Saturday, February 25, 2017



This topic is something  that has been debated for a long time so I will give you my observations on the blood type topic. First I disagree with blood type diets I read a book on it and disagreed with the diet suggested for B pos my blood type. I find food cravings of a healthy individual usually have the being craving foods that he or she needs the nutritional elements from to fuel the body optimally.  

Note to college students:

In college don't snack late over study on carbs and little nutrition it is re programming you posisbly due to lateness of the hour with you ner sleep fighting it to lose your craving for nutritious foods and to crave sugars and refined carbs all day.

Second are blood types different from one another in any way?  Andromedans shared some observations about this in certain 'traits' some people exhibit with certain blood types we discussed the hr negative blood types and found this mutually; they re far more reserved and usually sit back and watch people and situations before making a statement or decision regarding situations or individuals.  Hr neg blood are more prone to anemia medical science has said and other ailments medical journals have presented.  In my experience as an energy science practitioner and Instructor I noticed that these blood types need to relax and let go of worry, anger, resentment, fear some may harbor stuffed deeply into their bodies as low level chronic stress that manifests in chronic illness such as arthritis, cancer, allergies and other illnesses.  One they let go of such ailment causing emotional problems that are causing stress they heal as well as any other blood type. Negative blood types harbor worry at times and need a cure from this bad habit as do any blood types who do it habitually.

Positive blood types tend to be more out going as immediatly communicative. For example A blood stands there and is emitting, 'Im present I'm here to participate meet me half way and you understand me,' where as A neg may sit observe a party scene for a while then have a chat with a party guest in a corner about observations the being has made shared or speak with conviction about something important once the being hs decided what it is to be communicated. B pos blood types are sensually relaxed they like to feel life pulsing all around them and have sensual observations that lend artistic merit for creative writing, painting or any creative skill  ahhhh life is so amazing!  'I love being here this is so fulfilling to me what I'm doing!"  If happy at their lives.  'What are you about?' They may ask a friend. Like A and O and AB blood they re all high achievers if they put their minds to it pos and neg also bloodtypes.  AB is funny; they are present to participate and ahhh what a great moment I'm so relaxed and feel good!' The B part says in it sensual ease of being present also. A and B like you to be present and attentive in the relationship in your life if you are a partner.  B neg is more laid back sensual still but observes quietly and expresses once it gets to know you better to have quality conversation with you where B will chat with everyone but has close friends it chooses later and trades them in for new ones if they are growing and evolving if they are not stuck they like 'mood.'  If there is no 'mood' to inspire they get bored. A does not mind its reliable circle of friends who re there just meet them half way even if you fail at mood creation and magic.  AB neg is shyer observes its surroundings and people in it, communicates genuinely if it is desiring to open up to another and is very candid or it sits and does not want anything to do with certain people who psychically bother them with vibes they dislike. They can be very expressive as well and creative as can AB and he other blood types also in their own way of expressing.

A is slightly cooler and less openly sensual in public.  O is the big magnanomous blood type, 'there you are you look fabulous! And they give you a big embrace they re very socially skilled generous and demonstrative also good communicators usually. If they're tired they like the same back or they may feel neglected which to us other blood types may be a total mystery if were tired as well. Likely we need house keepers that cook on those days to maintain a happy marriage or to go out to dine. So O likes back what it expresses to be happy with another ideally.  O neg observes you for your motive if you like them or are pretending and shmoozing only using them; it can gab and be social but it takes notes of who's for real and remembers them all. It is generous to it's friends who are generous also. O pos may throw a huge lavish party and let you get away with feeding off the experience a few times without getting pissed off it knows it is 'it' as giving and you are in your lot in life.  It is thus superior at giving if you are slacking in giving to it.  A may be more arduous and organized in their intimate love approach than sensual B who coasts in sensual relishment.  O pos does this at times gives till it is exhausted does not want to tell you ti is needy for prideful reasons of loosing leadership position in the relationship as risk of being seen lesser if it tells you it is tired and needy of some help and or kindness given to it. For example dinner made for them when they're home late from work not done for them they slam the door in their bedroom seeing it is not there not telling you how furious they are about this. Not telling you and you have no clue why they're mad.  Example if you have a kid they need you to watch the child for you to cook in the ideal setting they are furious, starving  not wanting to watch any kid. They need to talk about what is bothering them with the partner not seeing it as sabotaging their leadership in the family they give themselves.

These are little characteristics I noticed that go through all the soul groups they all exhibit some of these traits to a greater or lesser degree. O appears 'bigger than life' in its expression, A sharp and crystal clear, B luminous and effervescent, AB both qualities are mixed together and don't forget they rove other blood types which colors these traits there are no stereotypes no boxes to put them in. 

I disagree blood types (except for the medical findings by science on hr neg propensities to certain ailments) that different types have different illnesses they are prone to except andromedans added nine out of ten O blood people have weak hearts in old age from likely over generosity and not getting enough support back in their lives and setting it up that way without changing their lives for their well being stubbornly since they don't like to betray and leave their lovers or jobs unless they are abused. 

If a human creature incarnates with hr neg blood trying to disappear into hyperspace all the time it is not really how a we are built; the greys are in negate all the time and are very fast they morph to disappear and reappear with baby like DNA hyper grown to about five foot four or five with big craniums and eyes like a gestating fetus.  So the observer must awaken fully in order to lift off to navigate hyperspace otherwise negative blood may simply provide anemia or some other ailment which those in hr neg are predisposed to more ailments than positive blood as documented by science. I say this here because some new age papers claim they are more advanced people than positive blood people.  This is not so.

Consistently andromedans are finding o pos in the huge skeletons on Earth with some B as well no A at this time. This is what I remember having B or O blood back then they said A is newer and is tighter the biological matrix of tension so it teleports well when they train. O and B are more relaxed when they teleport trained.  

I looked at heart circulatory and lungs energy and observed soul mates area together usually roving each other very strongly in this area if they are alive.
If not then our parents are the next ones to rove for circulatory energy roves if our soul mates incarnate later and our parents die we may rove our soul
mates more strongly later.  Rarely grand parents may be roved to grow a heart circulatory lung rove if parents are not suitable to the incarnating souls for some reason. Other relatives may be used also it is possible.  With ET engagement experiments it is not wise to sit on kids hearts all day it sucks light in roves and life extension of elderly was not naturally intended as this experiment or  on other young in the community unless they are on their soul mates and the soul mate is fine with it even andromedans said. Usually child DNA shrinks grown up DNA if it is on too long with ships amplifying it so fast roves of kids is all that they may need to repair someone and they should then get off them so they can grow. 

Update:  andromedans told me this about hr neg blood it contemplates its own neutrinos as if they should not be there; the action of the autonomic is wondering why they have such if they are negating their hr factor.  It is a very odd equation for life sustaining vehicles of biology to inhabit for themselves.   

All blood types can be fit, strong and good athletes with strong will to be pro active in life with a balance of giving and receiving and a relaxed attitude towards life.

My theory on Earth blood history is this: That we had the expansive O and B that is slightly more introverted but likes sensual relaxation in an expanded state it likes to feel being here fully and enjoys life in the physical plane.  After the first atomic wars eventually A mutated which is a little more conservative in ex pressing sensuality and expansion.  AB likely arose from mating with A pos and eventually with more atomic wars negative hr factor blood that actually has lower hemoglobin propensity and even anemia and aborts pos babies without a special medical injection occurred alter when the human molecule was told by atomic fall out you do not exist!  Skeletons examined for blood types found from the very tall people to later may shed some light on this if I am correct.  Case in point my two kids both died in car accidents last life time.  One A pos cried unswaddled first few weeks in his life; had to be wrapped tightly in his blanket then he stopped crying and went to sleep.  My daughter AB pos wriggled her arms and slept with them extended right after birth out of her blanket.  There may be a correlation to the blood types and feeling of expansiveness and safety in the world that atomic war may have caused mutation of our blood types.  B pos today is more rare than A also case in point.  After much exposure to nuclear radiation on our planet.  Andromedans have seeded more of it in in hopes that this helps us find more of a balance that O pos helps with also in expansive communication. B helps with sensual acceptance of life in sentient beings. B creates this way it is sensual as five senses sensory down here to experience the creation fully and there fore designs well fragrance fabrics color textures sets is highly creative if the DNA is worked that way for B pos.  It is unstable if it hates its enthronement needs order and nice decor to be happy. Is not happy as a sex object is sexual with deeply bonded partners usually not just anyone for it is the sensuality not with a uncouth person without refinement it likes refined partners with good taste and care for the body not a sloth, good looks. We have long marriages with the right partners we choose not chosen for us. 

Update from Andromeans:  Big tall skeletons are all O pos and B no A yet or hr neg.  It explains why I need B my own to remember very far back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.  I remember Inanna was B quiet till she had something profound to say and Hathor O pos very friendly and chatty in comparison used humor more than Inanna.    

Updated on hr neg and pos differences in observation of self incarnate some in that blood type have told me about.  It is this they said we are here to observe we don't really want to be seen much but our blood needs screams for it to be seen more as hemoglobin up and healthy not negating itself into particle annihilation nearly of the self you see clearly. Hr pos is more about being seen and is used to it. It smiles and shines at you and hr neg is looking at it analyzing it as why are you so there?  I mean it is almost shallow! Yet they crave the lime light this way see what I'm about inside if you dare! So that is the difference I was told.  It is simply to understand one another and not judge.  Marilyn is exaggerated as being 'seen' for this reason was her job and she was hr neg AB me in my past life who is B pos and is 'seen' feeling all the time as flesh presenting itself without subduing my light not to be seen observing.  I made fun of it last life time a bit in comedies I played as hr neg.

How does B glow?  It is easy to us this is genetically built in a love of  self when balanced that has us turn into our negative space a bit to 'be' highly satiated and joyful within ourselves it is why we don't like to  play others.  It raises our vibration in mundane things turning into the negative space yes to glow this way even not practicing QMT tools. Anyone can do this but B and O are predisposed for it genetically, if they go within first and exude after re O. A and AB can do it also but may find it weird re A the most pragmatic blood type I've ever seen. A performers will find it pragmatic for on camera glow and likely do it as well. I was told by andromedans this it is how I affect the quantum field you see I love my home for example the plants and things in it so it is a joyous extension to the field around me I affect.  I do same when I go out but less if stupid ET's suck it out and put it everywhere, they should never do with me as I already do this put my energy into the quantum field!! Andromedans said blood types hermata chrome this way like photos keeping the blood stable through the genetic traits of behavior type or conduct.


It was discovered 90 percent of A pos blood types don't like disclosing information about controversial topics.  Why is this so?  It may have to do with theory that after atomic war annihilation and experimentation with new blood types like A positive that expresses this, gathering of information for the purpose of mapping it in the cerebral cortexes to be informed to then attack the world with being correct in action from being informed if it comes at them with challenges. It uses societal structure the most as its security blanket.  If you want to sell it innovation you hve to nearly prove it will better this model it holds in its mapping as correct and thus is strongly socially following with others unless there is  innovation it wants to fight for. It is therefore good with justice if it 'sees' the whole picture under stress if its mapping is threatened then it may put its head in the sand. 

If you do not communicate well to it information it needs it may see you as skewed or incorrect. If you are in intuition and not ready to say much you won't get along with A pos at times if you  don't give them info straight forward what you need from them. O pos types in the family help them to open their intuition about where you  are at not just themselves for survival because of atomic holocaust that may have brought for this this blood type begin wiped out in a city for example a population. We had seven of these over earth according to andromedans atomic wars.  hr neg parents affect this blood type this way, it hides its agenda more thoroughly and will not discuss its inner life easily to hold their power in their lives.  They re very good at saying nothing and keeping secrets a neg also however  like to express articulacy their chosen items of their truth with some censorship to protect themselves. 

O pos and B tend to blurt out their moodiness better these others stew in it at times till they read you the riot act. O does so with more emotion at times and B till they learn to communicate from sorting out feelings from facts which all people can do and then they mind manage well A also if it studies Quantum Mind Management. It maps this way naturally like the teaching. They are good executives of protecting rights against emotionalism and abuse on them. Other blood types may have to learn this to not emote all over others which A pos does in worry and blame to make it stop if not honed to mind mange through it. Never give them too much to handle if they're stressed they may become fanatics with zeal to end you or stop you out of their lives.  Wait till they are calm and ready to talk to you.  study of BME and folding space time in BME Merkaba helps A pos immensely also it 'relaxes' in the DNA molecule, has a bigger light carrying cellular response that it lost from atomic annihilation and stops glowing in zeal from on a mission to stop this or this that can betray others in covert warring. The term 'loosen up' is there for the reasons described.

O pos has the weirdest ageing code I've ever seen in my life. They glow the fastest if they are regular weight of any blood type O pos it is expansive and was the tall large gods of ancient times we had nearly no obesity then also.  It is common to see older O pos glowing with this look, tanned skin and roves of lower organs like bowel to slow their vibration, a little waist fat or other places women, or none, some are very fit,  they  cannot really slow their vibration down easily in the spine nerves and brain so they rove bowel or liver to slow down the flesh literally starving oxygen to it according to teachings society's models gave they are to age and die.  Most O pos you can tell them anything they will listen with empathy. If they study BME they will glow and stop the cellular oxygen starvation.  They don't push on the heart off aged parents to age as easily as other blood types to starve oxygen they re open hearted and benevolent is why. If they suppress their heart in what they secretly call lack of charity to a brother in empathy even they give them selves massive heart attacks.

O neg sits, watches you, then is giving and gracious if it decides it is right for them.  They are opposite of O pos this way, their molecule is very tight to disappear and also can over rove others too much roving them for intent towards them without realizing this being the observer that is not observing life out there around them B does (which loves gardening home decorating creative things for this reason nature and high tech progress combined many of us) it observes through roving of others a lot like HR neg does in private and does well with centering itself on study also to expand itself away from observation of others motives etc etc.  This puts it on expansiveness for itself to thrive then it is generous to to others after.  It made fun of this"  we were annihilated in atomic blast so I'll be prone to disappearing and just observe everything. Hemoglobin suffers if they do it is too much without observing life for themselves also that way any hr neg blood types like pos blood does and B is very good at this or it is out of balance retreats and reorganizes its life for holism. We like to garden indoors in cities even and go into nature and be creative and are brilliant with ingenuity and inventions with other blood types. We don't hide our feelings and are expressive and cuddly. B neg is more reserved showing feelings needs acceptance first at times till it opens up then usually states its truth hates BS totally.  A neg ahs to watch for perfectionism and AB neg is a little performer at times with sarcastic, over the top statements or demonstrations of its truth or it makes fun of everything like Marilyn was as wells a sensitive keen observer with great empathy for others if balanced.

A pos is the justice blood type more than B even because it as annihilated in atomic war the blood previously that caused it is the theory and now its out for justice to stay alive  for its survival. A pos does not get cancer much but leukemia which is systemic I'm out of here I'm living injustice so bad its killing me. Children in violent homes get this to check out. That is dis empowering A and not allowing it to live its truth. If it was an annihilation tht caused the blood type then they are on the look out in their observer for dander to their lives. During intimidation they have been opportunist to strike at disclosure if they hurt them for it looking at it or speaking out about what happened to them. They can be come zealots and see a skewed truth like people who get glasses in child hood to stay alive in a violent house hold or not to be removed. I fond with things going too far they went around the bend to many times and are beginning to fight this blood type also with others. It is 40 percent of the population with O pos.  They strategize behind peoples back and come up with a course of action or when possible with people first to see if a solution will be found.  O pos is far more relaxed and they let things go more till there is such betrayal with betrayers they have a threat attack over it or they have a screaming fit and let them go or hand a severance for example to a bad employee who abused. B  about homeostasis does this with bad employees, they try to find things to make it better for them singling them out this way till they feel self conscious about not wanting to change to improve things,  say being lazy and quit. A will review a job with  what is happening what is not then still tack up reasons why to lay the severance.  All of them need truth not BS to do the job not to be set up with  karma reeling.  Then we have mutual justice that is forming about over time intimidation.
B pos people have this weirdness:  some of us love the night time fore example I can run out into the night any whee and be safe I feel  like I own the night, that powerful.  It is from this I believe Nibiru and loss of sunlight or lower light there and not being afraid when the stars burn out for it is where they come from the vacuum which is dark.  If we have this in the day the sun we adore and we fire mitochondrial in joyfulness to ourselves.  We are not as exuberant as O pos for example or as talkative as A and O. We just sit and beam nice energy and people are drawn to us for this reason.
I some times wonder if hr neg is trying to be come this to go back to remember the vacuum where the star was born not to be annihilated again by nuclear or atomic war as a fear. 

So the night is more subtle quieter you have to be a very keen observer to see it tests you it is way your alone seeing reality all round you and noon else is bothering you to be something you are not for them to see you differently, a firend said to me once.  B pos is very good for hyperspace travel therefore it understands the journey from the vacuum to the star through intense compression becoming smaller insignificant not like just the brain areas in NDE but the whole body.

I guess tht is why I'm her teaching you about this I'm B pos chosen for hyperspace understanding. 

Please do not pull people to hear me write type it angers them ET's thank you.

Andromedans said it is like the star forming  group of people B pos with O as helium coming off it to shine up the planet. A part of us remembers the expanse of the star from the vacuum we have the memory of of emptiness yet becoming something and the O is what am I becoming oh yes all this helium wow a star! that is big in their consciousness  so they hold more expansion we remembered the compression and having been nothing to for ourselves and why we are exceedingly humble yet very powerful and stubborn if we re fighting for a cause we us the power of the star a metaphor we know we are. A is that power of the star shining only as itself being it one A person said to me.

O drinks wine differently to party to be social B drinks it like an alchemist holding an elixir of transformation that protects you from radiation consciously.  B is like the sun needing to come out from behind the rain and will find the cerebellum fires like illuminated rain, so it vibrates faster and we are joyous not melancholy as if floating lost in a fog of moisture with some disorganization around us. We become highly efficient organized and brilliant smiling and more social. We tend to be less social than O pos who thrives on it, but we can do it well if we have some vision of a creation like a social gathering, for example, with our creation of decor, menu etc. 

We tell O this they believe it and are fine also with A writing about the facts of it as well gathering data sharing the info o help everyone survive and live not to be annihilated so we work well if we understand each other.  

ET's found A pos with two neg parents was a difficult blood type to have. over half had disease from it it does this makes the A molecule with parents who negate some hemoglobin shrink the A molecule it is smaller and harder to get in there to heal it for the observer wearing it. Message is if you reincarnate avoid this in the womb forming A pos from neg parents if you wish to avoid the risks the ETs discovered associated with the blood combination. One neg parent did not cause this problem, two and A child did in some.

Whatever the blood type you have you will benefit from managing your lives and growth from Blue Matrix Energetics Quantum Mind Tech tools., 

I found this in myself incarnating A pos Charlotte of Wales with A and AB parents, then Queen Alex A with some neg parents, during WWI then Marilyn M AB neg finding this is like the annihilation during atomic war of people lowering hemoglobin O and B is high in in next incarnations again, this was bringing up during the wars! I decided to go back to higher hemoglobin B pos again this life time I have and it helped me to remember all this info what the incarnation DNA choices I made were for how the blood type what we do with different hemoglobin propensities in ration of life quality robust health in blood type.  Some have less tolerance for stress they get sick faster from it with lower hemoglobin propensity. Note if you awaken to superconscious state you can override this in most blood types, stress havoc on the biology. Our students found the gifts from BME QMT tools practice included this. 

Hr neg people have to stay in trance a lot to stay healthy because of lower hemoglobin they have, they also need exercise and activity in order to have a balance.  Pos blood people come back from active trance whole with higher hemoglobin and less health risks. HR neg forces higher trans need than hr pos.  It is thought by some they choose it to be more awake but it has its risks, in the end study of higher consciences material affords this more safely for all without need to manipulate blood type.  They are similar to elderly who kick out light from blood and have lower red blood count there fore they may want out of this life time earlier and may be good with older people.

My foray into DNA types I noticed this: dark eye observers grow the biology differently in certain blood types like A pos and a bit in every type. They punch the DNA to replicate toughness, recessive glow it.  After the first atomic bomb they may have appeared, dark eyes to toughen the DNA code.  We are wound differently us and them. 

Blood care this is hemoglobin important listen to string containing music that uplifts like Enya this plays the golden humanity nerves through the body a little stimulating it. The moment you crash in sadness or dejection or inferiority the hemoglobin begins to be affected medicine could test this levels after a very stressful day or depressed how  it dips your red blood cell count. Bris walking around the apartment or in the park  with head phones and such music will get it back up. So does BME Starspin but do this motion exercise first if you can to get the sluggish energy out of the muscle.  A bright sunny day helps a little sunshine and you'll feel 100 precent better.  If you feel well enough do the  BME star spin after a little rest for half an hour then go about our day. Cocoon creating a visual of lying in a safe place with nourishing energy like a rain forest on a cozy bed with nice bird sounds etc. .With any blood related illnesses make this a treatment program to compliment our other one from our health care practitioner you may add by yourself. Hemoglobin is high in normal oxygen levels hr neg blood has slightly lower from smaller molecule it appears, and emotional ups and downs may deplete the body also as it suffocates the cells with anaerobic action like rage and depression. Anaerobic uses energy bursts like at the gym on weight lifting with less oxygen fed to the cells hat is why the add Stairmaster or a jog after usually or before.   The vigorous walk then gets the oxygen levels up so the results of the star spin are improved.. 

Feeding the biology leafy greens, legumes, red meats, rich cheeses, yogurt are all good for helping healthy blood. Wine has grapeseed and very high soluble iron that helps also as little as one OZ with food has improved hemoglobin in some the next day. Fluids also are helpful not to get dehydrated from stress.  Food is better than a vitamin and more easily absorbed so reliance on supplements with poor meal choices is not a good idea.  See Starlight's Fare article for more information on good nutrition, and cocooning for the process which also includes the BME Starspin link..      

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