Monday, June 5, 2023


Heroin users have said, 'It is to watch the life go by but to slow it down to observe it as slow as possible to understand this using heroin.' The drug brings the observers biology down in frequency nearly stretching it in black bouncing if you take too much back and forth with heart stopping nearly beating very slow. Usually if they take less they sleep deeply as if they are in deepest state of rest possible. Now I have seen the bodies of users look  bruised or discoloration or as if they're getting flimsy in the body.  That is caused by not enough UV level healing hyperspace after the stretchy black first level of far infra red to cool dark matter approaching visible light happening.  So some spike with crack to go faster after a few days.  They are trying to map the brain to see what life is and how were held together. I said god this is terrible because in order to do this you have to go fast and it gives you a run of information in slow.

When I ascended  with no drugs found BME Straspin I bent to ball shining star size dematerializing in gamma brain wave frequency.  I grabbed a computer keyboard and wrote about this in slower space time for nearly 20 years now that is how information about what they wanted to know flows from fast to slow realization in day or you get stuck at exceptionally slow learning on the drugs about this. 

That is my commentary on learning about our life energy and what happens to us. If you are very I'll dying the drugs help and many take them to help them. If you are very healthy you likely do not use much.  Natural brain chemistry is there from advanced  practice of BME that makes most vomit from how strong it is if they don't practice till they do that is our drugs. Inner brain forming its firing. That means they could hyperspace their DNA through the light vibration spectrum more and more over time to be adept masters golden humanity that may ride ships we build later of anti gravity. 

On heroin in antigravity current technology in outer space people bled on heroin were unstable in space they had to turn engines off and coast.

Crack is in modern times as enticing to senses as msg in chips with new fruity fizzy flavoring and scent added users must be aware not to code out on it, heart attack if they get chest constriction and or upper body seizing muscles like arms chest seek medical attention immediately. People who fall this way may have had a heart attack and if they flop forward and cannot get up deep in trance they are in a heavy trip where they may have taken too much for cardio health to be maintained and are in upper and and lucid passing out trance at the same time. With dictatorial conduct on it heart is approaching stress if users rant yell or abuse. If they are high, smiling friendly and more expressive lucid its more the dealers desired result and smaller dose effect. Mucous discharge in lungs forms from crack smoking in some cases as it hits in concentrated vapor the lung mass that causes cold fire in higher vibration the lung mass to prevent internal injury that may occur from a small area of tissue engaged with concentrated substances. The lungs then play catch up with the homeostasis providing expulsory mucous late after the smoking is finished to rid the lings of offence in slower space time mostly now gone and any residue. Therefore deep inhalations of it are not recommended. I have walked into a bathroom after crack was smoked and got raspberry candy smell up the nose and a head high without smoking it. Those who make crack told me  it said, it is for lighting around you to sit in the vapor not to directly inhale as it spikes high fast. Flopping over or sleeping wrecks the effect and they may get a cough. Charred tissue smell is common around the crack deep inhumation.

Marijuana may be associated with memory loss so not advised to smoke it before important presentations. It helps take edge off violent altercations or to other traumas and help people sleep after such. People cannot replay memory of trauma after smoking it as easily but this should not replace counselling or medical help if they need it.

The BME Straspin gives good UV off drugs and implantation by Ets that binds  light  they need to go go out then it works to move to UV healing phase fast for preventative self care and self healing. Using drugs exhausts the biology so the person is catching up more slowly on health recovery.

In BC Canada most of these drugs are now decriminalized be careful with them and we hope this info is helpful to avoid trips to the hospital. 

At BME practice centers we do not advise use of any narcotics or recreational drugs please see your physician if you have more questions about this topic and what is right for you as a consumer and safe they may provide.

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