Wednesday, February 19, 2020



Eating While You Grow and After page is for those who practice Le Petit Soleil and also  young people.

This information will help you nourish your bodies during your growth phase and after it is complete to fight stress effects on your human body.

Number one priority for food consumption for kids and young people is supporting the brain to learn and to grow.  In order to do that if you are a kid after school looking for snacks while mom is still at work you know what to do:  grab protein rich food snacks such as dairy products, whole grains, meats, and legumes. This will refresh your body and brain after school from focusing and studying.  Cheese sticks, cream cheese, cottage cheese, corn chips, yogurt, lunch meats, tuna, corn chips, whole grain breads, those are some examples of snacks to have after school tht boost your cells to grown and rejuvenate you from a hard day at school. Have these snacks on hand for this reason. You will find if you have this in small quantities you will feel brighter in the brain and have room for dinner later.  Have a short nap to some nice music or watch a bit of TV and veg out. for at least half an hour to an hour.  You are then refreshed and have fought off stress of parents needing things from you and having to do homework stressed.  Parents or bay sitters do same for your kids never asked them to do anything when they get home from school they are near crisis if they did not eat anything and did not have rest they will  not perform well if you ask them to do anything. Give them a nice sank from the foods indicated a beverage and ask if they want music and a blanket after snack or TV and one or hold the blanket.  See if they are OK after to appreciate in anything else. They are vulnerable from this starvation during brain growth and body growth after school 9 out of ten and worn out totally not used to a full day like grown ups who are and finished growing who also get this way coming home and fight with partners without growing and if growing from meiotic stem do same for yourselves telling family you need half an hour to crash and rest.  This will avoid half the family arguments and overweight children yes eating and resting they wont form excess cholesterol alter or binge because their parents did not do it. EATING PREVENTS OBESITY EATING WITH NO HIDING, NO GUILT, NO SHAME, ENJOY NUTRITION GOING INTO YOUR  BODIES! Your observer will tell you when you are full. Regular eating of nutritious foods from the recommended food groups will allow you  to know if you are missing a nutrient and you will crave it!

Vitamins low dose only multi with iron unless pregnant or lactating or other medical condition is usually sufficient.  Some experience obesity from large vitamins that do this: tell you you're full up on nutrition why are you eating?  No you  don't need this really let's have dessert and people crave junk more on them! Listen to your doctor or health care CAM practitioner only who says, "don't mega dose vitamins if you don need it."  Get it from your foods most nutrients if you can.  If you lose weight eating more on lower dose vitamins that is your body regulating itself yes amazing!  Tell your parents to read this if they don't believe you and to ask their health care practitioner. Keep them if you re ever sick take one or two it will do in recuperation from flus and colds where you  don't eat enough due to low appetite if you want to use them up.

If you are cooking for yourselves youth use fresh ingredients make basic stir fry easily. Sauté fresh meat of your choice with sauce of your choice any brown meat add sauce then turn down heat to medium  then add veggies of your choice any be creative and add a little water not to burn the bottom and  pre cook rice or past according to instructions or potatoes.  Baby ones are easy they sell in bags in salad section to use no peeling just cook and serve. Make your own recipes!  Soups use large soup pot with water add meat any kind a good serving, about a half a cup of soya sauce,  white vinegar a tbsp mustard, peanut butter, any of those or all, cream cheese tbs make your own favorite flavor hot sauce, oyster mushroom sauce used in stir fry, then a big carrot or three boil for 20 minutes take of heat cut up meat break up carrots put back on add veggies and rice potatoes or pasta about a cup and cook another 10 to 20 minutes as basic soup you can make fast and freeze or refrigerate for later.

Basic burgers also you can make beef patties fried on pan add onion slices in it before you  fry them up if you  want, salt and then add to your bun your condiments and sliced  tomato and lettuce cheese or bacon or mushrooms fried up make gourmet burgers.   Serve.  Nachos add left over meat and cheese grated on them throw in microwave oven and serve.  Bean salad, lettuce and a can of mixed beans without sauce may be used with vinegar and oil equal parts for dressing salt and pepper add a dash to it serve!  Fast and simple for vegetarians also replace cheese with tofu if you are non dairy vegetarian.  Almond milks and soy are good snacks for these people also and lactose intolerant.

Eat fruit alone to avoid gas from it first then wait 20 minutes and eat other foods ideally. Same with milk it is a complex protein different in nature from legumes and meats drink alone first then have your food if you like. Simple carbs with it are fine like cereal. If you  find yours elf backed up with gas don't put so many foods together a the same time that may cause this. Milk is a 'raw' dairy not like cheese or yogurt they heat and allow bacteria to grow that eats the lactose up.

Grab grain containing foods for snacks oat cookies, digestives, crackers with whole grains all have proteins.

Alright you know what to do?  If you study late and eat late at night to avoid obesity eat yogurt and veggies it is a magic like food yogurt that helps the gut heal and the  observer forgives late food usually because it fuels the brain with calcium and protein.

Beverages, water, mineral water, pop on occasion, cello packed coffee for percolator for older young people in college is still containing of oils protecting the stomach lining from it's potency with anti oxidants non processed, in moderation with lots of milk or non dairy milk product, tea, juice crystals with vitamin C and freshly squeezed to use up oranges is all good depending on your age. It is not advised to over consume caffeinated beverages however they may help college students stay alert if tired always have a little food with them or milk if possible a little like with alcohol. This may help prevent over use of caffeine. Root beer is made from the vanilla bean and is a natural ingredient based pop also. Tang has lots of vitamin C. Boiled water with squeezed lemon is good to keep in the fridge also.  On preventing cholesterol build up with alcohol over consumption with out food this can happen cholesterol is suddenly produced to save the brain largely made of fat always eat with alcohol for this reason.  Fat regulates hunger or non after eating foods rich with it. do not worry about fat content of foods eat till you are full it self regulates in your body.  People who drank too much were able to regulate this better with food consumed with the liquor without going to AA and ended unhealthy drinking habits to moderation. Most of our people are healthy and lean to medium average build weight doing this and all lost weight ditching 
vitamins the size horses would take and ate better not less.

Note:  save money and have a healthier kid with less obesity, buy protein and some fat snacks not just carbs, they need cholesterol or they may produce it under stress and get fat on too many carb snacks. Yogurt, boiled eggs, cheeses, cold cuts, ice cream include in your shopping lists or non dairy equivalent if allergic. They will eat less of these foods than boxes of crackers. With high protein snacks, a little is fine one or two eggs, a fw Oz of cheese and yogurt dairy no more than 4 cups a day to avoid diarrhea from too much dairy good with greens of any kind. Fruit eat separately to avoid gas bloat, by itself is best, first before other snacks it digests in a half an hour others up to 3 hours is why I found this to be true using it myself .  

ALL NEW INFORMATION HERE ON GERM BUSTING PREVENTION and my new books.  Enjoy these pages, A bonus from Golden City.

For children after school or students eat a cholesterol snack to reward yourselves from low level stress of school all day wearing the body out a little, yoghurt, ice cream, boiled egg cheeses and crackers, chocolate with milk or non dairy substitute, is fine in a small dose you will find you are hungry for a nutritious dinner after this a few hours later.  Cholesterol also reduces feelings of stressed out state of having to go home to deal with parents instructions for anything when you may be they tired hungry and mind fading. Linoleic acid foods also help such as nuts for vegetarians and coconut oil has some saturated fat cholesterol containing.   

Thursday, February 8, 2018



In the moments when you are asleep and lucid in the mind allow the place of your days accomplishments to fruition from the mind of your creation to come forth from your subconscious that is the executor of your creative projects when you are tuned away from the immediate five senses.  When the nervous system of the observer is unplugged from the sensory world because the body is at rest in a dark, quiet place away from sensory stimulation, the being then produces pictures in the frontal lobe that are the messaging system giving the observer feedback from cosmic mind the construct that is beginning to take form from practicing the navigation system.  Away from working on your holographic navigation system the observer is in the paradoxical passive and active phase of receiving the gifts of mind being calibrated correctly during the day.  More practice of your quantum mind tech tools produces greater results in the collection of data from the soul busy demonstrating archetypal constructs of mind that are lucid dreams.  At the most exalted state of this dreaming we have the ability to awaken within the dream and to engage the actual experience.  At his point the observer knows that there is no reality that he cannot be consciously present in and change.  In addition the information that is imputed in a rapid firing of neurons from the soul language that forms a holographic picture of insight from the previous day’s record on multiple timelines (based on the quantum processing of the different areas of the brain).

Such is the process that takes place during the Cocooning Quantum Mind Tech™ tool that is recommended during the falling asleep phase at night, early morning upon awakening and any time you desire to seclude yourself away from the world and have a cozy, enlightened nap in a darkened room with the shades drawn, wrapped in blanket for optimum warmth.  In the falling asleep state the place the mind goes is the holographic pictures that are formed by the brain including those worked on during advanced module III Holographic Navigation System QMTtool and then the drifting off into peaceful focus ensures that the observer has the instructions embedded in the subconscious mind what to lucid dream into creation and to show what the construct is becoming from the day’s focus.  Any health concerns or spinal subluxations, or nervous system damage may skew the night’s progress in that area and healing is a priority of those areas first to ensure the correct flow of energy up the spine during sleep.  If the enlightened observer has goals during the day and there are spine or other bodily injuries affecting the spine then what may occur is that there is a ‘hidden’ codex key thanks but you’re not going to remember this very well unless you heal first for pain or a blocked spinal area is creating ‘fear of’ something even success fro the body is threatened with injury and the observer requires to heal the ‘stall.’  Such a ‘stall’ is like a stalled car that cannot go much further on the journey of glorious change till the healing takes place and the divine observer can use the brain and nervous system correctly. The lucidity and coherence of dreams or incoherence is the health check by the soul using the nervous system and brain and the paradoxical state of the divine observer's empowerment as such.  People we know with chronic pain are the soul enacting damage to the body during the day and continuing at night to alert the observer that it as entity must get on to a greater path in its life for there is great inner conflict somewhere unresolved.  A mandate of the divine observer is to allow the destruction of the body if the entity is expressing in a lower consciousness or endeavoring to create a higher consciousness and getting stuck somewhere in fear. All health issues arise from this condition including the acute injury phenomenon that the entity brings on to throw itself off the course of conflict or fear if the entity is not in the awakened state enough to make the changes through courage. Fear becomes those acute injuries; chronic conditions are hidden fears on a more subtle level unfaced and unreleased so that the entity is whole in the current incarnation and may move on. 

Past life readings are unnecessary by psychics for this mechanism is enabled in all observers to access including relevance to health issues where symptoms are not let go of or a ‘fear of heights’ for example results in a fall and injury.  Commanding from the divine observer the power to call forth the codex key for the hyper jump taught in Blue Matrix Energetics as the resultant state given to enact the healing sequence of the DNA.  Occasionally dreams  that are past lives remembered are experienced during cocooning in order to facilitate moving on from any highly turbulent past lived before that may be presenting itself in the current incarnation again.  Obviously the desire to relive past lifetimes is a huge distraction to the correct function of the current embodiment therefore there is a difference in desiring to relive those times as who the entity used to be and accessing codex key wisdom from them to apply in the current incarnation; this a psychic doing a past life reading is not able to facilitate for the observer.  Usually they are unable to tell the entity where it is in the past incarnations as now; it is unwise to give all power away to such readers.  Entity must put it together from the action of the Holy Spirit Mapping the information correctly for the current incarnation to be effective. 

I remember that in Egyptian, dynastic times those of us beings who reincarnated were encouraged to remember who we were in our prior incarnation and to live the mandate of the textual teaching such as the Egyptian book of the dead that stated the necessity of the soul to be clean of conflict and heaviness and the scales in the artwork of the Egyptians was the relevance of lightness of being to avoid death as understood today by  not bound to a lower light hypocrisy moves and the being opens its wings again without death.   Such were the symbols that adorned the early ancient civilizations that understood their true meaning, “remember the entity as self in wholeness, timelessness, lightness and sovereignty.”  Incarnations into lower light challenges changed this throughout later history and that is why the ‘motherland’ symbolic map has been the true blueprint of archaeology left behind that religion began to skew and loose the depth of its wisdom.  For all who are able to read the symbols of the ‘motherland’ will unlock the failures of our society and challenges of the current incarnation.  These symbols are used by science and medicine largely unconsciously and will not marry correctly with scientific, spiritual understanding till the objections of such knowledge is eradicated and they move beyond the revelation of scientific data that ‘prayer heals.’  Such has already occurred in a future time by those waiting in such professions to leave behind fear and to be given that codex key to move forward; incorporating the science of spirit greater in the body of work they present to the public.

Receptor sites on the cells are then drenched with the outpouring of the protein coding that give new directives to the cell’s DNA to replicate to RNA that then creates the healing and new biochemical changes in the body.  In the morning when you awaken then the consciousness is programmed to unfold and reveal the stormy revelation of divine intelligence on the observer’s neural activity that gives a psychic update on your creations progress instead of an alarm clock that shocks you into a skewed day.

Cocooning is a practice that is extremely relaxing and at the same time exciting as the freedom of unconscious, demented mind states are cleansed and removed from the being so that full conscious awareness may bloom greater each day. 

Also here enjoy the BME Star Spin Quanatum Mind Tech tool.

Friday, October 6, 2017



This article is for all humans who have caught the cold or flu virus from dirty bathrooms, kitchen areas and who have allergies to help you combat problems which are in most households to a greater or lesser degree undetected. 

Science has found that it is possible to catch the cold virus from dirty sinks toilets shower stalls as viruses linger there as well as food poisoning from fridges and under sink areas where garbage canisters have crawling bacteria coming out into the food area if proper disinfectant is not used.  Using a house hold disinfectant spray between cleanings once weekly with a product like Lysol disinfectant is a good measure to take to cut down on microbes you and your family do not want to ingest or inhale.  Inside garbage cans, composting containers, under sink areas around toilets front hall areas, on furniture where pets may have visited, curtains, on old quilts anywhere where bacteria may linger may be sprayed with disinfectant in a well ventilated room.  Even inside athletic shoes you may spray these products to cut down on bacteria odor.   In addition pesticide  can be sprayed once every few months to combat spider mites which build their cobwebs in corners of the rooms and may also ruin plants if you find them infested with spider mite webs which virulently suck the life out of plants leaving the leaves light green and life less.  

Dust with long armed duster your corners of the ceilings and vacuum with your narrow attachment then spray these areas with a common house hold pesticide for spiders.   Include your vacuum cleaner inside the canister or where your bag sits because the odor spewed into a room from the vacuum cleaner usually includes some microbes being spread into your environment.  Those irritated by all this who protest with their immune system forming allergies malfunctioning in the immune system will find some relief from the chemicals used to clean the environment.  If you have chemical allergies you may see an aromatherapy specialist because some essential oils have an anti - bacterial property such as mint, eucalyptus and tea tree oil, cinnamon may also benefit as it has a burning sensation like some pesticides and lemon.   These may be mixed with a little water or solution or alcohol they sell and sprayed into canisters and your cleaning appliances instead of regular products.  In addition mint oil mixed with a lotion is excellent to apply to feet.  Fights fungus and odor and refreshes tired feet like crazy. For non morning people you can add a couple of drops to your shampoo as well it provides very stimulating eye opening results to get you going before work. 

If you do not have allergies regular products are fine just ventilate the areas you spray and do not breathe them in directly. 

On occasion chemical allergies that exist in a very small fraction of the population come about from mite and other bacteria allergy first that escalate into allergy to many things.  Use one part Tea Tree oil with five parts rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle as an alternative to chemical pesticides it works very well.

Nothing natural ever cured spider mites off my gardenias; nothing I had to go all out with pesticide soap spray they were still infested and that did the job.  Re vacuum canisters use the pesticide to kill mites and in between use Lysol or other disinfectant spray to cut on bacterial growth every time you empty your vacuum cleaner.   Many have reported a significant decrease in allergies from using this advice.  In addition clean things like make up brushes and sponges with soap or shampoo pat dry and air dry once a week to keep your skin free of bacteria from your brushes.  

Produce may be washed in a sink filled with a tiny bit of soap in cold water.  I find an oily sludge comes off some imported fruits and vegetables that have been handled a lot or sitting in areas close to traffic.   even chicken that has sat and is getting pre rot smell of salmonella.  The soap removes this and with your regular seasonings the meat tastes the same simply rinse well and do not keep the meat if it is turning greenish brown it is spoiling.

For babies over six months of age who crawl hand sanitation is very important in combatting colds and flus so hand sanitizer gel used alone or with a bit of baby lotion after is important also to protect the child from consuming bugs especially in homes with pets who track microbes in from outside the home or from litter or other pet cages.  Continue to sterilize your baby's bottles till age one is advised as well. Spray change up to daily with Lysol when the child is out of the room and windows are open as well as diaper pails when you empty them.

Spray pet areas weekly too such as around bowls, (wash those too to avoid microbes making your pet vomit)  and around their beds and heavily used resting areas.  Keep the pet away from sprayed areas till they fully dry. Do not spray Tea Tree around food and water and bedding  areas may irritate eyes.  Nor near babies crawling under 6 months of age. 

All this advice should reduce substantially cold and flu and allergy problems to give your immune systems a break when you are under stress.

Use Lysol or any commercial disinfectant in all garbage cans, composting bins, shoe closet,(light spray over soles at a distance will not harm shoes) sofas any coverlets that are not washed weekly and sit till spring dry cleaning, carpets, any areas where you leave the place for long periods without cleaning as mentioned to refresh and disinfect.  Clean your bathrooms kitchens thoroughly once a week to aviod cold virus and other bacteria from crawling on your general use areas.  Throw out tooth brushes monthly  buy new ones.  Disinfect weekly dish plastic drying wrack base and cutlery area. Monthly spray and clean your under sink area at least thought spraying your cans will reduce germ crawl there as well as taking garbage recycling and composting if you have it out daily. Salmonella, listeria,  and other sicknesses are bred from not cleaning after meats cheeses and others things have been cut and put into sinks so clean well after meats also. I have washed chicken in water with a drop of soap and it took off smelly scum off still good chicken which smelled strong from too warm temperatures in store the juice was rotting but the chicken was still good. 

On pesticides if you are not allergic to them  you may use something like Raid for spiders to spray in vacuum canisters once every three to six months as well as corners of rooms where cob webs form and may also contribute to plant spider mites. Each time you vacuum and change the bag spray it with Lysol or  other disinfectant then treat with pesticide it cuts down on dust mites that may contribute to allergies and general stuffy nose seemingly coming from nowhere.  This also you may do with mini vacs and canister vacs.  

Re garbage recycling and composting large containers spray with pesticide one to every three months to reduce insect problem associated with garbage and composting.  Spray with Lysol or disinfectant each week if you like to monthly your large cans as well.  Use pesticides out doors away from your face and in well ventilated areas only keep away from small children keep children from those areas till completely dry.

In your child's room clean their toy boxes and spray with disinfectant monthly treat diaper pails and change tables also.  Ventilate one half hour after spraying in babies room removing your child from the area.  

Tea Tree oil is the best insecticide I have found that is non chemical mix it with rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle, no carrier oil, about one part oil to five parts alcohol.  It is very strong, open windows or you may get over menthol, a natural effect of the oil. It is very good sprayed on feet to prevent microbes also spray a little not to saturate.  Use at least twice a week if you have areas that attract pests.

Kitchen sponges use a plastic container with hot water and dishwashing, liquid soap leave your sponge in there prevents mold growth in the sponge.  

ALL NEW INFORMATION HERE ON GERM BUSTING PREVENTION your immune system explained and how the observer may control it consciously in my books.  Enjoy these pages, A bonus from Golden City. 


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