Saturday, August 8, 2015



So much has been written about the aura or human energy field and no two descriptions are ever completely the same in various sources and teachings available today. I believe the reason for this is that perceiving these fields is a subjective experience as we all see things from our own unique perspective and interpret these dimensions with terms and knowledge that we have accumulated and store in the brain and that the work has not been defined mathematically or scientifically. The language of higher frequency levels is different from our linear language yet ultimately we must use this and 3D pictures to describe these other realities. You can see how variations can easily occur with this translation process of information from one frequency to another. Energy centers are etheric organs processing information of hyperspace that is mind. Please study holographic mathematical demonstrations to help visualize this for example math page is excellent not only to enhance children’s math skills (the language of dimensions is mathematics) but for the adult learning this material also. Artistic expression is a slowed form of brilliant mind delving into the expression and self education.

Human energy field is made up of layers that consist of seven fields of space/ time unfolding with variables to the dimensions.

Basic functions like bowel processing and the reproductive system are governed by a very basic processing etheric organ that is very physically manifesting of consciousness in both the quiet elimination of toxins and the powerful, sensory experience of sexuality. If being present and alive is joyous then this first energy center is unblocked and unhindered from correct function of these processes. It is not uncommon around the time of ovulation for a woman to have an orgasm in her sleep as the energy drops to this area of the body as excretory contents of the bowel and bladder are building and the meticulous observer sleeping checks the reproductive system also to release and energy pent up (not unlike the build up of the excretory material) in an orgasm. Men have the same autonomic function however have taught them selves, after seminal emissions may have occurred in puberty, not to release the spasm. Females have a more hormonally complex cycle of menstruation and child bearing. Hormones that are produced by the ovaries are estrogen, and progesterone. From the prostate gland is testosterone. Below references to websites with charts:

During pregnancy there is a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (better known as hCG) that is formed by the placenta. Nausea in pregnancy may be caused by carrying a child of a different blood type than the mother.

Second energy center is the energy center that governs the sensory experience of the body with healthy sensuality; being comfortable wearing the body. It is also where apathy in the form of heaviness, bloating or malaise can exist if sensuality is hindered or lacking. Outer layer of an adrenal gland is the adrenal cortex which produces three kinds of steroid hormones: glucocorticoids, mineral corticoids. The major glucocorticoids (in response to stress; raises the level of glucose in the blood by stimulating the liver to produce glucose from stored non-carbohydrate sources such as proteins and lipids and to release it into the blood is cortisol and the major mineral corticoid is aldosterone. Cortisol reduces swelling by inhibiting the immune system.

“The adrenal medulla is composed of modified neurons that secrete epinephrine and nor epinephrine (adrenaline and noradrenalin) under conditions of stress."

These hormones are released in response to a variety of stresses and stimulate the fight- or- flight response of the sympathetic nervous system. It results in a faster heart rate, faster blood flow, and dilated airways to facilitate oxygen flow to the lungs. In addition, the level of glucose in the blood is increased to make energy more available. Their secretion is controlled by brain centers (including hypothalamus) via sympathetic nerves, not by pituitary hormones.”
Link to paper featuring the relationship between the pituitary gland and the other glands in the body from quotes:

Aside from the second energy center (a vibrational variable within a hyperspace dimension) the consciousness as the whole of the dimensional experience produces interesting phenomenon. Time unobserved (being still without looking at a watch and tracking linear time) produces a phenomenon of observable, hyperspace sped up time that the observer may still a frame as an examination or focal point with training. Holographic Navigation System™ uses this tool in module III. Enlightened Cognitive Vision™ is the phenomenon of clairvoyance, clairsentience and clairaudience mastered as an observer.
Clairsentience is the phenomenon of perceiving through fine tuned ‘feeling’ space time. Clairvoyance and clairaudience develop in the space of a mirror world (observable mirror phenomenon slice of frozen space/time frames running like a film). It is possible to see images with hazy phantom qualities exist like a negative of a photo. It is in this level that all the information of your past and future can be perceived with higher sense of ‘feeling it’, seeing it and hearing it. I have heard in first leaving the body and moving into this realm what sounds like everyone talking at once underwater. I have seen my students’ faces in this frequency change before my eyes into the faces of their many previous and possibly future incarnations. I have also seen beings like shadows and orbs moving in this level and dimensions opening or shifting as well as observing my mind as viewable, presence moving remote from me. Rotating spatial dimensions of hyperspace is a skill acquired as evolution takes place and another codex key is activated within the observer.

In clairaudience there is a humorous phenomenon I have witnessed where a person is overlaid with a sped up version of the observer’s face speaking the observer’s thoughts and other phenomenon revealing the quiet autonomic function dispensing the level of the codex calibration running the body (more on soul codex calibration taught in advanced work). I have seen this on videos of speakers also which proves that the phenomenon is capturable on film to those who are able to see. of people Mirror phenomenon mentioned earlier where we have the beginning of hyperspace that is a finer and faster vibrational experience than the physical 3-D world and we enter into 4-D. Accelerated spatial dimensions in science are the climb of the consciousness processing through the vibrational variables of valiantly hyperspace occupying energetic centers; the seven energy centres.
In what is called in science negative space that is the level of the hyperspace realm that the Merkaba practitioner moves to when the entity begins to disappear from the room and blink out like a particle moving from one location to anther as teleportation otherwise they are in the same place however moving into a higher vibration; negative space they usually pass into and through during the process of dematerialization. It is a velvety, deep place that as some fortunate beings in ancient Egypt experienced in the sarcophagus initiation where they placed them inside and closed the lid while they were still alive. The body has a layer of it as anti atoms that is the body in the first level of dematerialization still sitting in position. It happens fast moving from that to higher vibrations for that is the focus of Merkaba to move higher than that level.

Mirror neurons are the state pre NDE; the body temperature drops you shiver turn white and the heart stops. In humans pre ascension to zero point field energy taking the body up then bringing it back down (I have been through as the andromedans have who fly inter dimensional ships and they could not if they did not have this ability for they burrow worm holes and fold space time where the whole body has to travel in hyperspace with the space craft) the body in pre ascended humanity the spirit separates from it largely and leaves in NDE.  In ascension we lose this ability and the ability to die easily and the whole body travels teleported.  I have had people try to prove I NDE that my ascension is not real tearing pieces of my body out where I had to be re grown back with my hair or meiotic DNA for this reason.  Really scary time it was to ascend in with slower humanity needing to catch up to us in knowledge and some experience t0 understand the body's hyperspace abilities it has genetically. When a person returns from NDE state it increases the vibration of the body to be more resilient against death more mailable in hyperspace; its new protection. The observer then also enjoys the benefits of this raised vibration to uv consciousness flowing above visible light (usually a white blue aura can be seen around people who have this state when they speak animatedly who have NDE'd; with clear bright eyes they speak) better health and a stronger sense of precognitive vision has been reported.

If hovered as it is pure mind with out form for it is anti matter and I had an interesting ascension experience the first time completely enveloping a huge hall as its negative space as pure mind no form just mind the space much bigger than just the body’s negative space form and I floated as that space and the room where very loud music played disappeared. I rematerialized later back into the room. The divine observer gives a variety of experiences. If masters through the ages could produce themselves as large bodies of moving water or large areas of cloud or moving weather patterns then the negative space that is not a ‘body form’ makes sense for ascension abilities.

Moves as pure mind becoming its supernatural non human form entity having a very powerful experience. I have come back from these many times solid again so we don’t loose ourselves in the process of ascension. Slowest and first level of such expansion is the negative space; black and velvety.

Anti matter is the substance of this etheric layer of anti subatomic mass with weight till the weightless is produced for this layer enfolds the upper light spectrum to the zero point field by powerful absorption of those layers like a black hole effect that creates the powerful gravitational force holding the body together to the flesh.

Research on-line is highly recommended on hypercube, hyperspace with applets or other dimensional diagrams to train the brain and understand that all solids and realities brought into being are governed by mathematical laws in hyperspace. Potentials for new math however are infinite due to the creative power of the observer.
Hyperspace hosted by Sam Neil, is an excellent video which shows the hyperspace phenomenon as observed by science in the understanding of wormholes and opening dimensions that the human enlightened observer is a microcosm of as a processing unit of consciousness in a variety of frequency dimensions with perceptive variables.
What would an astronaut see in the future see in observing life outside of the observer’s craft with not only the three C’s as Enlightened Cognitive Vision through space time? For those studying an answer to this question alone could prove the master ship of the material through recalibrated being and perhaps an eventful trip.
Our third layer of the auric field or hyperspace around the body is where our DNA is sequenced by a program from soul pattern is created for this incarnation but can be overwritten by the Divine Intelligence in everyone. I have facilitated emotional release in this frequency level during healing work. It is almost like staging a mini-light review where I hold the correct frequency and the client lives out and releases a trauma or block while I run energy and observe the process. This usually happens spontaneously as directed by the person’s own Divine Intelligence and is often related to an area where the person is stuck in the current incarnation. Once you begin to see into this realm the hazy world of orbs is replaced by sparkles of light or flashes.

Soul observance roves occur in this layer of the auric field and they are performed very fast even as we are multi tasking typing watching TV cooking cleaning that part of the brain is always busy the cerebellum and that is the area that roves in the visible light spectrum the other beings present in the room. It is the light review information that is always being read and is revealed to an entity if there is a near death experience the review so the other entities in the room roved are not present in the light review; it is a subjective observational archive of holographic quality replayed upon death according to the experience of the entity that died. If judgment is placed on the self in a negative response that the others roved have recorded by the observing or roving entity that is in the light review dead that is karma of self judgment as owing something to the other. Here is where knowing we are God is of vital importance or the guide and angel role that we play for ourselves is a fragmentation of the entity consciousness that did not know it was God sovereign.

Any extra terrestrial forces that impose guides or angels are corrupt and have no business working with the public and unfortunately there have been some ET engagements in recent years of that nature. It is possible to receive psychic messages from friends or your teacher however it is fast and if it is from me is usually a blessing for your sovereign work only. I am very busy and do not have time to do free counseling in the light so I do not guide people either.

In ascension in visible light there is phenomenon where the creation of butterflies and dragonflies for example even gold prior to its manifestation on Earth is seen coming down through visible light before it quickly passes through negative space as (your observer having become those things non human mind by the way) then manifests in the tangible reality dropping into view real. Quanta light packets are the realm of this visible light world. Same as the sparkling tingles that the nervous system produces we feel in the body. Alchemy pages are about this too for in the humor of God we become those alchemical creations and or transmute substances becoming it descended through the visible light and to negative space and to hertzian solid mass! Behold God as the shape shifter!
The fourth layer is associated with non-polarized, unconditional love; assessment replacing judgment and hyperspace spatial perception of our DNA platform forming from the geometric lattice of this realm. At this frequency that is the divine blueprint or template for the physical body is created.
In the holographic record information of a higher experience most healers who are adept capture the UV blue biological matrix information that has nothing to do with the emotional karmic weighing of the visible light level that tells the DNA replicating , ‘gotcha!’ here is where you are limited or codex key granted, passed and refined in the layers of visible light and negative anti matter to the physical body manifesting. So highly adept healers have an advantage being aware and recording information about others and if balanced the self consciously aware staying present in the neutral assessment non judgment mode of observation as much as possible.

In ascension the biological lattice work that resembling the spider web structure in UV color appears as that layer of hyperspace and flashes when the entity engages living things as pure mind. In healing work which is information that we send and energy through them those webs for they carry UV blue information to the client’s cells during healing work and BME activations. Entities begins to see flashes of the UV blue color and web formations with practice in module I the color appears indicating correct focus and later as progress ensues the web formations appear. So in the web formations it is mind able to generate the biological matrix of the butterfly and dragonfly that is the Creator becoming it then it moves into visible light negative space and solid form.

The fifth layer of the energy field is associated with the consciousness of communication through the finer resonance of the soul’s uninhibited experience of sound that can code speech and song. My experience of this level has shown me the existence of a shimmering, golden particle atmosphere with a unique sound. I also have observed many liquid golden filaments that remind me of fiber optic cables that comprise our form on that level. What is the sound of your blood stream in a higher ecstatic octave or a bird’s song? Then you begin to perceive the higher form of communication that is faster and heightened. When facing and living truthfully unthreatened by fear is realized that is when the Enlightened Cognitive Vision™ is usually able to evolve greatly. Roves on this level are with those working in the levels only as consciously aware communication and as collection of data that is very large and fast in comparison to the ‘boxed in reality’ of the slower entities occupying Earth is how an entity present consciously working this level is able to collect data.

In this level of higher communication in ascension it is pure joyful communication where others of the same vibe may communicate without words like a codex flashing essence language that is very fast and it is a faster ‘scout’ of an area where it is Creator moving as pure mind engaging the quantum field and joyously running its creation program at a more powerful and faster level that may appear as the manifested focus through to UV and (by the way the UV blue level of things manifested that are not biological is the webs carrying information to engage the substances that then carry the firing information of creating them through the UV blue all the levels down to solid. Same with the butterfly now in the physical plane manifested from nothing instantly. In a slower focus one may fly towards the being who’s webs call it into its quantum reality; both are manifested reality one is instant and one is created a little more slowly and may be a butterfly already existing called to the practitioner.

The sixth layer of the energy field is associated with visionary constructs of holographic movement of an idea as geometric mathematical form. I have experienced this layer to shimmer brightly in a diamond pink color and moving patterns reminiscent of fractal geometric mathematical movement. On this level my mind becomes the pattern maker and I experience incredible freedom of movement of mind creating. In this consciousness we not only express but are the unified love of our all as the field we create. We understand the essence behind the holographic constructs that create the visual and tangible world we live in from another codex activation key to that level of hyperspace. Pineal gland produces melatonin, serotonin, and pinoline from a hyperspace variable. Alchemy master ship requires the ability to process information and compress all the way down and out of negative space the alchemical formulation. This is approaching a very adept consciousness. 

In gamma hyperspace there is the DNA template also encoded as is instant healing or slimming or other changes in the body usually most people have those occur more slowly unless they have been practicing for a long time. The butterfly manifests instantly as it is also the pattern for the DNA template decision of what is focused on. Advanced practitioners have blips into hyperspace realms that are so fast in these manifestations that it is work towards ascension where they may be stayed in longer and the dematerialization is longer.

In the ascended state it is a very fast processing ability that is worked in faster than the fifth level of hyperspace it is the transmutation level that is containing of the building blocks of all mass as collected by this even faster ‘scout’ about a quantum field and has the information from codex granted key given to transmute it as it is the basis for the decision for what the physical form will have as its atomic formula as well as the biological creations that will be created down to the fifth level that carries a fast communication of it also through to the lower levels till it manifests into form. Co creation with another is possible by collecting data at this level as it is processed and engaged by one creator or more is possible also who is ascended. Same with the butterfly now in the physical plane manifested from nothing instantly. In a slower focus one may fly towards the being who’s webs call it into its quantum reality; both are manifested reality one is instant and one is created a little more slowly and may be a butterfly already existing called to the practitioner. In gamma hyperspace there is the DNA template also encoded as is instant healing or slimming or other changes in the body usually most people have those occur more slowly unless they have been practicing for a long time.

The seventh layer is associated the highest consciousness of Divine Intelligence. My experience of this level is like an explosive crescendo of energetic intensity composed of the brightest light of all colors put together and sound there is. The sensation is of going beyond unity to the emanation of everything happens for me on this level. Here we are life and the life giver; pure love. It is the seat of the mind of God and all that is. There are no more words to describe this level except for the “I” that is the personal expression of God that we are at the beginning of it all that becomes any creation of according to the laws of stepped down observation above. It is the launch point of all creation that is just prior to form and is the top ‘executive level’ of creation executed that manifests through all the levels of creation.
Hormones: Human growth hormone HGH or Somatotoropin Thyroid Stimulating hormone; THS or thyrotrophic. Follicle stimulating hormone. Luteinizing Hormones LH Prolactin PRL Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH Melanocyte Secreted By isthe match to the above list: Somatotrops Thyrotrophs Gonadotrophs Gonadotrophs Lactotrophs Corticotrophs Corticotrophs Releasing Hormones list: (Stimulates Secretion)
Growth Hormone Releasing GHR,
Thyrotropic releasing hormone; TRH Gonadotropic releasing hormone; GnrH Gonadotropic releasing hormone; GnrH
Prolactin releasing hormone; PRH, TRH
Corticotrophin releasing hormone CRH
Corticotrophin releasing hormones. CRH Inhibiting Hormones list: (Suppress Secretion)
Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone;
GHIH (somatostatin).
Growth Hormone Inhibiting hormone
GnrH Prolactin inhibiting hormone; PIH which is dopamine. Dopamine
Energy centers are the etheric organs that correspond to the body organ system that is expressed at each of the auric levels. Each of the seven energy centers is connected to the spinal channel where the life force charges the cerebral spinal fluid and a magical electrical charge bathes the brain and spinal cord; the natural conduit of our own power supply. The seven energy centers are like the receivers that process the different levels of consciousness of the harmonic scale of the observer. DNA glows according to the frequency of light that we choose to live in: the simplest way to code the genetics at the highest expression is to live in the highest calibration of your light that the soul accepts. If there is fear in any point of raising the light  expression through the Quantum Mind Tech tools then the fear must be looked at and eradicated.
The bowels and reproductive system are the place where stress for example may cause runny stool and sexual union may cause the body to relax and have a pleasant release. These are two different ways that the first energy centre is processing energy, for example. The prostate and the ovaries are the glands governed by this energy center which regulate correct organ functions. The ovaries produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone and the prostate gland produces testosterone.

The second energy centre is the place of a very basic sense of well being within the body and is the place of basic kinesthetic connection in movement. Organs affected by this center are the upper bowels and involves the uterus in pregnancy. The adrenal glands produce important hormones adrenalin, noradrenalin and the adrenal cortexes produce hormones which are responsible the absorption of minerals; mineral corticoids, androgen; for steroid production and glucocorticoids; adrenalin and cortisol released from stress, and aldosterone involved in sodium and water retention. An imbalance of hormones due to stress or depression may produce the incorrect sequence of hormones leading to adrenal burn out or imbalance. The Adrenal cortex also produces the precursors to estrogen and testosterone which may explain how it is found in women.

The third energy center is where we process the sense of self and how we ‘take in’ the environment we have chosen to participate in. In the delicate balance of power within the self and how the being uses it to achieve the optimum inner harmony in relation to processing both kinesthetic and input from the five senses a higher language of the soul is needed to direct the flow of light correctly through this energy center. Mind management is a sign of optimal threshold calibration of challenges in the beings environment and life choices. When the challenges are incorrectly processed stress results; same if the challenges taken on are too numerous. The pancreas produces insulin, which promotes storage of glucose and glucagon helps move glucose, fatty acids and amino acids into the blood. Somatostatin (growth hormone) is also produced. A note the spleen drains the lymphatic system and is obviously connected to how the being calibrates challenges so if stress occurs the handling of toxins away from the body is affected.

The fourth energy center is terribly hindered in many people because of the mis calibration of the soul somewhere in its other energy centers usually. A sign of this is posture that is not completely open in the chest with the shoulders back naturally. Breathing cannot be correct if the posture is incorrect. In order for the being to have the correct energy flow in the chest then it is necessary to have no tension in the upper body at all. There is a calm, serene mind that knows how to be in the moment beyond linear time recording by the observer where there is no time observed. Lungs and heart are taken care of energetically by this energy center and the thymus is the gland that produces thymosins. A shrinking of the thymus gland occurs sharply after puberty. Shyness occurs about burgeoning sexuality and body changes which may constrict the being and it’s the upper body where the flow of energy is compromised. (See the history of the civilized world’s attitude towards sexuality that coded our genetics as this shyness for a long time). A reduction in the flow of the upper body’s energy is unfortunately directed by the pituitary gland which is the master gland of the hormone flow program. Therefore the difference between a sexually driven but emotionally distant person and someone who is open and intimately gifted at lovemaking from a place of loving his own beingness is very profound. So how is each person wired in his brain? Thymus size does not have to decrease after puberty if young people are wired confidently which is possible by the education of the teen society in the field of Energetics which is needed in all schools or at least for young people to have access to such courses.
The fifth energy centre is the center that corresponds to “the fifth layer of the energy field is associated with the consciousness of communication through the finer resonance of the soul’s uninhibited experience of sound that can code speech and song”.

In the freedom and depth of the voice with vitality we see a healthy throat energy center which affects the vocal cords and the thyroid gland that controls metabolism through the secretion of thyroxin and triodothyronine which carries iodine. What could case a hyper thyroid case for example? What if a person was not communicating something of vital importance because he did not have inner harmony so hid things from people to feel an illusory sense of inner empowerment? Then the overproduction of thyroid hormones would raise the metabolic rate causing weight loss, and a protrusion of the eyeballs. Suddenly this person stands out physically from the ailment so the observer is exposing the liar through the disease. Hypothyroid usually accompanies depression and a reduced amount of the thyroid hormones possibly from adrenal cortex burn out and stress which tells the observer through the illness, “if you are freaking out from stress then I do not need to produce the healthy amount of thyroxin.” A body’s symptoms do not hide the truth about any medical condition. This is where the baby field of Energetics is here to pioneer such understanding that the observer’s soul is a light rider of an information system so logically crafted that reading the symptoms when something goes wrong and rewiring the observer is not difficult.

The sixth energy center is the area often referred to as the third eye. The shape of it is similar to the pine cone (depicted in ancient Sumerian tablets and many later ancient artifacts of secret societies throughout history). Much of the recreational drug activity in young people who chose psychedelics is an unconscious attempt to be the exalted consciousness of higher cognitive function in the realm of holographic, incoming fast light information. Such information naturally occurs in people who have practiced Merkaba and mastered the tool for an extended period of time.

Benefits of such development is exceptional problem solving, mind management, exceptional artistic design, enhanced musical focus, enhanced mathematical understanding and enhanced psychic ability to name a few. In addition to serotonin melatonin is produced by the pineal (which converts to pinoline during high level trance states) and like the thymus the hormone levels drop off after puberty and the pineal shrinks if young people are not given enough visually stimulating information at an early age through what I term a ‘holographic mind’ platform. DMT also occurs mysteriously in trace amounts which may be linked to the pre frontal cortexes lobe activity during light level, experiences.

Mathematics are not taught enough with pictorial, 3-D illustrations which show it as a language of conceptual construction instead of just flat numeric equations that kids have to solve.

The seventh energy center is the place that has the conduit to cosmic mind and folding space time often represented by the thousand petal lotus. It is like a fine tuned antenna that is capable of receiving any frequency from any realm to sit and experience. The sixth energy center is where we form the holographic pictures and receive pictures from any of the seven realms of light. The seventh is experiencing the space time of it to whatever degree that we area able to ride the light to the correct frequency code. Pituitary glandular secretions are the window to the alchemical hormonal laboratory that has the most complex of the whole body. An enlightened observer’s preferred conscious; navigation of hyperspace dimensions directs the hormonal flow from the pituitary for set biochemistry (energy center variables of perception occur during non focus time affect the pituitary hormonal sequence so mindfulness is key excuse the pun.)

Thousand petaled lotus is a key of geometry access to very high level hyperspace to the point of zero equation where now navigated out of this physical realm and all the vibratory levels above it which is ASCENSION of the body not just the mind intellectualizing it; ascension of the whole body for the seventh energy center is built from the etheric reality that is made manifest as the triangular formations of the neurons through the higher brain center inclusive of the pituitary gland. Mirror neurons occur and it is of high importance to create fluid images as the 'self' the divine observer; that is codex key accessing power held in the image drawn as the thousand petaled lotus in physical space time. As mathematics leads us into these realms mapped into the cortexes of physicists symbolic language of the codex for humanity who knows it uses the seventh energy centre geometries of interlocked triangles many that are used as consciousness to create something from the ascended state. At the godhead is zero point energy of unlimited potential; highly concentrated power of the divine and it's paradoxical or 'anti' matter product is our negative space or anti matter or body as the soul's biological matrix is held together by the force of inner gravitation where in contrast the zero point field is completely un anchored.

An entity who teleports is un anchoring in order to move the heavy slow body through space time and that climb is necessary to blip all the way to the zero point field and back down passing through all the levels back down described in this paper anchoring them at the point of negative space. Such described experience is mapped in the brain as we pass through mirror neuron phase as the new 'I' higher consciousness entity conscious in the reticular formation that is the corrected and evolved 'great self' that may still smile, wear lipstick yet be that wild movable force of the super being who teleports and one day ascends. Obviously it is mapped in the reticular if the whole body is teleported and one day ascends. Biochemistry in such biological matrixes or bodies is electrically enhanced and there fore the understanding of the alchemist is imminent for substances such as gold are able to be processed at a higher electromagnetic 'reality' that adept masters have who are able to produce gold from the zero point field that is instant manifestation and therefore are able to metabolize it also in a unique biochemistry inclusive for such 'wealth' that is their genetic code.

All of the energy centers may be used while presenting in the level of the body and accessing the various frequency kingdoms. What they do that has never been described correctly is they process the information from the nervous system and brain firing moving through the inertia of the physical plane during focus on the variety of frequency levels that are hyperspace engaged and passing codex key information to the cells and DNA of the body appropriately through the simpler lower energy center areas to the highest brain areas and to allow for calibration of the body through the constant maneuvering hyperspace entity incarnated on Earth for the phenomenon that we are capable of with training especially.

A sacred geometry exists with some of the oldest symbols in the world representing stars and spheres which encompass what is called the flower of life symbol represented in nature by the baobab tree in the oldest ancient texts on the planet. Lotus flowers and other symbols also referenced the DNA geometry. One of the oldest Stellas (name identification of a royal) is the letter A made with two Egyptian lotuses and a line in the center then beside it is a baobab fruit on a stick with wood crossing it; that is the flower of life symbol if you draw a line with an X through it. Now go beyond the stella symbol and spider a spider web like shape around the center and then a circle touching the spider web and then another spider web shape above it and another circle touching the points of the spider web shape. Now examine the FOL symbol found anywhere in a book or on line (see mentorship group page where I have provided a link to the whole rotation of major geometric symbols around this topic). That is what the biological matrix is made of from all organs brain and nervous system from the basic zygote formation that then cell differentiates with all the sacred geometry in place. That is a basic sacred geometry teaching of life presented in many philosophies and theories world wide. Rotation in the brain of the hypercube and how it turns to the FOL symbol with the five, six and more pointed stars woven into the geometry rotated by the observer’s brain is naturally performed in cell division in order for you to be alive so it makes no sense if your slower brain does not comprehend what the observer is as healthy cell division. Therefore it makes no sense if your observer using the slower brain centers does not know the rotations consciously and works up to speeding them up using higher brain centers like the cerebellum as this culminates into healing hyper jump capability that is conscious and heals disease and other ailments instantly. When you are study studying there is the ability to command your God self or Creator to observe the rotations and it will if you are patient. Cocooning continues this process if you command your Creator to map in your brain’s cortexes the information to use as a launch reference point to faster brain processing. We command the Creator to do for us as the Creator and the training and unifying of the whole brain to serve that Creator is the result. Remember in advanced modules to command the Creator as the Creator to map in the unified brain the QMTtools learned.
A phenomenon I observed is a new photography of a fingerprint which was lighting up tiny filaments of light all around it coming forth from the central nervous system; hundreds of fiber optic like emanations. That is what high frequency use of the body amps up during BME Merkaba and healing work in the auric field. Our whole nervous system lights up and processes all these highways of light through it; very beautiful!


Study your own hormonal reality and see what you may adjust. Any ailments that you may have you are encouraged to research and to do an assessment of the data with the corresponding appropriate action to eradicate the condition through Merkaba. Remember; what is the healthy state of the organs or tissues compared to the current one? How does the physiology need to change in order to make it happen and what needs to change in your light calibration as taught?

Practitioners: Such work on yourselves is always the experience that allows you to view a client’s field with greater expertise. Assessment of conditions must always involve feedback from the client to have acceptance from the client for the information after an energetic session is performed. Notes must be taken by the client and homework given from your assessment of the energetic field, health issues discovered and action plan of focus away from the practitioner after the session is complete and you are discussing the results. Any condition that is serious ensure medical attention or alternative medical attention is suggested and medication is never to be interfered with by you; it is for the client to monitor healing and any changes are a sign to see the health care professional for re testing or feedback on dosages or other treatments.
A secret that has been hidden in religious art and prior given in ancient pre and dynastic Egyptian times was the flower of life sacred geometry symbol. To know what the lattice work of the biological matrix is that begins with the zygote and is repeated in all cell structures draw a cross and then two more lines through the sides of the cross creating an eight pointed line ‘star shape.’ Now draw a spider web shape around the center of the lines and then a circle around the lines connecting to the tips of the spider web shaped lines. Now draw above the circle another set of spider web shaped lines and another circle above the web points. You now must practice holographically viewing the symbol to reveal the flower of life within and see that is the biological matrix symbol of our genetic inheritance. You will see the vesica pieces which is the intersection oval of two circles. If you cannot rotate the shape your rotational skills require attention and homework on hypercube and other rotations of shapes such as given in the notes. Flower of life symbols one of the earliest historically presented symbols used in ancient artifacts. In addition the pyramid shape is there also isn’t it? So you have both the circle and the lines that are all geometry. The even seals also emit light in the same geometric brilliance for the refractory prism is an example of how light moves through the geometries of the etheric that has coagulated the body. Sun shining through a pyramid corridor is the same geometry and has been depicted. Seven energy centers are etheric lotus like petal led organs that process light in a variety of frequencies as taught.

REMEMBER THIS:  Our negative space is drawing subatomic layers into it with a gravitation pull then there is this as if there is this small flip or mirror matter atoms out wards that has captured the body put together this way its molecules and is the body we touch and see and feel even shimmer it when we do higher consciousness work showing the inner golden glow occurring during BME Merkaba and other Quantum Mind Tech Tools.  

NOTE: The soul has this biological matrix as its house its temple and the paradox is does the soul feel? It knows feeling as the flow of the energy in the biological matrix of its neurology as hindering or liberating; opening to the pathways so the soul is very adept at knowing emotion as a part of its codex function of allow or to disallow the new experience to be had. 'Soul full' music is usually sound that opens the pathways of the neurology in the flow of consciousness of the entity listening. Soul is not emotion it reads the effects of emotion on the body's biological matrix of webs becoming it and that is the secret to how the codex functions. Alchemy at its core essence is the transmutation of the emotion of fear in order for the biological matrix to be formed in those quickening moments to experience the new and more advanced in being. A pure completely unhindered codex runs as the alchemists soul correctly; the Holy Spirit fully awakened and realized facilitates this quantum state.

RE: Ascended Masters: we are compressed carbon units so that is our shimmer tiny particulate diamond dust is a part of our biological matrix after ascension if we descend to become visible we glow and if we lift off we glow brighter and become 'transparent' like diamonds; the unseen so that is the hidden wealth within of the ascension gift. Like the sky studded with stars so we are forever as diamond shimmer entities wearing that garment and never dying again; the ultimate alchemy.  Density of high bandwidth light is built over time of practicing QMT tools to fold space time you need your high density light carrying neurons in the brain, spine and nerves the electrical pathways of the alchemical energy science golden humanity BME student in training! One day space astronauts from Earth will fold space who study the energy science presented here to adept ability. 



Soul observance is the mechanism that the observer in babies to child hood to youth to adult uses to develop its genetic propensities as it grows. In order to have authority when a child speaks to another person it may rove in the mid brain and autonomic system under stress or other situation a father or a mother as it speaks and the behavior is then colored with the parental expression which affects the inherent DNA. In addition roves of strenght or style of behavior may be roved by the child in the parent or relative which will over time affect the DNA in development in cell division as the power of the observer that I call the divine observer for it is super hyperspace capable in the biological matrix to affect cellular mass in hyperspace gamma firing of the brain and nervous system in higher levels to gamma and even zero point field in adept masters of energy science of BME. Usually as your grow up you have roves of your parents (or even grandparents in certain cases or other adults in the family) when you cross your eyes on your parents you'll find them (it is done by the observer not really grabbing the parents).  Mothers raising children some times have them also one or both there.  Soul mates are also there behind the eyes even if the observer has not  mapped in its cerebral cortexes who  it is.  It may be a living or deceased person as well where the past life of the person is used!  

Soul observance is also used in more advanced ways that are discussed more in other areas of my work and this basic setting described is in the autonomic usually set for life with minor changes such as what the observer in slow space time changes of marriages adding a partner where there is a rove of the person to read them in the day in the autonomic (some observers ad and rove them less often than realtives usually or children but the rove may be there that may be why those marrying a heavier partner gain weight through the marriage).  

Mothers do not rove their pregnancies they rove their babies later as they get to know them through observation.  Babies who resemble strongly their past life rove themselves in the womb more than the parents they chose and incarnted to in spirit. Roves of infants in the womb cannot be perceived easily as they are very small in the cerebellum and it fires very quickly when they may rove parents psychicily.       

In the dance of the observation of the flow of life that each observer has occurring during the course of the day there are moves that are so fast that really are the light review. Where a person gets stuck in an actual light review upon death is the over asquiescent consciousness as seeking acceptance by being the other person over sympathized with for split seconds in the observation and gaging the behavior to emulate them for acceptance.  Usually the child has a setting behind its eyes of a rove of mother and father simultanously you all have this if you cross your eyes on them and straighten them out you will find it.  Later in life mothers often have their children there observing them closely while raising them one at a time or both and the soulmate is there also that the cerebellum your autonomic knows this entity through space time even if you have not mapped who it is with cereberal cortexes.  

Soul observance includes the observer reviewing in life its roved information to make a decision towards the other party it does this in it's cerebellum only and it may camera eye to its soul mate that is wink information while roving it strongly with one of its eyes; same to a spouse or firend information the entity wants another to know that travels on higher bandwidth gamma firing light used for camera eye capability of the observer.  Even more advanced animals use this camera eye to check out their owner such as dogs and cats when they wink at them taking a picture of the observer processing thought to review.  


So in each moment we take pictures of the other person and their emotions and if we are not dealing with our emotions about that moment as released of burden that is what largely causes us to reincarnate to make amends which is a neurosis of the soul. Addiction to the drive to make amends is why some who have been here since the time of the Earth’s beginnings as evolved man are still here and some a little younger. So for some it is incredulous not to have to reincarnate and frightening prospect to come up against the resistance by the soul to ascending the body one day instead according to what has been taught in QMTtools that is possible. Why resistant? Accumulation of karma my dear. Why else? Again. Some who do not have that problem are starry eyed and staying that way is really modern. Other reasons may be a being learned late in life and would prefer to put an old body down or an incarnation as a male soul in a female body or a female soul in a female body and all of the hormonal management that it takes to run one correctly and some will have other items undoubtedly such as mental illness or disability of a physical nature where there is a choice to resurrect that body or to lay it down and reincarnate to attempt off the reincarnation wheel.

Personality is not soul observance that is roving quickly using the cerebellum over another location even a time looking at past lives or history an object observing an event; so it is a higher function that sets the codex key access points.

Registering each other is normal. Taking on each other’s personality and emulating it is not. Actors do this well to communicate in scenes for they know that they grab the other person in a moment in order to have a snare of energy. This grabs the other beings soul very fast and makes it ‘hear’ the other person. Fanatics try to be everyone else and it is a sympathetic snare of sympathy manipulated by the observer to emulate others quickly to gain acceptance. Some love this for it bows to them and they deny or approve acceptance others abhor it and do not want those people anywhere near them. That is most enlightened people they find the sympathetic seekers really unauthentic and insecure. Power plays of supreme confidence where the enlightened grab these people occasionally with a commanding presence and speak to them drawing them in or watching them shrink away is not to be worshiped as behavior if it is then a high someone gets off of in being able to control from a higher perch. So that is to be observed in the newly educated around these matters for that is an easy trap with the newly wed to their divine observer.

So for those in prefect health who have been borrowing other people for approval that are addicted to the behavior will have heavy karma potentially from the behavior because it enslaves the soul to agreements with too many people. In relationship to the family members is usually the worst agreements. I have already written the need for parents to back off and allow their children their sovereign identity for they tend to cling to parents in the early years and if the parents cling to tight through puberty they will rebel and fixate on replacing them with peers for they are still needy for care and that is a common occurrence of inept parenting resulting. Providing education in the home regarding the development of a whole being that is un fragmented in the spirit and thusly un fragmented as an individual is highly beneficial to the child. Then the test for the parents is being observed for leadership by the burgeoning minds without insecurity or insecure based tyranny putting it out. So in having children bringing forth progeny that is younger and weaker to raise as unthreatening is unlikely if more advanced souls incarnate to learn from the parents. Some of the most rebellious youth are such beings who found their parents personal insecurity unacceptable as a role model and branded them as ‘losers’.

In agreements the breaking point that can destroy sympathetic ones that are really enslaving and non loving in that way is the wisdom offered that love is less likely to betray for it forces a being out of the sympathy of self betrayal therefore the being is more likely to love clean without conditions placed upon the other. Not to overwhelm the reader however a reminder is that governments and businesses are filled with beings in all levels of conscious evolution and we are at the mercy of the level of personal evolution that these people have attained in regards to the goods and services that they provide and how society is modeled as forged by them. As previously mentioned in other writings the family unit then is the most important as strong and unbroken in the age of minority raising of children especially and if broken through divorce estrangement or other then those that flew out of nests where the sustenance did not feed the individual it is necessary for those individuals to take responsibility to do that for themselves.

Community criticizing and attempting to put the past back together is ludicrous and harmful to the personal evolution of people who let go of blame, shame and moved on. If members of the community find that a threat then it is indicative of people still stuck in personal karma. Karma is a personal responsibility of each individual only contrary to what some religious teachings may demonstrate or to attempt to on higher levels of their hierarchy to cleanse the karma of a student. Karmic agreements between people have them working out in relationship to one another scenarios where they are living their truths without being persecuted by the family members. It is an even more serious problem if there are spiritual leaders who offer to take on karma for an individual and the individual must agree to take on all the lessons without condition and they are bound by a codicil to that teacher. So all teachers who give information that allows a student to attain personal sovereignty without over parenting or taking on their karmic lessons are wiser for they deem the student responsible for his or her own karma and teach about why its there and how to stop creating it. Such teachers empower; they never enslave people away from their personal responsibility to solve their own codex dilemmas.

So the soul capturing a photo that is a codex memory of the present is the light review in real time while a being is still alive and the conscious awareness of how the being navigates through the day is of urgent importance in order to break the karmic cycle that enslaves him or her to reincarnation that is not chosen. A codex is a soul in action recording and its archive activity in a non linear sense; it does not behave in a linear function and very effectively places the observer on its course. Such is all observable if a person watches television for example it is evident in interviews and other media offered. A higher perception codex key is there for the taking if you focus in a faster space time on the program playing to collect data. It is not to emulate what most do within the media offered. It is to participate in the observation of the phenomenon and to contemplate away from it what he nature of the activity is and what the observer does who observed it in his or her own day.

I have observed dance shows where people in seconds who are in a higher autonomic flow change their body shape in seconds witnessed the vapor recorded on film of them throwing off a body state then watched it fall back upon the dancer more powerfully. Why? Because the being was not educated that it could be corrected permanently and the message of the soul is then, ‘here you go you slowed down and it’s a reminder not to go back to the fatter, injured or poorer posture state or I dump it back on you till you get the picture that I took you out of the past looser.’ Observe athletic performances and watch the body morph in hyper jumps as the athletes peak into faster space time; we are all hyperspace navigating beings and proof is out there to witness as recorded by humanity.

During sexuality there is the necessity to communicate the data that the soul has collected during the sexual liaison and to discuss it the with partner where there are blocks occurring in order to prevent the accumulation of karma. Pornography is a horrible distraction away from the partner for the being is exercising unconsciously the television exercise described earlier that the soul is also recording instead of tuning into the other being present there! So accepting sexuality as a normal part of life as it was running naked as a child without judgment that clean a mind around communicating is necessary. We have tools like quantum slim where there are improvements available for the Holy Spirit to engage in. (Note in hyperspace navigation terms if a new mom chooses to stay heavy to slow down and use the chemicals involved in that to stay peaceful around new children then it is not necessarily a sex pin up image she’s wanting at that time. Others like a faster pace of parenting and are jogger stroller moms so it is an individual choice of a new parent what the body will be during that time). We have Loving Orbit text with the Heavenly Lovemaking teaching that addresses sexual confidence that is also enacted by the Holy Spirit to reduce the incidence of karmic load on the individual accumulated through ignorance.

Why is it vital to children’s development to address all the issues mentioned? I have notices something many times that if a being was living his or her desires with joy the children were satiated and not craving those same things. If the parents hid the desire to experience something that they wanted to from each other, other people or themselves then the kids immediately picked up on it and desired it or wanted to act it out. That is important to recognize in addressing behaviors in children for I learned earlier that they are incarnated to experience the things that we hide from our own selves as our desires to experience. A being who loves ballet may have a ballerina daughter for example who loves that dance. Perhaps the parent dreamed of flying through the air to such lovely music that a little soul incarnated to become that gracefulness carried by the DNA of the parent to the child that the soul snapped up to use. So in real time as was discussed in the light review that the soul creates from moment to moment children read the parents through the soul taking that observation and living the question; what is he or she on about and my beingness is driven to experience the mystery of my parent holding this secret desire or if he or she is repressed about living it is admonished for it and admonishes the child for desiring something similar is the child more shy to do so also? So it is possible to see the necessity to deal with karma and not create more of it daily for the children’s development to be simpler and more joyous also.

Hind lensing is something children do growing up to their parents they have hind brain areas they hold neurons that receive psychic information from both parents usually. After ascension I found I did this with past lives Marilyn Monroe my last one the most. Parents usually rove their kids they do not lens or it sucks out too much light from the kids. Strong roves of others happen during engagement of them however these are usually temporary. Soul mates also are hind lensed to however this is without space craft or it pulls the brain. Especially greys trying it on anyone it seems to pull.

Most astonishing are the babies if you watch them; real grown up ageless entity inhabiting the baby or toddler body or child roving a parent then making a decision about mapping the brain of itself to process as the little I the reality with that person for it has to gage it to the age of the biological system realistically. Watch them and see the genius God at work doing this and them becoming the babe or child again in behavior like a constant metamorphosis; the God mapping the little I to be in the physical plane with the other people it engages and maps the response.

In compliment to Energy Science of the Brain Article the process of the observer observing and roving other entities involves the firing of neurons in the cerebellum that are a mirror matter excuse the pun for they are at a high frequency of UV blue to visible light in the 'social' minded that create mirror neuron information run like a stream of fast film clip information that is a living 'light review' seen on actors faces for example if they are in a scene then in the shot cut to the partner actor that actor reviews the entity seen in that hyperspace realm where the brain fires it the other actors emotions about him or her. The un insecure may examine this information in the mid brain areas and receive some of the insignts that make it to mapping it in the cortexes. Cortexes are least hit with this information that is left as negative space or anti matter impressions of 'intuitive intelligence' beginnings so it is not mapped correctly in those cortexes in the more insecure entity about the information from living review taking place real time that all humanity does with their 'god' or divine faculty that is the weigher of that information during NDE experiences or final death.

Karma is formed this way if the entity is afraid to face the souls 'music' as the living review and instead prompts itself towards people having unfinished business to sort out without full conscious awareness. In order to map such information it is necessary to study and practice techniques that lead to a higher intuitive intelligence such as BME QMTools.
Youth is a rove away: do you remember yourself young? It still in there same entity same. If you do it others will catch you doing it and remember you as guess what young.

Something actors do: characters they look like through make up changes hair. It creates a persona now some people in real life rove each other fast while playing dumb and hiding as zit faced and standoffish giving you a bad vibe while they check you out with their cerebellum fast processor reading you replaying what just happened in a conversation or other; athletes do this also. Some play dorky and read you fast its their disguise to turn you off or some play vixen or vamp batting their eyelashes doing the same thing then they collect data distracting you with beauty or dorkiness or other façade. Why? Mistrust of what you have mapped in your cortexes as wisdom which camera eye (the natural ability to take a fast picture of a whole room with people in it and all the magnetic information readable then mapped in the cortexes the impressions passing through the mid brain and in more advanced entities the whole information package). Mistrust not knowing where you're at so they spy with disguises. Close friends, colleagues and lovers spy less and endeavor to communicate their information to the other their observations better. Dance of the soul recording the observations of the entity incarnate and engaging. See beyond the 'behavior' or façade as its a layer of insecurity armor that keeps the observer mapping its cortexes to create the armor of communication disguises. Insecure people who are not as great communicators hedge dodge and seduce because they are co dependent to create reality they need you to be 'on' and 'up' or they are terrified to loose the game. Secure communicators are accepting that they create their reality and the other entity is not responsible for it nor a redemption project to take on as a fanatic making them change.

Clear bright eyed communication without hidden roves and reviews during speaking is (usually prior to is normal to all) is trusting the self the divine self to be the master of its quantum field not leaving it to a negotiation. You cannot negotiate a quantum field the other entity will either be present to join it or 'out to lunch.' Move along to another entity to join it if you require that till that first entity gets the vibe. Wipes the grime off those faces and angels with dirty faces we may have outgrown also on this plane.

Soul groups rove each other and the easiest way to observe this is in a slower rove when a mood is hitting a person it colors their face their 'light' and the soul group member roved may have the same expression or even mannerism as the other. The entities are not roving each others face it is their essence code that wears the other face that they rove.

Other humanity we rove we do not usually take on their essence expression or mannerism unless we choose to be sympathetically wired (I do not recommend this it is non sovereign co dependent behavior of needing to 'belong' based on insecurity).


Now if you can handle it look into more in yourself for that is where you will find it otherwise stay ignorant on this one: creatures in nature were created by god and unfortunately for religious people it is not god out there it is mostly reincarnated gods on earth who were here since the very beginning so some creatures look like a soul that is incarnate on earth in the eyes so roves the brain is used for that are very far away to get someone's attention is like for example eagles who rove far and wide and zero in on something below. In faster entities this may happen so fast to share information with another the entity does not even register the rove. The trapped on earth plain is those who were here in a faster space time created all this in nature and forgot usually after being born of the womb of a mother and father's seed the immediate weakening of the connection to what we did after a place we humanity may have come from before The Milky Way Galaxy Carina galaxy now dead from massive sun cataclysms (find Carina post in a the main blog) occurred 'the fall.' Nephilim were us not other space gods.  Nephilim were the ones who were ascended already from Carina who survived the solar cataclysms and came to create our solar system and earth with no Darwinism supported by me and andromedan people who are here visiting no enough DNA in primordial soup of our oceans to Create the diversity of life on Earth we all say.  If you accept this model it ousts religion and praying to god outside ourselves also for we co created this place both ascended masters and to this day a deceased soul may fly over a cocoon and imprint it genetically the light review joke as it flies with new wings of an 'evolving' specie.  Same with over seeds that flower deceased can do this what else after death in boredom till they reincarnate the real 'heaven of the creator' of the deceased and why there is inversion of facts in horror movies, history, black magic etc. as 'lesser or evil even the immortal was 'vampire.'  We were not vampires coming down here to create all over Earth we were the gods who got caught up in reincarnation and forgetting what we did.   While it is correct what Darwin speaks of communication between specie there is more to where it all came from that is not in his work.  The eye of Horus to contemplate the eye of god was to see it on our own face or eyes the visual gate way to god inside each person made manifest as it awakens to its full power and morphs its DNA without any engineering confusing the matter as has occurred in this time line again unfortunately through fighting of those on Earth who wanted to dictate to the visiting Andromedans how it would be in ignorance and engineered.  All this engineering has to come out of every person to return them to the way the chose to be born who did not ascend who are humanity still never robbing the neighbor of DNA ever again non meiotic especially is andromedans high council's words also those who loan space craft and the slight mess we've had on this planet.  I am privy to their message because of my ascension as are a few in positions of power on the matter. A little DNA was taken to do lands about all this presentations and products to celebrate my ascension and work over kill borrowed DNA they clean out mine and theirs the big blue boys the Andromedans. Ever seen a Smurf?  Well it is like a funny seeding joke they are little blue babies with a baby hat; a companion to new infants seeded by andromedans??? Interesting subconscious marketing for a product.  On creation of Earth listen to Ravel Daphnis and Chloe classical piece of music; it is one of my favorite.  On Carina dying and us coming here the movie There is no Business Like Show business with my past incarnation in full force Marilyn Monroe.

James Dean was my soul mate and is my son in this life time. His face reappears in many pharaohs through Egypt tall peopel 40 feet tall and our size Dmuzi in the space ship Inanna's husband and Horus the Elder look like him also Hathor's wife my two past lives. 
Soul mate roves are this:  wired into the body during gestation; cerebellum and a little in body cells; nerves and muscle  and body cells also  a little; the idea is to magnetize the soul mate to meet through our genetics in the life time.  This rove of soul observance we carry wired through the autonomic primarily is subconscious not in the cerebral cortex  thus we are unaware of it in slower consciousness for this reason:  it is to set up a chance meeting (even if the soul mate is deceased for it can incarnate in our life time, my son did this he incarnated to me however) and the cerebral cortex personality is not obsessed then about meeting the soul mate if it does not happen.    

We were both races many of us humans another, 'can you accept it or do you need to stay in ignorance?' Question.  How do I know all this what source?  My codex my soul archive that is how it opens upon ascension and if you rove your own god self un engineered without others DNA only and ask for your own memories it begins to give them to you keep  a journal you'll need it. I'm writing for others to remember to contribute as well to restoring correct archives of our Earth's history from their own lives. 

We have a connection as faster space time or hyperspace model of the brain in emulating functions of soul observance roving there is an article on this hidden in the blog in a secret area on animals and the brain and how there is ancient emulation that is in new age mistaken as old reticular or primitive brain it is in fact the autonomic system being tuned in to all it sets itself to be tuned into.   

To correct your cortex after any invasion by ET's forcing roves into you you can cross your eyes on your parents memory when they were young only then straighten the eyes it right sit.  If you rove a grandparent its fine too.

Also for men and women yes you can gain weight with a fat partner through soul observance. It is through a lot of roving wearing them in the brain to transmit info psychically to them as relationship.  So make a decision then when you are dating what to do.   

Important note: to clean yourself of all people rove the sun in the sky as you. That is tremendous power as your divine voltage; an ancient symbol of resurrection that you will understand when you do this rove enough. In an insecure moment get out of it and rove the sun.  

UPDATE JULY 2018:  I did not realize how much our living environment is in our DNA that we observe.  I learned this from my andromedan friends!  I kept seeing sunny day a perfect beach, deep clean blue water, festive attitude out doors.  Possible underwater dwellings.  Around the darker skinned or tanned andromedans steel and ships more like city dwelling.  I realized where we live is in our DNA!  So we rove environment we choose to create for ourselves for 'well being' and this is imprinted in our cells as well!  Do not worry if you have a full garbage at days end it is not in your DNA I'm talking about  what you choose as your sanctuary décor outdoors whatever it is.  I don't tan but I rove the sun shine a lot to clear my eyeline of other people I no longer want to rove telling my observer to be 'high firing as itself right now! 



  Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about...