Saturday, August 8, 2015



Study of ancient papyrus, tablets and the depiction of beauty had some of the same mystery as advertisements that have beautifully painted eyes with one difference; the families painted were great pharaohs and their families who revered the body as sacred servants of propagation of genetics inclusive of the knowingness of nature, leadership, agriculture, wine making, metal forging of liquid gold hot and steaming made into something beautiful in a manner similar to the soul becoming deep and rich with beauty Study of ancient papyrus, tablets and the depiction of beauty had some of the same mystery as advertisements that have beautifully painted eyes with one difference; the families painted were great pharaohs and their families who revered the body as sacred servants of propagation of genetics inclusive of the knowingness of nature, leadership, agriculture, wine making, metal forging of liquid gold hot and steaming made into something beautiful in a manner similar to the soul becoming deep and rich with beauty by the hands of its godhead.

Today when I apply make up I still see clear skin, bright eyes, a nice face I love that is what my divine goddess wears to present to the world. I see this as a blessing and usually smile when I'm done approving the look for the sacred being going forth in self love.

Eyes with metallic colors like butterfly wings or more muted colors for evening allure is reminiscent of the Goddess painting the inspiration of the metamorphosis of the spirit that knows the UV auric engagement for the butterfly according to science sees in the UV light spectrum. Is it any wonder women paint their eyes and are attracted to cosmetics to wear the colors that the soul uses to remind us of a greater wisdom of health and longevity?

Presently we have colorful, metallic powders, eyeliners, lipstick, glosses, bases and more to create an expression of the inner beauty that is desired by the individual to enhance natural features or to create the illusion of features desired by shadings and contours. Sometimes the face we are born with is loved and adored and other times a nose or plump chin is desired changed because inside the individual feels that the mirror is lying as to the inner truth being worn externally as a complimentary genetic expression. So insecurity about looks is not necessary if the individual understands that which the being would like to enhance or change. Most men shave so they also beautify be removing
Egyptian styling of eyes enlarged and enhanced by kohl liner and mascara with braided hair, fragrant oils and ground plants, hennas and other adornments exalted love of the body as sacred and beautiful adorned by the hands of its Godhead in Egyptian times who knew the sacred symbols of enlightenment. They also had extensive knowledge of the plant kingdom's medicinal and beautifying properties.

Garden of Eden what was it really? The couple in the garden with the tree of life the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the serpent. Those symbols are as follows: The tree of life originally represented by the baobab tree that has a flower and fruit that feeds the beings is really us represented as the DNA inheritance of great beings who are connected and can read the natural kingdom's library of information. This includes facts such as the lovely gardenia blossom heady scent to provide ambient gifts for the senses, quinine repelling mosquitoes protecting us and coffee a mild stimulant. Now the tree of good and evil is really relative to the serpent that is the kundalini symbol which climbs to stay in lower energy centres or higher consciousness that determines a coffee addict or a fragrant intoxicating being who knows the connection to the natural kingdom. It's not really exclusively about sex that tree is it? It is really about discernment from the spiritual attainment of your development. What are you doing with your DNA inheritance from the soul's prompting and is it a lower, quieter prompting or is it full blown super consciousness? That also affects sexuality and your genetics. Even how cosmetics are used and how you adorn the body. So there we have the Garden of Eden decoded finally and a Goddess writing is simply a being that knows this and is awake as an adept master or being. If your soul has to read in every second your whole anatomy to be alive and run your physical processes then clearly it knows your anatomy better than your physician for he or she is not you. Same superconscious being knows the natural kingdom. Get to it and take a BME module today for more personal development as a Creator.

*My favorite health and beauty tips:

For acne and minor skin breakouts use with QMTtools: Sea or Epsom salt poultice for five minutes and once dried up use same as scrub to remove dry skin.

For very oily skin daily, a few times a week for t-zone and once a week for normal to dry skin one teaspoon of olive oil with sea salt three or four tablespoons for face scrub or Epsom salt for the body in the shower. Oil may be substituted for Shea or coco butter as a cushion for the salt grains. Salt is a natural antiseptic that does not spread bacteria from break out as a scrubbing agent the way some grain scrubs may if there is acne break out. Glowing, rosy skin a result. Great for vacations to help prevent tan dry out and uneven skin shedding. Apply Aloe Vera get after treatment and coco or Shea butter for satiny skin. Oily skin types apply suitable water based moisturizer.

Dental care: tons of bacteria spread during flossing so rinse mouth with drug store grade hydrogen peroxide used as a common antiseptic (usually around 3%) to rinse mouth after flossing (Add some to water in your cup) and to clean toothbrush once weekly. Unbelievable difference after rinsing! Follow with plain water if you like.

Best mascara I've found: L’Oreal for those desiring to throw out their lash curler and have lovely, undamaged lashes without flaking….love the stuff! Use only water soluble mascara remover. Best eye brow pencil I found is LancĂ´me with the smudger on the other end…stays put even longer than a day if you're camping! Loreal has a good one also.

Wash makeup brushes with shampoo weekly to monthly dependent on use to help prevent bacterial build up that may irritate skin or eyes. Towel dry and leave aerated to dry naturally. Moms teach your teens if they use cosmetics to help avoid disaster spill cosmetics bags. Sharpen and clean pencils with a tissue dipped in hydrogen peroxide to help maintain bacteria free, clean pencils regularly. Clean the edges of all cosmetic jars and product tops with hydrogen peroxide. Drug store first aid grade hydrogen peroxide is also a great toner for the skin that is a natural, non, drying and non stripping antiseptic. Great for use with the salt scrub. Non exfoliating, ingredient containing, brand name toners have very little function. If you like brand name toners find one with an exfoliating ingredient unless you have a medical skin condition that is not able to tolerate that.

For unruly hair silicone serum, hair wax, and paste for texture control in very small amounts works well. Water based wax great for fine hair.  

Favorite manicure and pedicure:

One coat sheer blush colored nail polish like OPI over a base coat for short nails that look polished all the time. Complete with two coats of favorite top coat. Touch up with top coat as needed till polish is changed. Toes two coats of same sheer polish over a base with your two coats of top to finish it over trimmed toe nails. High shae butter product like The Body Shop body butter has is the best secret I found to reconditioning your finger and toe nails rub into the nails after shower or washing hands for a few days prior to manicure and pedicure.  Strengthens nails between polish changes. Use with a nail file to keep your nails free of uneven edges for optimum growth. Body butter very good after salt scrub treatment also for legs and any drier area of the body.

To help prevent foot odor peppermint or a blend of essential oil rubbed between the toes and on soles of feet. You may dilute with a base oil like almond if the formula is too stimulating till you get the right concentration for your own personal use. It has been researched that aromatherapy oils help to prevent bacterial growth. This tip may also help to prevent athlete’s foot in athletes and children. Always use a diluted blend for kids.  Aromatherapy not recommended for babies less than two years of age applied directly to skin. Hydrogen peroxide is a great, quick before bed foot wash followed with your favorite foot or body lotion.

Handy wipes great for fast hygiene clean ups especially during camping.

Mint oil diffused is one of the best air fresheners and speediest to get rid of all odors. For long hours sniff a bottle to rejuvenate prior to mini Merkaba recharging session.
Face powders that offer refillable compacts are nice for conservation. Pale pink matte eye shadow for a translucent powder wash over faces with any left over tans fading out.
Hair coloring tip especially if you're away from your hairdresser. Vaseline or shoe butter around hair line only apply to root growth. Touch up area five to ten minutes only to prevent dryness from over processing each time you color. Always use the gloves provided with the color. For black use only on root growth except for two to three times a year to avoid the dye build up that may occur with very dark colors. Leave on whole head during complete application for last five minutes only unless you have color fading from the sun. To keep colors fresh always wear a hat or scarf in the sun or apply a deep conditioning treatment on the beach under your hat or alone. This helps to prevent dry brittle hair, brassiness, color fade and breakage of the hair as it is more porous after coloring. Always use a cuticle smoothing, light spray or other hair product for blow drying for fine hair or silicon or other fuzz taming product for coarser hair. Low heat setting on the dryer is recommended. Color pigment shampoo used once a week may help to perk up original color between root touch ups.

Sunscreens with parasol and for kids with sensitivities titanium dioxide are great! Anyone with chemical sunscreen allergies try titanium dioxide based. If the formula is too rich follow with salt scrub at days end to unclog pores and help to prevent acne Great combo with self tan applied the night before to help prevent skin clogging for those who love to have a little color.

Best under arm deodorant that is also an antiperspirant with no aluminum is Lush cake deodorants that they cut in slices and works as great as the commercial antiperspirants with aluminum! For both men and women if you are sensitive to the other products. Bikini line contains as many sweat glands as the armpits use there for same benefits. Great for nights out dancing if you have a date.

Epsom salt soak for infected cuts: One cup of un boiled warm water with two table spoons of Epsom salts plain soak for twenty minutes twice a day till infection is gone.
Acne tip: two tubs regular yogurt with honey added a twice day a bottle of hydrogen peroxide with cosmetic pads wiped over face twice a day and chewable vitamin C taken with the yogurt 500mg minimum (up to four a day) with chewable multi vitamin with minerals. Cut back on vit C when your skin is fine to half or one quarter depending on your height weight. Same with yogurt you may cut back on it once your skin is cured. 
Try for one month. Maintain results once achieved with peroxide wipe and the yogurt and vitamins. Night snacks stick with yogurt.

Yogurt plain for healthy tummy add honey (contains a natural antiseptic property compound to it). Some who have lactose intolerance may be OK on it as the bacteria eats the lactose up and yogurt has very little in it with calcium absorption excellent also. Eat after spicy foods as your dessert it is like magic on the tummy!

Acne special boost treatment: once every few days till the condition clears up use an Epsom salt poultice in the tub or laying down packing the salt on a wet face, do not rub with active acne. Let sit for five minutes then rinse. Follow with aloe vera gel naturally oil free. All ingredients usually available at the drug store stock up on aloe vera during the summer months as availability varies through the year. Thank me later.

De ageing spa at home full body youthify(especially recommended after weight loss to stimulate skin shrinking back tight: Olive oil sea salt aloe Vera high quality she butter moisturizing product or equivalent of your choice such as Biotherm body and face products. Use salt in the oil up to four times a week with gentle circular rotation of finger pressure only till the skin feels mildly stimulated to regenerate. Use a mild soapy cleanser to remove the oil or if more sensitive go to step three of hydrogen peroxide wiped over face with a cotton cosmetic pad. Apply a light film of high grade aloe Vera gel (high content pure gel) followed with the moisturizing product.

Follow in the shower or bath with same for body with coarser salt such as Epsom with a little oil also. (Action is like a much milder chemical peel with far less irritation) Alternate salt scrub with using a synthetic nylon scrubber daily. Lather with a mild soapy cleanser to remove the oil and apply aloe Vera gel followed by moisturizer. Use for a month after weight loss and continue at least twice a week for continued de aging to stimulate the skin to reproduce faster. It is possible that after a year of this procedure you may observe visibly tighter skin with no nip and tuck needed. This may be helpful for those who are older to have less surgery needs prior to choosing cosmetic surgery and also those that have had it to lengthen the results of it.

Do not use scrub or she butter in eye area use a quality eye cream. Aloe Vera gel is harmless patted gently around the eyes.

Inexpensive cologne and scented body sprays people get as gifts use in your shoes, as room freshener spray and on feet to get rid of them, around pets and other areas that are heavily used. Incense is great for smokers; transforms ash tray smell into heavenly scents. Pet owners also; kills pet odor.  Agrabatti stick is concentrated best quality incense easy to use in different scents. Burn with open window for optimum effects. >
Perfume making tips from essential oils, use 4 parts cosmetic grade alcohol or from drug store rubbing alcohol to one part oil blend or single oil shake in a small spray bottle and you have high potency parfum to eau de parfum strength that is sterile.  You may add 5-7 percent distilled water to this, simply boil water put it in a sterile container usualy hot water will do this or alcohol, leave it covered to cool add to fragrance or buy distilled water.  I have used tap water it did not wreck the formula.  Spray in a mist walk through it for lighter application lasts half to all day. No carrier oil or it is greasy and dissipates the fragrance. A tip use vanilla or sandalwood oil for base floral for mid notes, citrus for top note for real perfume you can make yourself with your own label name on it for home use. 

I have found this high concentration fragrance to be a very good depression fighting natural therapy as well that lifts mood and andromedans have studies at home about something they said I'm correct about; flowers help with health maintenance for mood lifting and ati bacterial and viral property.  I found that pollens from flowers are similar shapes to viruses, so it like the flowers isntead, the immune system of the divine observer, to embrace the joyfulness of flowers and flower essence appears to work also like essential oils and this perfume or essence we can create.  Avoid this essence directly to air passages if you are already infected with a cold or flu, it may irritate you it is a preventative. Tea tree oil may help clear passages sprayed on the chest and back in some cases during cold or flu on adults, the blend is 5 parts alcohol 1 part Tea tree Oil and no water for boosted alternative, natural medicinal therapy effect. Alternately spray on a cloth and inhale it if it bothers you on your body.  Do not use it if you find it irritating. It is similar to intent as vapo rub but has no grease and is pure essential oil. Use Tea Tree oil formula sprayed on feet to prevent microbes also if you like.  Do not apply directly to mucous membranes it may burn in feeling.

Tip about low fat foods: most are higher is sugar which is addictive if these snacks are over eaten and this cycle may cause over snacking and weight gain which is unlikely with normal fat content foods that keep you full longer as they are slower to digest. Cookies yogurt and many others are higher in sugar than normal fat content food products. Fat is the slowest to digest and difficult to overindulge in truly without feeling ill. Grape seed and Olive oil are high quality oils to enjoy in salads and your cooking with delicate flavor.
Ancient basic item real tea that has many medicinal properties and is highly mood enhancing, mind clearing, helpful for quitting smoking or to cut down to abate the craving for nicotine, Quantum Slim enhancing and a mild diuretic with ani oxidants for healthy kidneys.

For nasal spray addicts during a cold try this: purchase Japanese Wasabi and nibble on it in small quantities while working or resting to help clear nasal passages. No drug side effects and membrane shrinkage!

Folex enzyme multi purpose cleaner one of the best I've found (available at large hardware outlets) to break down stains on carpets upholstery and other cloth items with very little damage. Pet stains may need other remedying.
Bleach for removing stains from any counter or porcelain surface.  Bleach containing house hold cleaners for same effects.

Cleaning tip: unless it is water and vinegar always have plenty of ventilation during house cleaning to protect your lungs. Parents tell teens that may clean your houses on weekends. Do not inhale sprayed cleaner with strong fumes. Spray to surfaces and immediately leave the area to breathe then return to the area once the fumes are out of the air; use a fan. 
In ancient Egyptian times the symbol of the snake on the headdress indicated an initiator of sacred knowledge that had passed many of their own that included the knowledge of creating elixirs for healing that used boiled water, herbs, salt crystals for the drawing out of toxins and replacing the mineral after profuse sweating, ground spices, and occasionally drugs to relax the body after physical injury or trauma besides their other huge knowledge base of healing and having some resurrection tools. They knew how to call back people from NDE's.

For after bleaching condition the hair rinse out then add egg albumen one cracked open all over the hair leave for 15 minutes, hair  piled on the head then rinse out with no shampoo, it leaves a pure protein, shiny glaze. 

You can use the yolk as a face moisturizing mask with a bit of any oil, wash off tone and apply light moisturizer.

My youthful looks are in part BME with sunscreen, I use 30 or higher SPF worn on my face my whole life which helped prevent forming wrinkles.  Use it year round and you will see the benefits. On hands also. I have even healed sun tanned skin with it preventing ageing after holidays, doing this: exfoliating every other day which irritated the skin slightly producing faster cell turn over to heal it. no signs of sun damage!  If you sun bed, wear the sun block on the face you'll still get color without he damage as much pre vacation. Burns cause the sub dermal damage that can lead to ageing of skin, avoid this in you and your kids with sun block and hats.  To prevent peeling sunburned apply aloe vera and Vaseline petroleum jelly to skin leaving it shiny for 24 hours reapply if it dries up a little. Usualy it will not peel.

*Favorite tips are recommended for anyone who is not under the care of a dermatologist. For anyone who is please check with your health care professional prior to use.  

Light golden blond permanent dye, use it for medium to light brown hair to add blond hilights, do not use dark blond dye, use light blonds, wash out before your hair turns orangey or too light; natural blond or golden blond are good, ash may look dishwater dull. Will shine tons of gold or blond hilight on brown hair the brighter blonds used to lighten brown hair for natural hilight look. If  it is containing of brown pigment, dark blond some times does or light brown dyes, that darkens brown hair with more brown pigment is not giving the desired result and is why lighter hair shades work best to lighten and add gold or natural blond shine.  Very dark brown shades may have to bleach first for abut 15 minutes then put the dye in of choice such as natural, ash or golden blond to avoid reddish hair. Use ash if you left it on too long if it is reddish result, after bleaching, should be left on till lighter brown only for this not reddish.  If you have brown dye in your hair, strip it with a stripper product, then use the colorant, no bleach or go to your hair dresser, they use this also. If you bleach it out, it will turn orange initially, keep it on till this lifts to a yellow then use the dye. You may then need dark blond shade or light brown to put the pigment back in such as golden dark blond or brown or natural blond same depth for example. If you want a caramel effect use a golden for copper brown for warmer blond over slightly copper pre yellow phase bleached hair that gives it the look. Mahogany rose sheen, is from rose gold hair dye in brown hair, lifts in about 15 minutes and deposits soem rose gold hilight, longer for darker browns, is a rosy hilight in the light or auburn hilight on darker hair that warms it. 

For reds; Strawberry blond the lightest red, use copper blond hair dye as toner over bleached hair or rose blond, no more than five to ten mintues or it will become darker red. For striking red, bleach the hair to copper phase wash out. Add any red dye for fifteen to twenty minutes. Touch up roots same way. Without bleach, you will get more subtle results like coppery or auburn hair over light brown to medium brown.  Use light red dyes without brown pigment for best results. 
For Blonds: Bleached hair after toners use extra light ash blond for most conservative blond shade put in after washing out bleach,  for five minutes.  Natural blond for cool, natural effect, platinum for sparkling platinum shine, rose blond for a touch of  rose hilight you can also do with pink hair dye for opalaescent blond hair three minutes, copper blond for richer golden blond look on bleached hair all for five minutes if permanent toner is used or up to ten but no longer, if non permanent conditioning gloss those are new. 

Make your own semi permanet toner one tube conditioner that come with dye and tiny dollop of the pastel semi permanent coloraqnts, green produces ash blond toner, light blue produces icy blond or light violet produces platinum or peach for rose gold toner.  Natural blond use dsh  of blue and rose, mix that is light pastel of the colors used only, do a mask  then leave in up to 15 minutes to contdition the hair well and tone. This is like the hair gloss or masks they sell, now you can create your own color that saves over bleached hair . If it turns pastel use less next time it washes out in one or two shampoos. The hair glosses you buy have bit of shimmer added good for very dry hair to sparkle it again.

Silver or icy white hair toners maybe used made for brigthening silver hair. or blond bleached hair, use lightest ones which are usually very light violet lighter than blue shampoos, five minutes and not every time over blond hair, or it will look drab. Try making a mask out of those instead of permanent results every time you tone or alternate with a different toner color. It is an alternative to darker violet hair toners for platinum results. Icy blue gives lightest paltinum almost natural blond cool effect but without the rose touch found in natural blond toner.

Remember, never buy pigment adding dye of same color such as golden brown if you want to lighten brown hair. it must be devoid of the same pigment and have gold or other hilight color to lighten or brighten your existing color, such as golden blond alone, or use bleach.

Modern roller set, good for curly unruly or straight hair.  Wash or dampen hair with a mister put in some gell mousse or styling spray, non last step hair spray, the thinned out gel spray or use old term setting lotion in the hair, brush through and apply hair rollers, velcro is easy  bigger curls for larger curl effect or or with waves, small ones for more curl effect. Usually smaller around face bigger at the back works, comb each section of hair and wind it around the curler.  Sit and read a magazine, watch TV or cook for an hour. If you are in a hurry dry for fifteen mintues with hair dryer. Take the curlers out and they will be crunchy.  Carefully brush out each one and finger style till you have the desired effect, or brush out and arrange the hair around the face for waves. Spray with a light mist of hair spray to set it, twice if it is humid out eg. rain.

Straight hair instant do secrets. Put gel or mouse in straight hair after washing let air dry. brush out crunchy hair it puffs up and looks full great for sleek hair that needs more body. Mornings moisten it and repeat when dry, refreshes gel from previous day finish with styling wax to smooth any frizz. 

This is good face cream you can make. One quarter raw Shae butter you can order online; 1/2 tsp rose hip oil (contains vitamin C exfoliates) add one tsp grape seed olive or other good quality oil they use in skin care products, 1 tsp aloe vera gel, one tsp vegetal glycerin melt the Shae butter over low heat don't boil set aside to cool. Stir in oils stir in . Add fragrant essential oil like rose jasmine neroli other favorite a few drops, or peppermint for skin boost,  the Shae butter smells like white chocolate alone. Add mint oil for foot cream and less aloe vera gel put on then put socks on for half an hour.  Add a touch of water, stir vigorously to blend or shake in a container then seal it or transfer to a cosmetic jar rinsed with alcohol and use. Make hand cream also without the aloe as much if you like and add sunscreen to your face cream for day cream. Nails love Shae butter also are shiny and strong. The aloe vera gel is hydrating so it is a good mix. Put into fridge for cool face or body lotion or cream. For lotion add water and a little more more glycerin shake and dispense. 


How to get your kitty to not scratch carpet or furniture? Get a cheap scratch post for it to use put its paws on it in scratching motion till it uses it, spray the cat with water if it scratches any other item till its trained. Water is harmless, same if it chews your plants.  If it is older cat use cat treats when it uses the scratch post, this may off and rewire wiring for scratching everything before because of food treat cat tidbits etc. give one it may now associate this with new event happening of great importance to it that the old scratching did not give. Even sneak it tuna on occasion a pinch it will go wild for scratch post till its trained. Cats need to scratch to sharpen their claws that shed that you may also need to clip if there's absence of concrete for them to run on if indoor cat. Clip below vein visible in nails of cats not to bleed them. Some let you sleeping, if you pet them first and they hate it. Water spray may work for puppy's who chew everything as well, spray  the puppy with water say no! Take it away give chew toy and a tiny treat piece if they're really bad and finally do it correctly.

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  Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about...