward and repeat the reps. Stretch the calves well before you go off the machine.
Exercise Nine
Decline sit ups. Hang from the bench and cross yoru arms over your abdomen do your sit ups ten to twenty reps. Increase the reps as you improve.
On a mat or flat bench with leg support, lie flat, do more sit-ups repeat your reps.
Stretch legs out on the bench and do leg raises, ten to twenty working lower abs.
Lie on a mat and do crunches with legs bent to stomach, forward one set then to one side another set and to the other side another set working obliques.
Lie flat and stretch, all the muscle groups on a mat for fifteen minutes that you worked. Hamstrings quads back arms abs etc.
Replenish liquids and have a light snack or health beverage before you head home, usually fitness bars offer these.
Work to increase weights as you build muscle once you reached yoru optimum keep that weight stack for the fitness level attained. Do routine one to three times a week. One the progress will be very slow but some strength training has been done. Two, progress will show better results, three times is ideal with rest and recovery between days of fitness to allow for full healing and muscle growth. Rest between work outs is better than pounding the body all three days in a row. You do not need to attend gym five days a week it may lead to injury from muscle growth not supported with enough rest. This routine will produce a fit physique without huge muscle growth, but moderate for good health and attractive appearance. This venue in Van BC is eclectic and a good place to socialize. Mr. Wonderful on AI is not there. Only Golden City types like you may go there not him.
Always drink regular fluids before you engage in drinking alcohol after work outs to avoid dehydration and believe it or not arterial sclerosis high cholesterol. You may crave more food including fat after working gout always eat this as your appetite dictates avoid low carab low fat diets this may lead to problems with kidneys too high protein and fatigue and high cholesterol not eating enough fat with some cholesterol such as eggs all athletes need for replacement of the fat and cholesterol goes up during working out phase using it up. This is from the authors wisdom on fats cholesterol and diets avoid mega vitamins who tell your body you ate too much nutrients shutting down healthy appetite and causing craving for junk food empty calories with no nutrients to battle the horse pill mega doses. Most lose weight going off these and eat more than before balanced diet food less junk cravings. high cholesterol will be produced by this routine usually coming home after the gym drinking alcoholic beverage then waiting till alter producing cholesterol to protect the brain and then food is binged late starving after sleeping a few hours after the gym fatigue and drinkey poo, their metabolism raised by gym begins to shut down into starvation, so they overeat waking up starved and gain weight! That grows gut and arterial sclerosis in the brain and body may result from much needed cholesterol from both the work out and drink leading to needing it produced by the stressed body instead. Never do or go on low fat died low carb after doing it even worse, heart may palpitate from lack of carbs, this always eat and replenish fluids after a workout. Then they may think something is wrong with them and go on starvation and high protein diets that can damages the kidneys etc Replace all the lost nutrients with food groups after working out to avoid all this, He authors at Halloween slender with good abs.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
This area now replaces the Starligth's dates blog, Aryana Starlight's articles from Blue Matrix Energetics introductory information. There are new books I have written that are a better compilation of information from me for you to enjoy than the old blog as well, to find them simply search Aryana Starlight on line. You will find two things on Golden City Enterprises E books technology for any of your devices. On Barnes and Noble the hard copy books of high quality. Enjoy both for your reading enjoyment! They are all a part of the Golden City super conscious mind product offerings.
May you find each other in Golden City forming when you participate in our exceptional high quality offerings of intelligent good sand services. Watch for this Golden City key or a floating, animated 8 pointed star on our products and participating Golden City partners for promotions of goods and services who buy one and a re approved as super conscious provoking mind products of excellence including the biological energy science of the incarnated observer in Blue Matrix Energetics.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Le Petite Cafe is a place to gather the inspiration of the day for creative genius and a contemplative moment to welcome the inspiration of the glorious richness of sovereign entity as empowered by the Holy Spirit the Messiah modern with retro grooves, history of North African beats back to Mesopotamia golden wings sprouting for those ready to see that would not be overcome with fear after having topped a Christmas tree with an angel. Messiah is the music of an angelic being made manifest on Earth that has a message of hope for a better world and a greater tomorrow. We come in all guises when we reach here and cannot be reproduced and are not limited to one gender.
We are the gift of dreams of a collective lost and ailing who have brave moments of touching another reality through a hazy curtain where light begins to spill forth from their souls and then the curtain closes again and the power is given away to a myth of it having been someone else. So we see the hilarity of the situation of those not daring to believe that it is them too and we come to this incarnation to provide the teachings, ascend from them and prove its possible for those teachings are tested and have provided results of no ageing and eventual ascension possible for some superbly persistent.
Energy science fact: being the star of the day has a brain effect called a gamma burst that is also the firing in the brain of inspiration in a joyous state! Huge amplification of the information sent on this lovely beam from a gamma burst to the quantum field occurs. Remember in creating something you must observe it correctly so on that order from the quantum field that we put forth is the observable order. So what is that? Observing all the other people milling about getting lost in the bathroom for hours conversing about fashion and a new car? Where's the order babes? Someone else was sitting knowing that he placed it and knowing it would arrive he got it. At fine dining no one worries his or her order will not arrive and the quantum field is exactly the same so to worry is demented behavior. Place your quantum field order for your reality during Le Petite Cafe focus time and it always arrives on schedule according to how that is formed.
If you have suffered over stress, follow this instruction: pick up your cup of coffee or tea and state,' I am so enraged or terrified at what has happened to me I am picking up my cup and pouring huge insistence into it that I am healed of all ailments therefore I direct that energy I would have spilled making myself more unwell potentially to the correct action of the Alchemist transmuting my body in this moment to ultimate radiance!! Drink and be
well. If you experience a miracle the old you is dead. It died the brain can't fire it any more it died.
For more advanced practice do Le Petit Café at the end of your BME Starspin practice spinning fast! This is off any buddy time on ships.
Now I even felt this sound so less magical than fairy stuff and magic shows yet it is how it works for real so you can map it in the big brain and accept it. It is possible however after ascension to sit and have things appear from alchemy and to turn a basic liquid like water into another one like orange juice for example that is spoken of in the last training session Advanced Quantum Mind Tech tools and the science of it is explained. It involves huge hyperspace activity that is like training for the Olympics as far as mastery. You cannot do this for another it robs their observer and creates fakery and possible injury people have to train and do it themselves like running a triathlon. My DNA was borrowed for this at places of fanaticism and I was horribly hurt also when people borrowed 'alchemy' off me nearly killing me the space craft did with 'stealing it.'
Now coffee lovers I'm one of them there are several tips I can share with you from my ***coffee review*** basically any vacuum sealed ground coffee is amazing the best I found are Italian ones like Roso and also French roast if you can find it, Arabic coffee, moka java, and any other you find. The price is reasonable for what you get as quality and i is smoother than any coffee house blend I have found thus far those little sealed foil squares you grab off the shelf in the coffee isle in any supermarket. If you have a coffee filter I recommend the metal ones so all the oils flow through to your cup for richest flavor or an espresso press or hand press or even Turkish; you can let it sit for a minute after stirring vigorously and then scoop the grounds out from the bottom after a few minutes then add your other ingredients; it is delicious this way also. Never bitter these little coffee boxes they are good find for Le Petit Cafe coffee lovers. I even drink mine cold. Still good. It's about one Tbsp. per big mug then pour your hot water in or for same measure in your coffee machine or press. Enjoy the worlds best coffees!
You will not believe what a fully open brain gives you as the future possible. This is a focus you can extend through the year on big goal setting usually given in our events in something called Holographic Navigation System (HNS) in event III. I give you this for your Petite Cafe extension to do this after the first daily focus is complete your longer term focus usually we do. Full teaching is at the event with me in person or other BME Instructors teaching with Stargate of Success full teaching on the camera eye we advise a live teacher to instruct you on in person or through our correspondence program. Don't forget the day you sign up for the BME event with me focus on you signing up for your event! Same with any service or good we have for smooth transactions without fail.
Never to be forgotten is the order of the day when the star of the day desires to shine brighter more glorious more enriched and more confident than ever before and suddenly you find yourself here about to enter into a life changing experience!
First foods and non alcoholic beverages that are fresh juices and teas have a tonic (slightly stimulating effect) on the kidneys and lymphatic system that affects the production of cholesterol; the toning effect on these organs. In people with high cholesterol production these organs are often sluggish and over toxin processing. Ginger root, curry hot peppers, black pepper and stronger spices that are not simply savory are also stimulating to the immune regulating glands (also toning the non spicy savory herbs) and may be consumed by more sensitive type of people when they have re balanced their biological matrix and usually by everyone else also who has no trouble digesting those foods. Spices have an effect on running the mucous membranes encouraging the cleaning of debris from the sinuses and there is a tendency in some who consume spices to have less allergies affecting the sinuses and colds for the reason that it is already cleaning the membrane organs through running of mucous upon consuming spicy food which is what the cold virus does.
Heart burn is also heal able with the toning foods and the addition of yogurt especially as dessert or snack daily. Induce a vitamin C chew able or citrus fruit with calcium rich foods and your supplement daily for best absorption as advised by most nutrition experts.
NOTE: If tolerated a little red wine is proving to be beneficial as an anemia fighter and this will be established more strongly the benefits of red wine on hemoglobin over time as more research from the scientific community is published on the subject. Consumed with a meat dish it is usually assimilated well for those who are slightly anemic especially. Careful not to 'starch out' on high bean dishes and wine fermenting the whole mess overwhelming the kidneys again if sensitive otherwise go for it in balanced meals containing legumes. Radiation poisoning it fights also red wine.
Fitness is important also stay active, walk, use a rowing machine for all over body conditioning at home if you like (wide handle gliding ones are good for whole back used), take Tai Chi Sword form class if you like; also all over body conditioning with agility and finally click here on the picture for Starlight's body building routine mine I created from 20 years of gym work outs. I was highly active did horse back riding played tennis, badminton, swam and did athletic pursuits all my life.
Pause for an important check in to a clue to how you are wired for success in the application of the starlight's fare information...
NOTE: Make sure to include vitamin C, B if you are low on greens consumption for a few days and calcium; three key nutrients that help the brain function correctly under stress (chew able multi with iron and C are great for all usually and absorb more quickly coral calcium that is powdered is great; liquid calcium for children is also excellent. Ensure vitamin C is taken with calcium or calcium rich foods consumed with a citrus fruit this helps absorption of the calcium). Liquid organic iron is good also if you feel excess fatigue that may be iron deficiency.
I do not recommend mega dose or large vitamins for this reason: Your body is told it has enough nutrients more than enough when you take them so why are you eating? You need calories and fat protein carbs yet you are nutritionally filled up so you crave more empty calorie foods! It is not uncommon to find over weight or bulimia or anorexia on those supplements. When you go off all supplements and go back to food for about a month you re regulate yourself to eat right craving nutrient rich foods once more. Veggies fruit whole grains etc you crave shopping and cook them up! In a month you can add a chew-able low dose vitamin with iron, your protein shakes, and any other add ons like calcium for lactose intolerant. You can get enough calcium from yogurt cheese dairy and leafy greens and some fruit like papaya and bananas. Observer knows how to look at food and measure portions with appetite set to nourish without over eating very well if you follow support of its biology through elimination of mega dose nutrition supplements.
Body builders who eat very low fat risk brain 'dryness' like old people have; the often look weathered and aged for their biological age with shrinking brain mass. Reason is the brain is high fat content so it needs fat in the died essential fatty acids (EFA's) so include high quality oils in the diet to protect the brain. Also recommended for elderly people no just butter and eggs. Avocado sandwiches and good oils for example can be included in the diet. Helps dry old skin and hair also EFA's and glands are helped.
Obese people are wired sympathetic because of the added resistance of the fat cells drag on the nervous system. As crying is not an autonomic favorite for the observer of any weight (puts chemistry of downer into the cells and most people shake from the CNS from crying) heavy people rove another with affection often slower than the slender during love making in the mode of sensuality which then the emotion of love may create a heart tug that the heavier person is wired more easily towards. Usually in hyperspace navigation daily that all beings do unconsciously we read each other and have a like or dislike of another and most do not cling co dependently when they awaken for they have their own spiritual energetic practice sustenance. Obese people are wise to sit in silence and slow down and be present with themselves within; if they do this enough they will then understand the inner sustenance that is non co dependent yet still loving. BME Merkaba practice is also there to help and I have had many heavier students who excel at channeling their own divine energy in great healing of themselves and others in their practice of BME.
Many also have lost weight gradually and the biggest block to more weight loss was ironic; their marriages and that is why we offer two for one for couples to help create a loving, cohesive home where the study of energetic sciences is welcome and no one needs feel ostracized or left out.
Angelic grace is a term that also is appropriate for achieving fluidity of motion where when you walk into a room your presence is notices as you glided in on a joyous wave of confidence and are set correctly in your quantum field that flows forth effortlessly from your attention to the divine within cared for daily.
For any colitis symptoms or irritable bowel where you are finding grain roughage a problem consume vegetables with your meals and fruit away from the meal or half an hour prior (many find gas forms from fruit as dessert if they have digestive problems) use yogurt for dessert also soothes and digestive system and bowel. Many yummy dessert flavors are made now and available.
Bagels have 12-15 grams of protein bread about 4 so that is a good meal to have for lunch with your favorite meats cheeses that feeds the brain well for several hours.
Now before all the fun begins you can do this also to save your back andromedans said nine out of ten people have some back misalignment along the spine so I cured mine this way: I live with tight abs all day I push my stomach in and push the rib cage up and allow the body to relax the top part it pushes the energy up the spine also. You then do crunches daily at least 30 of them lying on your back knees bent to the side of the body ten with your arms behind your head straight to the body then then to the other side ten. Then put your fists under your but and point your toes leg raises up to ten if you can any amount. Work up to 90 crunches and 30 leg raises eventually once a day. You will notice your posture better and your abs stronger. You will also find this very helpful in child delivery later if you have strong abs. Usually crunches you can do pregnant the leg raises are not advised when you are past the first trimester or so. I had my abs flatted 2 weeks after delivery because I did crunches till the last day of my pregnancy. Also if you make a point of ending slouching forever by tightening your abs all day you will end all back pain usually. Takes about 3 to 6 months to change the brain it is well worth it for a pain free life. Bowel and reproductive organs work well also in fit people who have good lower ab muscles if you are reasonably free of stress causing illness or managing it as best as you can.
Andromedans reported to me their observations have shown that from the yogurt only before bed in reasonable amounts if a snack was desired and cessation of taking large vitamins non lactating non-pregnant population lost significant amounts of weight. Furthermore and I found this myself as well they were buying more fruits vegetables perceiving what nutrients they needed and prepared this in their meals getting most of our nutritional needs met with the lower dose gummy bear or other chewable vitamins being adequate nutritional needs if needed where by the large vitamin population was buying more junk food and less nutritious items such as fruits and vegetables with easy weight gain happening.
Starlight's Panic Attack Preventer quick meal:
This is very good if you are shaky with hunger and have had stress in the day and are near passing out from hunger and get home. Make toast with butter or margarine fry an egg with cheese or bacon add a tomato in the fry pan sliced if you want. Ideally soft boiled style inside flip once to sear egg white or scramble if you hate runny eggs. Serve on toast immediately. What happens is your Adrenalin running and hunger combined burns cholesterol to fight stress so eat it immediately eggs are goo d they have lecithin etc. the protein in them and cholesterol containing fat is high quality. This may prevent your body producing cholesterol like crazy later from stress related cholesterol deficiency in the diet where you need it. It is fast takes five minutes to make not more stress looking at meal ingredients that take longer to make. Yes you can pick up a burger from a drive through also it has cholesterol and you can handle it stressed and starving. You will not get fat even with a shake and fries. You will burn the cholesterol all of it. If you are not stressed and starving skip the extra cholesterol containing foods like the fries on those days if you eat burgers a lot.
Chocolate has about 50 mg of calcium for every 100 grams, it is a good source of calcium as well all three white, dark and milk.
BTW if you are feeling stale in the digestive from having eaten poor quality food with mild upset of the stomach radishes are very good sliced on cream cheese sandwich or with cottage cheese or eaten plain. They stimulate the digestive tract for increased blood flow to get it going.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
This is a valid document for this reason, since generation X came on the scene and after till today, there is an increase in the incarnation of young people who have this as their hidden motive, to cherish one another. In X it is hidden because they have all the social behavior that is acceptable in society if they want to, otherwise they tend to be a little unconventional, but those they bring into their lives they have a motive to cherish them in truth in relationship of personal, friendship and business. Generations after X were the starry eyed youth that looked lovingly at every one and wanted to wait to have sex later when they got to know one another in deep friendship.
Some of the tensions we have experienced in the world are from people who do things differently who are sex trade savvy or manipulative offending these groups who are disinterested in the old relations that spread disease rampantly including AIDS on the planet. They are called predators who are there for self gratification to use another for the fantasy or human slavery darker motive. I have observed this dynamic surge in recent years for about fifteen years and that is why I have written this for the young to know about the silent wars around sex and coercion on this planet in our modern times.
When you are very open and loving to people, wide eyed and innocent looking and they look at you and smile embrace you, this is a kinder earth you are seeing and participating in. If you are opportunzied by crime and I call them crime because it is the moment they do this, subvert to use you in some way it is opportunizing hidden motive that may involve human slavery unknown to you which is crime. It is this subtle. Is it alright for a store keeper who sees you young attractive and walking with our friends stopping to talk saying, "stand right here next to my sign you look great!" To attract customers? Did he pay you a modelling fee? That begins it the use of society as sexual lure to sell. We went through a phase where the news had cheesecake posters of women that were removed but that is how rampant it was. Good genetics attractiveness vibrancy and health are often treated as a commodity because everybody wants them. The new generations of people incarnated attractive young vibrant and healthy are here to stop the opportunizing of genetics as traded sexually or for business without consent and subversive marriages of using each other for profit like a bad business deal or their lives may be compromised by it if it hits them. They want to hold hands, lie in the grass under the trees looking at the sky, go to the beach, surf hang out with friends and in the corporate world create nice imagery for people to remember kinder times. They do not want to fight depression, angst subterfuge dramas to end up on drugs sick with Aids. I was living in an area with social services for people down town and watched people from corporations end up down here to services of aids or homeless shelter from bad marriages lost completely to any meaning, job losses, broken by what I'm telling you people have used each other for. They would have big profiles or ads for business and we'd see them here strung out skinny beyond belief with muscle loss used up in the conflicts raging around personal sovereignty nd the creation of happiness and stability like a casualty of the right to genetic ownership our own!
If you are an ad for a swim suit model provider and the put it beside a stock market company to cause a stir this is where the suggestion for subliminal hit to trade, for example or to attend a restaurant they put it beside it is appearing there not in the businesses advertising empty of it completely, They did not put a patio filled with bikini clad babes out they have been pointed to this way subliminally by the ad placement in some instances. Hollywood fought this with imagery of models or actors protected for the purpose of their goods or services, not pointing to others businesses. Another example taking a profile of a well endowed woman, sharing her post with her attractive photo from another company that sells other merchandise on a business board making it appear as if this woman is endorsing their product or service. Furthermore if the owner is sickly of the business pointed to, it borrows good health look from the other business photo in appearance.
If you keep an eye out for this type of thing on business or social networks and leave them it can avoid problems later that may be greater than what we are writing here that gets into laws about genetic sovereignty and ownership of intellectual property also as genetic records in the brain, for the court system to tackle, which may provide some precedent setting cases in the future where it is discussed because of demand for this: protection of our brains as intellectual private property owned by the observer. Whole degrees are in peoples brains, their careers and lives. If you see the warning signs and go off you may be spared heart ache later. This is where in gene therapy for example, cleaner laws must be there to provide protection for the participant in gene therapy not maintain that property as private and untouched for the mind not to be less than before the therapy taking any opportunity away from such. If you have five qualifications and two degrees, that is your time and development, your attainment of find it is your property. Laws to protect this are vital in an age where there has been increase of predatory conduct on others who appear genticaly attractive and or well educated.
You can still be wide eyed and innocent embracing of people but the moment theres a latch on to you for any favors or requests that takes energy from you in ways you did not agree to give it get out of there leave those people behind report them if theres impropriety of a sexual or coercive nature to make agreements with elements that are not conclusive of the actual agenda with total disclosure to you of how you and others will be affected.
Your credentials, have a file on yourself on hand or even a list of qualifications with your work presented people can verify. This will help avoid problems of inappropriate conduct in your day snagging you because of litigation implications from such because you can verify you truth not have corporate theft of your ideas not clearly defined as yours as our qualifications. Perhaps a weekend marketing course on what is being presented by you that someone accused you of taking another's idea you provide squashing the accusation, this has happened before in matters of grey areas about intellectual property as genetic. Is it the brain as grey matter storing your information off limits respected or grey area manipulation? That should be also defined.
The fraud investigated we found was most prevalent in people age 60 and older who may have had younger ones recruited for their cause. Those are the statistics we were looking at. Prices were much lower in pre baby boom era of everything, after interest rates for mortgages had hit 18 percent with sky rocketing inflation in Canada in the 1980's. Fifty percent of them cheated on their taxes was purported for this reason and they hid money for shopping from partners. Savings accounts you could make up to 6 percent interest today it s one to 2 and a half tops but mortgage rates plummeted and that is to day so theres no past proverbial knife to the throat financially with a mortgage for example, no reason for such subversive measures to be enacted. Their pension rates are very low which makes the reality of financial struggle upon baby boom generation continue as they were expected to save on RRSE's to live off after the mortgage rates dropped putting some of them into bankruptcy raising children. How do we know many did not go for sexual favors to save their families? We heard many did. Do you see the mind in the closet described? There in a portion of this demographic never discussed hidden yet some how it affects our corporates world. So hwen youre wide eyed new at the office and these older seasoned people or their new proteges walk by you they are some times cold and ignore you in fact some may fire you if you're too happy go lucky at yoru job youre not what they need. That is how shocking this was to young people out of college with degrees and qualifications. Some of us are sick of these people will not bow down to them and ant them to grow up and get with the times not to ruin others lives with subversion so bad there dying of cancer from it at home scared shitless of low pension rates trying to wrack up investment is puling young into them also they need them to make the money some stressed not understanding the driving motivation behind this. We recognize they went through hardships but it was hidden unspoken and we do not want to be their prey for impropriety in the work place or investment world or anywhere because pensions are low and they are terrified. Furthermore their generation was this, "don't talk about it!" Screaming at their kids to be silent about family secrets. That is where silencing of humanity also took place. their proteges should know where this all comes from to really look if they want to serve it tagging along to get rich putting down their fellow staff who is too bright eyed and bushy tailed told by another, "if he gets to sleep with her and you introduce them you'll get promoted." Sex brokering now at the office taking place off the record, nothing official. That is old 80's soap style drama happening.
I have seen young people like this in their 20's end up in hospitals in shock nervous break downs from it then home on pills to deal with it in utter lack of understanding. The author met micro management of this nature also and thought geez, if it was this hard on me what are the 20 year old's doing?? Do they have any idea? I hope therye not living in terror in some paces because of photos of young women gone murdered in extreme cases of crime that where things go wrong at the office and someone stumble so not something illegal and is gone tht fast from a business is fired and ends up at services on psychiatric medication stunned unable to talk about anything and totally lost getting sick not understanding fully what has happened to them. College grads should not be thrown away from new generations of young this way from crime.
If you are savvy in the world and safer you may agree to nothing without full terms disclosed to you of another's intent and watch out for sites on line with questionable activity that crime can go un undetected and 'people' collect for trading pyramids and theft of customer lists for profits of other sales and or trading scams. They begin to make rules for them running a pyramid that you have to trade for five grand to get a job or sale for example or buy a certain good or service, or they defame your application slander it. I have seen this happen. It is crime these sites if legitimate, may be silently trying to fight.
So innocent eyed new generations observe armed with this information more carefully, you may share it very quietly till this is gone from the planet the crime, as anonymous to a friend the author advises or in your name if the friend is long standing but does not mention your name to others is my advice for the time being. This is for those working in companies especially where they'd fire you for it, those who run the questionable activity. I know those also it is your world also, you create it the way you want it, with good will to man kind. I'm tired of people saying about you, you look like wide eyed dolls and counting how may of you they have in line for things they want to sell you. It's your world, they're retiring soon be assertive do not lose your minds to all this subversion out there. Andromedans told me this the young ones have a gene tht says, "I can't hid this I want to scream it proudly!" I will tell you this that is where before you generation X came with the gene to be able to not tell it all for safety reasons. So to avoid violence which has happened to some in heated debates over all this, crime provided beatings and loss of work, housing, life, survival threats human rights you can sue for if you sue correctly and you go to the highest courts and legislative assemblies that keeps politicians accountable every where, that is the only way. If they are not corrupt they don't care if you write there they'll thank you to help them end it. Have concise information you write after freaking out, not during if you are affected adversely by corporate impropriety or any that violate your human rights. that is where we suggest you use that gene that wants to express things proudly if you need to, it moves mountains of injustice and crime out of you or way to be your innocent selves, loving others cherishing one another again in a normal society that does not penalize you for it, it is called good will to mankind these people are losing. Now you have maximized your genetics expression in leadership for your sovereignty. Do it quietly it is your privacy because others may not m be like you and prey on innocence. I dont want to see people in their 20s in dumpsters any more confused about what happened to them. It is living your truth if you do anything not having to yell it to those who don't care wasting your energy, know the difference. If homes in their time that sold for 40 thousand dollars are now 3 million for same square footage and location and you are promised by crime to get your own place so needy because of opportunizing this fact or anything else, be careful following them if people were ending up in dumpsters as some did for houses to buy according to some sources.
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