Saturday, August 8, 2015



In observing the drinking habits of the common person there is evidence in many about the loss of connectedness of the consciousness to the knowledge of the potency and origins of the beverage. A body does not process the beverage in the same manner as a person who knows what the symbol of the grape has been over thousands of years. Ancient artifacts through Mesopotamia and Egypt have the vine of grapes growing above the deities depicted in scenes that represent the fruitfulness of mind. Wine has always been in more enlightened circles a representation of the fermented forging of a concept or mind that is then filling the soul's desire to accomplish with satiation and fruitfulness. It comes from the land that has minerals soaked up from the soil and a lovely elixir is fermented great kings and queens of Pharonic dynasties consumed with blessings and those of us that lived in those time remember from the soul the sacred drink as the important as the life force flowing through the body and enlivening our blood. It was never a holy catholic communion pre religion when the drink was fermented on Earth in early times but a daily consumption of a holographic spiritually blessed beverage; rich in symbolism of the blessing of the activation of the higher glands by the fruit of the grape in an awakened consumer. Drinking wine in such ritual does not produce the 'drunk' experience but a relaxed, awakened state of inner reverence and joy affirmed. Concentrated, fermented fruit from the land of the vineyard where the wine originated from was always blessed and replenished with more crops of the same splendor in those royal houses that owned them through history.

Blessing food and wine with the energy of intent has been practiced for thousands of years and people began to move away from the practice when they left religious practices of saying grace or other sacred words over food and drink. Some in the healing communities still practice this irrespective of religion and there really is no rule around fellowship or worship in understanding that the observer observing an item of food or drink changes its quantum field to the observer's intent. Same principal holds for healers emanating energy from the hands over meals or speaking words of blessing of intent over it. If a substance is concentrated and fermented such as wine then the blessing holds a great alchemical power. Modern cough syrups and antihistamines are all alcohol based 'remedies.' Intent over alcoholic beverages revered for thousands of years carry potency of mind and intent if the observer engages the quantum field of the substance. 

Young people who party and drink a lot have often asked the question, "am I an alcoholic?" Usually that is defined by drinking till one passes out and not being able to stop that activity out of a compulsion to keep drinking till the being 'passes out' or is unconscious. Starting the day with alcohol is also a sign of addiction. The medical reports have shown that two alcoholic beverages a day lower cholesterol and usually a person is winding down at the end of the day so a couple of alcoholic drinks are not going to interfere with the brain in the same way as it may if a higher alertness level is needed to begin a work day and an alcoholic beverage is consumed in the morning. Evening relaxing is not the same brain pattern as a high level day. Same with social time so the effects of the alcohol on the brain and nervous system are relative to the activity and mental state of a person and thusly we do not need a fanaticism around alcohol being 'bad' for you if you are an adult and consume it wisely.

Spirits; why that word for alcohol? A pure distilled substance that may have hallucinogenic properties if over consumed which may mimic the phenomenon that the 'Holy Spirit' is able to enact by slowing brain centers and creating symptoms of warped space time. Not the greatest way to create phenomenon by over consumption of alcoholic beverages without mindful knowledge. That has been the problem with erroneous consumption of alcoholic beverages especially hard liquor. So he spirit must get a hold of the 'spirits' in an awakened state. What for example is the tequila cacti crop secret that the consumer would be wiser if the being knew? The plant is the tears of very little or no rain as the growth experience and the juice that is fermented into the drink is the concentration of it's great effort to hold those waters of its life. These waters are then fermented into the tequila for example. Such is consumed then with great appreciation as it is not vibrational correct to over consume the concentrated substance to get 'drunk' if the plant was forced frugal because of the growth conditions to create the precious, concentrated substance.

All 'spirits' have their distillation story that enhance the consumption if known for two reasons: One the observer's consciousness accepts that the alcoholic substance comes from a plant or a grain and these are eaten often but in a much lower concentration and therefore able to be assimilated if the observer remembers that. Second the consciousness of the consumer engaging the natural growth story of the substance with its natural pattern is the alchemy within the individual occurring from knowing this to then mindfully enacting a blessing over the beverage. Ancient people knew this and the modern are wise to practice such reverence during consumption with a cab or good walk at the ending the festivities to maintain consideration for fellow drivers. In observing the drinking habits of the common person there is evidence in many about the loss of connectedness of the consciousness to the knowledge of the potency and origins of the beverage.

A body does not process the beverage in the same manner as a person who knows what the symbol of the grape has been over thousands of years. Ancient artifacts through Mesopotamia and Egypt have the vine of grapes growing above the deities depicted in scenes that represent the fruitfulness of mind. Wine has always been in more enlightened circles a representation of the fermented forging of a concept or mind that is then filling the soul's desire to accomplish with satiation and fruitfulness. It comes from the land that has minerals soaked up from the soil and a lovely elixir is fermented great kings and queens of Pharonic dynasties consumed with blessings and those of us that lived in those time remember from the soul the sacred drink as the important as the life force flowing through the body and enlivening our blood. It was never a holy catholic communion pre religion when the drink was fermented on Earth in early times but a daily consumption of a holographic spiritually blessed beverage; rich in symbolism of the blessing of the activation of the higher glands by the fruit of the grape in an awakened consumer. Drinking wine in such ritual does not produce the 'drunk' experience but a relaxed, awakened state of inner reverence and joy affirmed. Concentrated, fermented fruit from the land of the vineyard where the wine originated from was always blessed and replenished with more crops of the same splendor in those royal houses that owned them through history.
Blessing food and wine with the energy of intent has been practiced for thousands of years and people began to move away from the practice when they left religious practices of saying grace or other sacred words over food and drink. Some in the healing communities still practice this irrespective of religion and there really is no rule around fellowship or worship in understanding that the observer observing an item of food or drink changes its quantum field to the observer's intent. Same principal holds for healers emanating energy from the hands over meals or speaking words of blessing of intent over it. If a substance is concentrated and fermented such as wine then the blessing holds a great alchemical power. Modern cough syrups and antihistamines are all alcohol based 'remedies.' Intent over alcoholic beverages revered for thousands of years carry potency of mind and intent if the observer engages the quantum field of the substance.

If alcohol is a depressant naturally then the angry or depressed drunk is then amplifying that tendency that may affect his or her day and the battle with depression may ensue that lingers even after quitting alcohol. This may be evident by weight gain that is a depressive condition which slows the mitochondrial energetic delivery system taught about in Blue Matrix Energetics; depressing the energy levels of the body and furthermore enhanced in failure by adrenal burnout or stress. It is not unlike caffeine amplifying anxiety disorders where that is also to manage responsibly for the calm person can drink caffeine and the stress case ends up with an ulcer. Now the alchemical being that overrides the depressive chemical action of alcohol and is the happy drinking participant is possibly able to override daily depressive tendencies for that person has an appreciation of life and the substance is consumed responsibly not an anesthetic against life's problems.

So it is the beginning of alchemical paradoxes that the body which became depressed from incorrect alcohol consumption where it anesthetized emotions and the mitochondrial action was slowed to cause weight gain is something to look at for if the belly is there after AA what if that person went back drank happily with a reverence for life facing the soul changing the body alchemicaly overriding the depressive effects, enjoying the relaxation and slowing to really observe the entity in a moment of recalibration to change the moment that changed the body to fat and inertia or arterial sclerosis back to lightness of being carried through the day also. So this way the day is a lightness of being again not the product of the effects of the alcoholism. Changes the past and only those truly confident may do that or its AA fore the rest of the life without looking at that moment again. Beginning of understanding of the alchemists secrets lies in tackling substances often for peril or success every day. 

Spirits; why that word for alcohol? A pure distilled substance that may have hallucinogenic properties if over consumed which may mimic the phenomenon that the 'Holy Spirit' is able to enact by slowing brain centers and creating symptoms of warped space time. Not the greatest way to create phenomenon by over consumption of alcoholic beverages without mindful knowledge. That has been the problem with erroneous consumption of alcoholic beverages especially hard liquor. So he spirit must get a hold of the 'spirits' in an awakened state. What for example is the tequila cacti crop secret that the consumer would be wiser if the being knew? The plant is the tears of very little or no rain as the growth experience and the juice that is fermented into the drink is the concentration of it's great effort to hold those waters of its life. These waters are then fermented into the tequila for example. Such is consumed then with great appreciation as it is not vibrationally correct to over consume the concentrated substance to get 'drunk' if the plant was forced frugal because of the growth conditions to create the precious, concentrated substance. All 'spirits' have their distillation story that enhance the consumption if known for two reasons: One the observer's consciousness accepts that the alcoholic substance comes from a plant or a grain and these are eaten often but in a much lower concentration and therefore able to be assimilated if the observer remembers that. Second the consciousness of the consumer engaging the natural growth story of the substance with its natural pattern is the alchemy within the individual occurring from knowing this to then mindfully enacting a blessing over the beverage. Ancient people knew this and the modern are wise to practice such reverence during consumption with a cab or good walk at the ending the festivities to maintain consideration for fellow drivers.

NOTE: Use this Quantum Mind tech tool wisely. It is the Alchemist's Cup of supreme entity work. You sit with a bottle of wine alone have one glass and call for the Holy Spirit to show you your past lives. Wine slows our space time perception that opens negative space and moves to light in a manner that is slower like in sleep and illuminates. So with wine you may decode information into the conscious slowed brain wave state that is then seen instead of feared or role played out as drunk abuser or merry party chaser. this allows the masque of the actor in drunk state to be know and revealed often linked to a past life. Blessings for this practice is from the author Aryana forever.


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