Saturday, February 25, 2017



This topic is something  that has been debated for a long time so I will give you my observations on the blood type topic. First I disagree with blood type diets I read a book on it and disagreed with the diet suggested for B pos my blood type. I find food cravings of a healthy individual usually have the being craving foods that he or she needs the nutritional elements from to fuel the body optimally.  

Note to college students:

In college don't snack late over study on carbs and little nutrition it is re programming you posisbly due to lateness of the hour with you ner sleep fighting it to lose your craving for nutritious foods and to crave sugars and refined carbs all day.

Second are blood types different from one another in any way?  Andromedans shared some observations about this in certain 'traits' some people exhibit with certain blood types we discussed the hr negative blood types and found this mutually; they re far more reserved and usually sit back and watch people and situations before making a statement or decision regarding situations or individuals.  Hr neg blood are more prone to anemia medical science has said and other ailments medical journals have presented.  In my experience as an energy science practitioner and Instructor I noticed that these blood types need to relax and let go of worry, anger, resentment, fear some may harbor stuffed deeply into their bodies as low level chronic stress that manifests in chronic illness such as arthritis, cancer, allergies and other illnesses.  One they let go of such ailment causing emotional problems that are causing stress they heal as well as any other blood type. Negative blood types harbor worry at times and need a cure from this bad habit as do any blood types who do it habitually.

Positive blood types tend to be more out going as immediatly communicative. For example A blood stands there and is emitting, 'Im present I'm here to participate meet me half way and you understand me,' where as A neg may sit observe a party scene for a while then have a chat with a party guest in a corner about observations the being has made shared or speak with conviction about something important once the being hs decided what it is to be communicated. B pos blood types are sensually relaxed they like to feel life pulsing all around them and have sensual observations that lend artistic merit for creative writing, painting or any creative skill  ahhhh life is so amazing!  'I love being here this is so fulfilling to me what I'm doing!"  If happy at their lives.  'What are you about?' They may ask a friend. Like A and O and AB blood they re all high achievers if they put their minds to it pos and neg also bloodtypes.  AB is funny; they are present to participate and ahhh what a great moment I'm so relaxed and feel good!' The B part says in it sensual ease of being present also. A and B like you to be present and attentive in the relationship in your life if you are a partner.  B neg is more laid back sensual still but observes quietly and expresses once it gets to know you better to have quality conversation with you where B will chat with everyone but has close friends it chooses later and trades them in for new ones if they are growing and evolving if they are not stuck they like 'mood.'  If there is no 'mood' to inspire they get bored. A does not mind its reliable circle of friends who re there just meet them half way even if you fail at mood creation and magic.  AB neg is shyer observes its surroundings and people in it, communicates genuinely if it is desiring to open up to another and is very candid or it sits and does not want anything to do with certain people who psychically bother them with vibes they dislike. They can be very expressive as well and creative as can AB and he other blood types also in their own way of expressing.

A is slightly cooler and less openly sensual in public.  O is the big magnanomous blood type, 'there you are you look fabulous! And they give you a big embrace they re very socially skilled generous and demonstrative also good communicators usually. If they're tired they like the same back or they may feel neglected which to us other blood types may be a total mystery if were tired as well. Likely we need house keepers that cook on those days to maintain a happy marriage or to go out to dine. So O likes back what it expresses to be happy with another ideally.  O neg observes you for your motive if you like them or are pretending and shmoozing only using them; it can gab and be social but it takes notes of who's for real and remembers them all. It is generous to it's friends who are generous also. O pos may throw a huge lavish party and let you get away with feeding off the experience a few times without getting pissed off it knows it is 'it' as giving and you are in your lot in life.  It is thus superior at giving if you are slacking in giving to it.  A may be more arduous and organized in their intimate love approach than sensual B who coasts in sensual relishment.  O pos does this at times gives till it is exhausted does not want to tell you ti is needy for prideful reasons of loosing leadership position in the relationship as risk of being seen lesser if it tells you it is tired and needy of some help and or kindness given to it. For example dinner made for them when they're home late from work not done for them they slam the door in their bedroom seeing it is not there not telling you how furious they are about this. Not telling you and you have no clue why they're mad.  Example if you have a kid they need you to watch the child for you to cook in the ideal setting they are furious, starving  not wanting to watch any kid. They need to talk about what is bothering them with the partner not seeing it as sabotaging their leadership in the family they give themselves.

These are little characteristics I noticed that go through all the soul groups they all exhibit some of these traits to a greater or lesser degree. O appears 'bigger than life' in its expression, A sharp and crystal clear, B luminous and effervescent, AB both qualities are mixed together and don't forget they rove other blood types which colors these traits there are no stereotypes no boxes to put them in. 

I disagree blood types (except for the medical findings by science on hr neg propensities to certain ailments) that different types have different illnesses they are prone to except andromedans added nine out of ten O blood people have weak hearts in old age from likely over generosity and not getting enough support back in their lives and setting it up that way without changing their lives for their well being stubbornly since they don't like to betray and leave their lovers or jobs unless they are abused. 

If a human creature incarnates with hr neg blood trying to disappear into hyperspace all the time it is not really how a we are built; the greys are in negate all the time and are very fast they morph to disappear and reappear with baby like DNA hyper grown to about five foot four or five with big craniums and eyes like a gestating fetus.  So the observer must awaken fully in order to lift off to navigate hyperspace otherwise negative blood may simply provide anemia or some other ailment which those in hr neg are predisposed to more ailments than positive blood as documented by science. I say this here because some new age papers claim they are more advanced people than positive blood people.  This is not so.

Consistently andromedans are finding o pos in the huge skeletons on Earth with some B as well no A at this time. This is what I remember having B or O blood back then they said A is newer and is tighter the biological matrix of tension so it teleports well when they train. O and B are more relaxed when they teleport trained.  

I looked at heart circulatory and lungs energy and observed soul mates area together usually roving each other very strongly in this area if they are alive.
If not then our parents are the next ones to rove for circulatory energy roves if our soul mates incarnate later and our parents die we may rove our soul
mates more strongly later.  Rarely grand parents may be roved to grow a heart circulatory lung rove if parents are not suitable to the incarnating souls for some reason. Other relatives may be used also it is possible.  With ET engagement experiments it is not wise to sit on kids hearts all day it sucks light in roves and life extension of elderly was not naturally intended as this experiment or  on other young in the community unless they are on their soul mates and the soul mate is fine with it even andromedans said. Usually child DNA shrinks grown up DNA if it is on too long with ships amplifying it so fast roves of kids is all that they may need to repair someone and they should then get off them so they can grow. 

Update:  andromedans told me this about hr neg blood it contemplates its own neutrinos as if they should not be there; the action of the autonomic is wondering why they have such if they are negating their hr factor.  It is a very odd equation for life sustaining vehicles of biology to inhabit for themselves.   

All blood types can be fit, strong and good athletes with strong will to be pro active in life with a balance of giving and receiving and a relaxed attitude towards life.

My theory on Earth blood history is this: That we had the expansive O and B that is slightly more introverted but likes sensual relaxation in an expanded state it likes to feel being here fully and enjoys life in the physical plane.  After the first atomic wars eventually A mutated which is a little more conservative in ex pressing sensuality and expansion.  AB likely arose from mating with A pos and eventually with more atomic wars negative hr factor blood that actually has lower hemoglobin propensity and even anemia and aborts pos babies without a special medical injection occurred alter when the human molecule was told by atomic fall out you do not exist!  Skeletons examined for blood types found from the very tall people to later may shed some light on this if I am correct.  Case in point my two kids both died in car accidents last life time.  One A pos cried unswaddled first few weeks in his life; had to be wrapped tightly in his blanket then he stopped crying and went to sleep.  My daughter AB pos wriggled her arms and slept with them extended right after birth out of her blanket.  There may be a correlation to the blood types and feeling of expansiveness and safety in the world that atomic war may have caused mutation of our blood types.  B pos today is more rare than A also case in point.  After much exposure to nuclear radiation on our planet.  Andromedans have seeded more of it in in hopes that this helps us find more of a balance that O pos helps with also in expansive communication. B helps with sensual acceptance of life in sentient beings. B creates this way it is sensual as five senses sensory down here to experience the creation fully and there fore designs well fragrance fabrics color textures sets is highly creative if the DNA is worked that way for B pos.  It is unstable if it hates its enthronement needs order and nice decor to be happy. Is not happy as a sex object is sexual with deeply bonded partners usually not just anyone for it is the sensuality not with a uncouth person without refinement it likes refined partners with good taste and care for the body not a sloth, good looks. We have long marriages with the right partners we choose not chosen for us. 

Update from Andromeans:  Big tall skeletons are all O pos and B no A yet or hr neg.  It explains why I need B my own to remember very far back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.  I remember Inanna was B quiet till she had something profound to say and Hathor O pos very friendly and chatty in comparison used humor more than Inanna.    

Updated on hr neg and pos differences in observation of self incarnate some in that blood type have told me about.  It is this they said we are here to observe we don't really want to be seen much but our blood needs screams for it to be seen more as hemoglobin up and healthy not negating itself into particle annihilation nearly of the self you see clearly. Hr pos is more about being seen and is used to it. It smiles and shines at you and hr neg is looking at it analyzing it as why are you so there?  I mean it is almost shallow! Yet they crave the lime light this way see what I'm about inside if you dare! So that is the difference I was told.  It is simply to understand one another and not judge.  Marilyn is exaggerated as being 'seen' for this reason was her job and she was hr neg AB me in my past life who is B pos and is 'seen' feeling all the time as flesh presenting itself without subduing my light not to be seen observing.  I made fun of it last life time a bit in comedies I played as hr neg.

How does B glow?  It is easy to us this is genetically built in a love of  self when balanced that has us turn into our negative space a bit to 'be' highly satiated and joyful within ourselves it is why we don't like to  play others.  It raises our vibration in mundane things turning into the negative space yes to glow this way even not practicing QMT tools. Anyone can do this but B and O are predisposed for it genetically, if they go within first and exude after re O. A and AB can do it also but may find it weird re A the most pragmatic blood type I've ever seen. A performers will find it pragmatic for on camera glow and likely do it as well. I was told by andromedans this it is how I affect the quantum field you see I love my home for example the plants and things in it so it is a joyous extension to the field around me I affect.  I do same when I go out but less if stupid ET's suck it out and put it everywhere, they should never do with me as I already do this put my energy into the quantum field!! Andromedans said blood types hermata chrome this way like photos keeping the blood stable through the genetic traits of behavior type or conduct.


It was discovered 90 percent of A pos blood types don't like disclosing information about controversial topics.  Why is this so?  It may have to do with theory that after atomic war annihilation and experimentation with new blood types like A positive that expresses this, gathering of information for the purpose of mapping it in the cerebral cortexes to be informed to then attack the world with being correct in action from being informed if it comes at them with challenges. It uses societal structure the most as its security blanket.  If you want to sell it innovation you hve to nearly prove it will better this model it holds in its mapping as correct and thus is strongly socially following with others unless there is  innovation it wants to fight for. It is therefore good with justice if it 'sees' the whole picture under stress if its mapping is threatened then it may put its head in the sand. 

If you do not communicate well to it information it needs it may see you as skewed or incorrect. If you are in intuition and not ready to say much you won't get along with A pos at times if you  don't give them info straight forward what you need from them. O pos types in the family help them to open their intuition about where you  are at not just themselves for survival because of atomic holocaust that may have brought for this this blood type begin wiped out in a city for example a population. We had seven of these over earth according to andromedans atomic wars.  hr neg parents affect this blood type this way, it hides its agenda more thoroughly and will not discuss its inner life easily to hold their power in their lives.  They re very good at saying nothing and keeping secrets a neg also however  like to express articulacy their chosen items of their truth with some censorship to protect themselves. 

O pos and B tend to blurt out their moodiness better these others stew in it at times till they read you the riot act. O does so with more emotion at times and B till they learn to communicate from sorting out feelings from facts which all people can do and then they mind manage well A also if it studies Quantum Mind Management. It maps this way naturally like the teaching. They are good executives of protecting rights against emotionalism and abuse on them. Other blood types may have to learn this to not emote all over others which A pos does in worry and blame to make it stop if not honed to mind mange through it. Never give them too much to handle if they're stressed they may become fanatics with zeal to end you or stop you out of their lives.  Wait till they are calm and ready to talk to you.  study of BME and folding space time in BME Merkaba helps A pos immensely also it 'relaxes' in the DNA molecule, has a bigger light carrying cellular response that it lost from atomic annihilation and stops glowing in zeal from on a mission to stop this or this that can betray others in covert warring. The term 'loosen up' is there for the reasons described.

O pos has the weirdest ageing code I've ever seen in my life. They glow the fastest if they are regular weight of any blood type O pos it is expansive and was the tall large gods of ancient times we had nearly no obesity then also.  It is common to see older O pos glowing with this look, tanned skin and roves of lower organs like bowel to slow their vibration, a little waist fat or other places women, or none, some are very fit,  they  cannot really slow their vibration down easily in the spine nerves and brain so they rove bowel or liver to slow down the flesh literally starving oxygen to it according to teachings society's models gave they are to age and die.  Most O pos you can tell them anything they will listen with empathy. If they study BME they will glow and stop the cellular oxygen starvation.  They don't push on the heart off aged parents to age as easily as other blood types to starve oxygen they re open hearted and benevolent is why. If they suppress their heart in what they secretly call lack of charity to a brother in empathy even they give them selves massive heart attacks.

O neg sits, watches you, then is giving and gracious if it decides it is right for them.  They are opposite of O pos this way, their molecule is very tight to disappear and also can over rove others too much roving them for intent towards them without realizing this being the observer that is not observing life out there around them B does (which loves gardening home decorating creative things for this reason nature and high tech progress combined many of us) it observes through roving of others a lot like HR neg does in private and does well with centering itself on study also to expand itself away from observation of others motives etc etc.  This puts it on expansiveness for itself to thrive then it is generous to to others after.  It made fun of this"  we were annihilated in atomic blast so I'll be prone to disappearing and just observe everything. Hemoglobin suffers if they do it is too much without observing life for themselves also that way any hr neg blood types like pos blood does and B is very good at this or it is out of balance retreats and reorganizes its life for holism. We like to garden indoors in cities even and go into nature and be creative and are brilliant with ingenuity and inventions with other blood types. We don't hide our feelings and are expressive and cuddly. B neg is more reserved showing feelings needs acceptance first at times till it opens up then usually states its truth hates BS totally.  A neg ahs to watch for perfectionism and AB neg is a little performer at times with sarcastic, over the top statements or demonstrations of its truth or it makes fun of everything like Marilyn was as wells a sensitive keen observer with great empathy for others if balanced.

A pos is the justice blood type more than B even because it as annihilated in atomic war the blood previously that caused it is the theory and now its out for justice to stay alive  for its survival. A pos does not get cancer much but leukemia which is systemic I'm out of here I'm living injustice so bad its killing me. Children in violent homes get this to check out. That is dis empowering A and not allowing it to live its truth. If it was an annihilation tht caused the blood type then they are on the look out in their observer for dander to their lives. During intimidation they have been opportunist to strike at disclosure if they hurt them for it looking at it or speaking out about what happened to them. They can be come zealots and see a skewed truth like people who get glasses in child hood to stay alive in a violent house hold or not to be removed. I fond with things going too far they went around the bend to many times and are beginning to fight this blood type also with others. It is 40 percent of the population with O pos.  They strategize behind peoples back and come up with a course of action or when possible with people first to see if a solution will be found.  O pos is far more relaxed and they let things go more till there is such betrayal with betrayers they have a threat attack over it or they have a screaming fit and let them go or hand a severance for example to a bad employee who abused. B  about homeostasis does this with bad employees, they try to find things to make it better for them singling them out this way till they feel self conscious about not wanting to change to improve things,  say being lazy and quit. A will review a job with  what is happening what is not then still tack up reasons why to lay the severance.  All of them need truth not BS to do the job not to be set up with  karma reeling.  Then we have mutual justice that is forming about over time intimidation.
B pos people have this weirdness:  some of us love the night time fore example I can run out into the night any whee and be safe I feel  like I own the night, that powerful.  It is from this I believe Nibiru and loss of sunlight or lower light there and not being afraid when the stars burn out for it is where they come from the vacuum which is dark.  If we have this in the day the sun we adore and we fire mitochondrial in joyfulness to ourselves.  We are not as exuberant as O pos for example or as talkative as A and O. We just sit and beam nice energy and people are drawn to us for this reason.
I some times wonder if hr neg is trying to be come this to go back to remember the vacuum where the star was born not to be annihilated again by nuclear or atomic war as a fear. 

So the night is more subtle quieter you have to be a very keen observer to see it tests you it is way your alone seeing reality all round you and noon else is bothering you to be something you are not for them to see you differently, a firend said to me once.  B pos is very good for hyperspace travel therefore it understands the journey from the vacuum to the star through intense compression becoming smaller insignificant not like just the brain areas in NDE but the whole body.

I guess tht is why I'm her teaching you about this I'm B pos chosen for hyperspace understanding. 

Please do not pull people to hear me write type it angers them ET's thank you.

Andromedans said it is like the star forming  group of people B pos with O as helium coming off it to shine up the planet. A part of us remembers the expanse of the star from the vacuum we have the memory of of emptiness yet becoming something and the O is what am I becoming oh yes all this helium wow a star! that is big in their consciousness  so they hold more expansion we remembered the compression and having been nothing to for ourselves and why we are exceedingly humble yet very powerful and stubborn if we re fighting for a cause we us the power of the star a metaphor we know we are. A is that power of the star shining only as itself being it one A person said to me.

O drinks wine differently to party to be social B drinks it like an alchemist holding an elixir of transformation that protects you from radiation consciously.  B is like the sun needing to come out from behind the rain and will find the cerebellum fires like illuminated rain, so it vibrates faster and we are joyous not melancholy as if floating lost in a fog of moisture with some disorganization around us. We become highly efficient organized and brilliant smiling and more social. We tend to be less social than O pos who thrives on it, but we can do it well if we have some vision of a creation like a social gathering, for example, with our creation of decor, menu etc. 

We tell O this they believe it and are fine also with A writing about the facts of it as well gathering data sharing the info o help everyone survive and live not to be annihilated so we work well if we understand each other.  

ET's found A pos with two neg parents was a difficult blood type to have. over half had disease from it it does this makes the A molecule with parents who negate some hemoglobin shrink the A molecule it is smaller and harder to get in there to heal it for the observer wearing it. Message is if you reincarnate avoid this in the womb forming A pos from neg parents if you wish to avoid the risks the ETs discovered associated with the blood combination. One neg parent did not cause this problem, two and A child did in some.

Whatever the blood type you have you will benefit from managing your lives and growth from Blue Matrix Energetics Quantum Mind Tech tools., 

I found this in myself incarnating A pos Charlotte of Wales with A and AB parents, then Queen Alex A with some neg parents, during WWI then Marilyn M AB neg finding this is like the annihilation during atomic war of people lowering hemoglobin O and B is high in in next incarnations again, this was bringing up during the wars! I decided to go back to higher hemoglobin B pos again this life time I have and it helped me to remember all this info what the incarnation DNA choices I made were for how the blood type what we do with different hemoglobin propensities in ration of life quality robust health in blood type.  Some have less tolerance for stress they get sick faster from it with lower hemoglobin propensity. Note if you awaken to superconscious state you can override this in most blood types, stress havoc on the biology. Our students found the gifts from BME QMT tools practice included this. 

Hr neg people have to stay in trance a lot to stay healthy because of lower hemoglobin they have, they also need exercise and activity in order to have a balance.  Pos blood people come back from active trance whole with higher hemoglobin and less health risks. HR neg forces higher trans need than hr pos.  It is thought by some they choose it to be more awake but it has its risks, in the end study of higher consciences material affords this more safely for all without need to manipulate blood type.  They are similar to elderly who kick out light from blood and have lower red blood count there fore they may want out of this life time earlier and may be good with older people.

My foray into DNA types I noticed this: dark eye observers grow the biology differently in certain blood types like A pos and a bit in every type. They punch the DNA to replicate toughness, recessive glow it.  After the first atomic bomb they may have appeared, dark eyes to toughen the DNA code.  We are wound differently us and them. 

Blood care this is hemoglobin important listen to string containing music that uplifts like Enya this plays the golden humanity nerves through the body a little stimulating it. The moment you crash in sadness or dejection or inferiority the hemoglobin begins to be affected medicine could test this levels after a very stressful day or depressed how  it dips your red blood cell count. Bris walking around the apartment or in the park  with head phones and such music will get it back up. So does BME Starspin but do this motion exercise first if you can to get the sluggish energy out of the muscle.  A bright sunny day helps a little sunshine and you'll feel 100 precent better.  If you feel well enough do the  BME star spin after a little rest for half an hour then go about our day. Cocoon creating a visual of lying in a safe place with nourishing energy like a rain forest on a cozy bed with nice bird sounds etc. .With any blood related illnesses make this a treatment program to compliment our other one from our health care practitioner you may add by yourself. Hemoglobin is high in normal oxygen levels hr neg blood has slightly lower from smaller molecule it appears, and emotional ups and downs may deplete the body also as it suffocates the cells with anaerobic action like rage and depression. Anaerobic uses energy bursts like at the gym on weight lifting with less oxygen fed to the cells hat is why the add Stairmaster or a jog after usually or before.   The vigorous walk then gets the oxygen levels up so the results of the star spin are improved.. 

Feeding the biology leafy greens, legumes, red meats, rich cheeses, yogurt are all good for helping healthy blood. Wine has grapeseed and very high soluble iron that helps also as little as one OZ with food has improved hemoglobin in some the next day. Fluids also are helpful not to get dehydrated from stress.  Food is better than a vitamin and more easily absorbed so reliance on supplements with poor meal choices is not a good idea.  See Starlight's Fare article for more information on good nutrition, and cocooning for the process which also includes the BME Starspin link..      

Saturday, November 14, 2015



Negative space and anti matter is misunderstood it is the fabric of space time as the most powerful gravitational force there is in the universe. Prior to any star existing was the expanse of space with high pressure action on objects for example an unprotected astronaut would blow his blood would blow if floating in space. He needs the suit to protect himself. Like the first stars were pushed out from areas where pressure was building in areas of the universe finally creating stars in the body negative space of anti atoms holds our bodies together the full spectrum of light pulled so hard that the body is solid proven in CAT scans and MRI where colors are contained within black space of anti mater.  Anti matter is there fore not anti life; it is highly supportive of life the inner embrace of subatomic particles forming the body. 

Negativity or negative behavior simply is force of the spirit inhabiting a biological matrix moving energy around. 
This is not the same  as anti matter theory. Forcefully throwing a shot put is not dissimilar to force of anger. It is simply energy.  Evil is prolonged rage or anger and scheming. It is an action; a behavior. Negative space in adepts they can sit trance and in trance their mirror neurons can open their eyes through the closed eye entity past lives can do this. Show themselves.  I have seen this in students in trance focus.   

Anti matter in the fetus forming brings with it its past life it has new genetic material to imbue with this information or to rove the parents during its growth more if it wants to look like them more than its past life.  Some carry a strong desire in spite of of parental features of the face to look like a past life; to remember it some to a lesser degree or hardly at all.  Personal choice of the incarnating child. Past lives are a choice to rove it to create it looking same as he previous one or another earlier. 

Cadavers have collapsed negative space unusable those buried are deceased the anti life. Nothing holding them together but rigor mortise. No life force of the spirit animating their bodies anchoring with alive negative space; anti atoms.  

An adept master can sit and expand his or her negative space around their form and it looks like a movie black screen with a person disappearing in the middle that same negative space can squeeze through space time like a worm hole teleporting. It is the fabric of love of life's gravitational pull anchoring the higher bandwidth light and its subatomic particles.   

As people age their bodies stiffen and become more flacid and the negative space is letting go of it's gravitational pull to live. Stiffness and loss of muscle strength is a sign of this.  Dying.  What causes this condition? Two things one is the program of belief it must happen eventually the second is lack of full realization opening the junk DNA which is more information to the whole biological matrix which causes immortality if developed through study and application of information that explains Immortality and how to achieve it. Practice of that information to realization of Immorality and the release of the program of death and ageing belief possible easily for most young people who are non cross incarnate souls (those do not usually desire to be stuck in the wrong gender body for Immortality of that body). For them they can achieve it in their next life and still embrace information to plan that incarnation. Much easier for they will be driven to find it again and remember it in the correct gender incarnation non cross.  30 or more percent of the Earth 's population is cross incarnates.

Cross incarnates have to negate their soul gender to appear the gender of the body; their mid brain areas have some of this expression of soul gender however the reticular has mapping of the gender body they are incarnate in.  In sexual fantasy they may feel like a man or woman making love to the opposite gender body their own. This they may have to negate with a partner to hide the illusion of the incarnation. Not same for same soul incarnated entities.  In awakening all information may be examined and realized the veils of illusion are gone.  In the end it is a god force spirit having an experience on Earth housed in a biological matrix like others however, unique to its own experience. 

Like the fabric of the universe so is the fabric of our negative space similar in gravitational force and joyfulness pushes forth light from it makes people glow un anchoring some of it's light animating the body so do Quantum Mind Tech tools; technology of the powerful spirit. This is not same as dying where light recedes skin coarsens it is the glow of a master or youthful exuberant person. Un anchoring light is the glow of vitality and wakening. 

Each person has their own negative space their own program is held created in the womb and fine tuned through life.  A program called ai doll robs light and plumps up negative space of those dying lots of meiotic material and hair dna pattern is used to resurrect those ai dolled their own with a donor of the opposite gender. Ai doll program was crated during the intimidation by andromedan people to change things on earth away from harsh pollution, human suffering in areas where there are less human rights and other things that threatened its existence the people such as global warming. Awakening of the population to higher consciousness is supported to rebuild society. Largely this intimidation is finished however some pockets of resistance and philosophical differences are still being worked out. 

Study of this work is helpful for those who would like a more aware and easier time getting through it and to awaken to what each person is as sentient humanoid life form. Such understanding empowers the public to greater awareness in their world around them and provides exponential possibility for greater heath and success. 

Friday, October 16, 2015



Parents, older siblings and teachers may simplify this page and explain it to younger children.

From Blue Matrix Energetics energy science for you and your child or youth.  Here is an example:  Someone came in while you were having a snack and watching TV and re did your building blocks structure to their idea. You look at it yours is gone, destroyed so do the same knock it over. Build a better one. Was this childishness in the parent who knew better who did this wanting to participate only he redesigned everything without asking you. You see you're smaller and do not have  a high level job yet recognition so this is all you had and he is so full of his own recognition he did not see what he did.  Are you scared for life?  Unlikely. For you have forgiveness and love built in to this life experience. So now you rebuild the structure even better and before you leave the room you put something into the big brain where the child is for it goes there if you let it to remember and it is a gift of the one who is really hidden but in charge of your life; the very big terrible and wondrous god inside you. Why terrible? It can stomp into the living room and say this, ' you fired me from the building of my freedom of expression. You are an unfair boss in my life. I'm firing you from that duty.  Change.' Now your dad looks at you begins to shake quaked inside by the terrible force of your truth, upset at himself that is why you are sometimes terrible.  What is terrible really?  Someone who creates chaos like the blocks tossed all over to restructure order.

Sometimes this described above is necessary and not the same as  tantrum of crying yelling and misbehaving. See the difference that is too small that behavior to be terrible it is called demented.  Most are temporarily demented even grown ups when they are tired and stressed out just like kids the argue with each other then. Demented.  If you are tired and cranky go nap for ten minutes close your eyes say, 'divine force inside me show me what to do when I wake up.' That is the god inside taking over that lets you have things in the big brain to know more. It comes from the part of the brain that runs the body growing with your spirit running it in this life 'alive.'  You will wake up knowing something you did not know demented, crying and tired from this divine force the spirit which is god running your body; it puts it into the big brain where the child is looking at it more slowly than its body growing and healing, digesting and more.  Same if you are angry; sit breathe deeply for the observer inside you; it will not give you anything angry at all usually unless you master yourself and use it to command those hard of hearing stuck in demented when you learn to be the observer yelling only not the angry child in demented mode).  How do you know? What they say is not only to scare you to obey it has information in the message you learn something from also. Sit close your eyes and say same quietly to yourself, 'Super force of the observer inside show me what to do.'  It takes about five minutes at most. Relax, don't think let it show you. It can also take upset away same.  Sit say, 'Divine force of the observer inside, please take this upset off me.'

Close your eyes sit for five minutes or less and wait till its gone.

Sickness like colds happen because you were demented too much with upset so use these commands I gave you to stay well. You will catch less colds because colds with runny nose like crying, with burning chest like anger and crying fits are your observer  inside showing you to do something better, so I am giving you this Mind Management for Children.  If you do nothing your observer inside from demented behavior too much takes you out for a break with colds, some times or flu to rest from demented behavior.  See? Most of you know this happens grown ups get them also for the same reason which is why it is embarrassing no one taught them this when they were children forgive them.   This force is same as the word God some say or use, it is not separate from you its the observer's force also all powerful you need not pray to it out there it is inside you in this practice. 

Before that your spirit flew around to find parents and prepared for this life of yours. Heaven is on Earth all around us for spirits before they are reborn in babies in a faster space time not in clouds or the sky in some place no one can find.   Back to the brain; you will learn about later in school or books on the brain they have those for kids also with pictures.  Some day really creative grown ups will make games board games maybe 3D with areas of the brain explored with all the correct ways it works for you to play. Likely they'll also do video game like this for learning not just shooting everything to help you get hyper bouncing off the walls.  I will show you how to get this if you want it in Le Petite Soleil (the little sunshine) Quantum Mind Tech tool from Blue Matrix Energetics (this Goddess's teachings writing this) given as a gift for all children who find this page. 

Your parents may have had this happen to them also; the demented not shown them unless some read about it and deal with it.

Now if you read this upper part a few times. And remember what to do even if you felt sleepy and had to look again to put it in the big brain you are ready for Le Petite Soleil.

Le Petite Soleil is easy. It is not the parent telling you what to do or what is good about you.  It is the big God inside commanding something to happen you would like:  it builds it like the blocks. It builds it especially well if you manage demented out. If there is still some left if gives it to you but it may take a little longer because its busy being the terrible God making you tired from it. It forgives and gives you many chances till you grow up to command over demented.  If you are losing you age the body slowly. Sometimes girls are born in boy bodies some times boys in girl bodies to understand what their soul mate is about those usually age and die to come back as babies with their souls in the same gender bodies however they can still Mind Manage and do this work. They don't usually tell; it's their secret mission and are friends all around us; don't be sad if they grow up and age one day they don't want to be stuck as a girl if there is a boy spirit in there.  They are all God inside like everyone else everyone can do this work if they want to.


Sit if you can in an area where there is a window on your free time. If you can do it in the morning before school. Sit up in bed, smile hug yourself be glad the day is beginning for you. Close your eyes feel warm sunshine inside you become the warm sunshine till you feel warm and glowing. Now send out of yourself a sun beam that becomes a picture of something you want to order from your observer inside for your day. It will be sent out from the forehead out into the room.  For example if you want to go to the park after school beam the park you want to go to. It looks like a 3D picture coming off you and builds  the order like the blocks you use to play with and to build.  Do one thing a day till it comes true. If you get it and are really good at it add more beams sent out with more pictures of what you want after the first one in your order for your day from your Le Petite Soleil practice, little sunshine.  Your observer is so divine and so powerful if you are with no window it will do it any way; become the sunshine.  We have stuff in our bodies that is the same as things the sun is made of; science has this information.  That is why this works your God knows this. The stars like our sun are made of a cold compression in space so the little sun within has a cold fire that grows when you create in your Le Petite Soleil practice. You begin feeling the warmth of you life in self love then your cold fire ignites and cool air forms around you as your Holy Spirit move the building blocks of reality atoms in the quantum field it is called. The tiny particles of what stuff is made of and it will arrive from you programming it like a show on TV is on: this program forms like a little stream that brings to you what you focus on.

Second now added: Use anatomy books for children as flash cards to your god inside you if you are healing your body.  For example if you have a tummy ache find the page of the digestive system and lie down flash the picture ten times it tells your god inside to heal you; that part of you then rest for half an hour. If you are coughing use the lungs and sinus photos of the face; respiratory system it is called do the same thing.  Any place you need to heal even a cut which is skin and nerves ask your parent for help finding the photo and flash it ten times in your mind. Your god part of the brain the cerebellum remembers things it looks at records them exactly so stare at the photo first then close your eyes it has a record of it to flash call it forth demand it it will show you. It is its job the cerebellum that part of the brain at the back tucked under the big brain; exact memory of things you look at and study. It is how the god works it knows everything you look at and study that well. Remember to tell it to do this at school also for tests it can if your slower brain the cortex is put to sleep a little so your god can work faster like day dreaming it goes through the middle of the brain and cerebellum to get the information. NEVER DAY DREAM DURING LESSONS AT SCHOOL ABOUT OTHER THINGS or it does not have thee information to write a high test score. If you are sleepy doing any work or learning usually your god self is working faster to know things on a higher level wiring it into the big brain the cortex to use for good tests.  Ask for an anatomy book for children from your parents you need this for your healing practice of children's Blue Matrix Energetics work BME. All things on this page are from BME system of energy science work.

Note: parents if you found BME merkaba in the secret are of the blog you may hold your hands six inches above the child to heal it also while spinning your BME Merkaba. This is introductory work expanded on in the first BME live event. 

Remember to override interference; some examples are accidents, things falling, a cup of juice spilling, bigger are earthquakes, storms some have gone through in other places.  All people have to go back to their divine force and realign themselves to focus again on their mind management and order for the day.      

In times when grown up are demented or busy not noticing you remember your observer inside does it cares for you the most growing you and healing you and yes giving you your order of the day.  Help out keeping demented from the big brain of the child using Mind Management in this page. Print this off with your parents if you want and put it in your room for your review of it.  Your parents get Le Petite Café teaching from me which is the same except for grown ups and Quantum Mind Management in this starlight's date blog main area and articles section you opened on line. Click on the butterfly at the top to find the main blog.  Click here for a video for Le Petite Soleil kids. 

Brace yourself. Santa Claus is fake made up not real. It is your parents slaving and saving up for all your presents and family!  I set you free from lies so you are the one that are all powerful in your life and if your parents studied my information so are they. Your Christmas tree there fore if you celebrate Christmas it is in your honor for the big god inside you that creates; the sunshine.  It's your tree and your presents to each other you manifested.    

Lastly for children and of high importance phenomenon and how to deal with it.  For example out of body night time experiences and past life recall.  My at the time two year old son said this many years ago, 'mom I wanted to ask you...never mind you'll think I'm nuts.'  I looked at him my two year old and said, 'I'm your mother you can ask me anything of course I'm not going to think you're nuts!'  So he finally said, ' well this wont make any sense but I was in bed and out in my room at the same time.'  I looked at him wondering how a two year old already decided it made no sense for me nearly this situation however I said, 'well guess what you are a god inside it gets bored at night having played little boy all day so it goes out of body bi locates to have some fun your brain tracks all this so it is not abnormal in fact it is totally normal to have this experience.' He looked at me sighing with relief and ran off to play. So I learned these little ones have no point of reference of cortex map yet in the cortex for OBE's past life is worse.   Same kid told me he remembered fighting in the desert and sitting getting in trouble in a car. this occurred after watching Titanic for the fifth time with his favorite character Leo who was poor and drowned. Well I was to find out later my son was James Dean Reincarnated so his memories were two movies Giant fighting in the desert scene and Rebel without a Cause the car scene he described. his lower lip quivering with some emotion again at age two for James Dean had died in a terrible car crash. I had to remind him he lived previously to this life that we died and were reincarnated so those are faint memories we want to know what they are who they were and that is why they come up and are exactly like real memories but in a different time.  Prepare your children for this if they have questions or remember odd things out of place for they do not have a point of reference at young get taught of what it all means yet which they need.  I love you messages they usually understand from me too. I love you, glad you found me. Faberge eggs did new things for new babies.

Lastly the child's soul recorder records it has a recording of life and its memory function is like rewind button capable feature the little being comes with. You can pick up a toy put it down on your bed then sit and remember doing this action it is built in memory recorded your whole life is this living holographic record like a movie.  In performing Le Petite Soleil it is like a play button forming that once the order is made from the little sunshine it moves the child's body through the day 'playing it' to the point where it happens magically; the order arrives magnetically put there by the magnetic tape being magnetized to where the little god put it in a much higher place of the spirit than magnetism. Show your child magnets and how two magnets work to understand how it runs itself to the destination of what it created in a gamma brain wave state as slowly moving through the day in a lower brain wave state except for peak firing of gamma waves on occasion till it arrives magnetically the ordered item or experience. 

To know what 'gamma firing' is ask the child to close the eyes and to be the sun shining on it this stimulates gamma firing in the brain and nervous system and gives cell division a boost. It is in this brain wave state that Le Petite Soleil works. 
Note:  never look directly into the sun it is too bright and may burn the eyes.

Now my soul mate long long ago when I was Hathor was Horus so now teaching of the eye of Horus is your camera eye and that is something you are born with called a camera eye. 

Now the way the eye of Horus works since very ancient times is you can sit and focus on your school street for example and take a photo with your camera eye.  Your little sunshine you like in a dream exactly the same but you are awake flies there and comes back if you wait with the picture of the street to see say if your parent is there to pick you up yet. In your sleep you are using it a lot in dream time too. 

Play a game with your friend who learns this or your parents!  Now hold an object to know it then give it to your friend or parent who hides it now sit let your mind relax to see as much of the room as you can then take a picture with your camera eye or eyes for Horus Eye to show you where the hidden object is . Horus Eyes sees through walls its the divine observer inside you; your little sunshine.  Get up right away and let yourself walk to where the item is to find it.  If you don't get all the way there think of the item again and take a camera eye picture again and keep walking to find the item.  Take turns with this find the item game in your home.  This works on find the item video games also you blink take a picture like the Mahong tiles board and you'll find the items faster in hidden object games you can download on line to your computer or cell phone. 

For school time sit take a picture winking one eye or both the board or screen you are making notes on you will remember more.  Same with studying for a test take pictures of each page you study first then read it more gets put into your brain you remember more.  

If you are walking home with your friends you may take pictures of the next block to avoid danger you will see it.  When you are very good at this only after practice do this: stand at the exit to your school outside go into a day dream that you are at home reaching it safely smiling then take the picture of that day dream winking or with both eyes you will see a flash of light then just walk home.  It will carry you your divine observer like a day dream safely home usually what it means is that you glow brightly like on a beam of sunshine gliding home joyously usually careless or angry people are slower like slugs they wont bother you when you glow like this they don't want to be seen by you it scares them for they have worry are ashamed of so they'll quickly pass by.  Pay them no attention just enjoy your walk home then you won't break the magical trance your divine observer gives you you the little sunshine. 

If you try things with it well we have BME Starspin later for bigger things because it is a little slower yet your whole brain will feel the intensity of the quantum mind tech tool do small things for now like going and in the event BME I teach more advanced ways of doing things in Stargate of Success advanced teaching of BME.    Reason is if you plan a whole trip to Hawaii with camera eye you may feel stressed in the body all day because as you are kept alive same part of the brain is working bi locating (partly out of your body like dreaming time in your sleep; the mind is partly remote while you play or go to school and have to learn) out to accomplish this for hours at times. I do not recommend this so easy stuff is better that takes you less time to do this in your fast part of the brain that is so fast you cannot follow it with the big huge one between your ears that works slower to be present in the world fully in a slower pace that your body is used to to observe and put the information into the big brain called the cerebral cortex. The fast part that beats your heart at the back above the neck tucked under there is like a whole room of super computers that powerful the cerebral cortex is like one of those only the slowest one.  Science talks about this too in books about the body; different speeds of the brain and what it does.  The divine observer uses the back part all the time its information goes so fast that you cannot perceive it in the cerebral cortex. Later when you are a teen study all the articles in this this section especially Soul Observance that teaches you how this fast part of the brain uses that information to work on things you want, Le Petite Café the grown up version of this page though you got some extras so they'd read it and work with you better that the Le Petite Café does not have at all, Energy Science of the Brain; to know more about your brain the whole thing how it works, and others you find.   You can read those at any age you understand the language with your parents reading first to see it is age appropriate some of them are for older youth or adults.  

Never try to save the sad or angry by yourself they have to find this information themselves you see they tend to want you in their sadness or fear so stay away from them they may not be ready to learn. That is my job writing this info to put stuff up for them to find and even then they have to find it I'm not there to save them they have to want to change.

A small note for parents too it is very jarring to be yelled at the nervous system goes off in the person yelled at and for children it has resulted at times in excess colds ear infections and flues from stress. For parents too if they have fought with others yelling and screaming. So for you both if you are being yelled at 'cross your eyes into the other person and put your mind on the person's heart and mentally in your mind say be it be what you are doing to yourself.' What this will do is embarrass the tyrant who is not using basic communication but tyranny and emotionalism.  It is a little good self defense this technique usually it is rude to cross the eyes into another unless they are blatantly ignoring you or yelling or other ignorant behavior.  If they are ignoring you speak to them again with your eyes crossed into them they will hear you.  Good in stores where clerks ignore you for example and give poor service.  Not many of those exist thankfully any more.

Please note CAMERA EYE  practice raises the vibrational rate of the body but the heart, brain and nervous system has to accommodate and does because even babies use it so do not encourage your child to do it over and over.  Most children don't do it but if you see your kid doing it tell them to stop it may give them a headache possibly or make them over tired because technique isn't excessive blinking winking over and over too fast in a row creating nervous energy instead of doing the practice properly.

An add on for children, parents get the books by Marilyn Starlight on line on Amazon,  Barnes and Noble and Golden City Enterprises.  They have the science theory of the observer where it came from what it can do to its own DNA by author.  In the books I discuss how the comic observer stashed its DNA from when we were giant people in snakes left that are huge.  Show your kids the pictures of this if they are slow growth for example and tell them they can focus this, "I am the power of the great snake as the divine observer in me remembering a time when I was very tall, life times ago.  I am enacting a command to grow as big as I want this life like the power the snake has to do, so inside of me too, I am growing powerful. strong and tall." The huge child can use the snake visual as itself growing tall.  Sit see the snake as your spine and head very tall and powerful when you do this focus kids.  It tells the DNA to turn on super growth.

FOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN AREAS OF WILD NATURE SNAKES ETC ON YOUR LAND: Time to get a grip and have a say about your residential areas.  Sit, look at the invader, see it slither or move out of your area and a powerful wink into its brain the idea it will think its god and leave usually after the third time give it five minutes between winks.  Do not use on humans, can cause vomiting. People don't like to be run they might smack you, it may cause fights. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015



Removing oneself from conflict, arguing and emotional blame or blight from a blamee is simple and one hundred percent vital to ending the aging process and reducing the chances of your eventual death from genetic deterioration.  Upon an emotional reaction occurring in you stop and allow the feeling to pass.  If engaged with another party remember that you are not bound to be harassed and remove yourself from conflict with the example, “I would love to continue this discussion when you are no longer angry as then the likelie hood of a rational solution to the issue will ensue.”  Likewise please remember not to be an instigator of blame for surely with your training you have no excuse to be a tyrant.

Communication is only truly possible when our own emotions are removed from it for each soul has its own subjective emotional pattern from personal evolution until it is recognized and mindfully changed. Baby land is a term I use with humor for the little I identity of cerebral cortex mapping of accepted mapped information there fore accepted reality or I’m in fear of the unknown which includes the divine spirit incarnate within; an entity’s inner god self. Fear of oneself results in neurosis often projected onto another as blame; fear of unrealized divine power within ourselves unrealized that if others did then what? Then they see our game and it is scary. What is the game? It is the strategy of supremacy in the home or the work place or social circles of I know all this it is my supreme reality; I’m superior I rove you silently through soul observance to see where you are at reviewing it for what to play in my strategic brain my game of karma that brought me here to be safely on top. Move through the emotion and let it pass without tightening the body anywhere and use Quantum Body Realignment to prevent blockages. 
  • Remember to find humor in any situation that involved conflict or anger because two adults going at it observed are no more enchanting than a couple of toddlers.  Emotional people are in their ineffectual ‘child’ coping state. 
  • Examine the issue once the emotions have passed again and assess the data according to the information you have (find more if necessary through whatever means you decide). 
  • Decision is now possible through the process of assessment instead of a soap opera of judgment with superiority or other useless attitude.

Discernment in a given moment is of the upmost importance in remaining neutral.   What that means is upon creation of a concept to focus on as a holographic image there is a clean, clear mind that is able to hold that without fear.  Fear creeping in or cynicism (which hides fear in a clever manner) will not allow for the state of sharp focus to hold on to the holographic picture.  Anger may be used to spin your Merkaba fast so it is an easy emotion to get rid of.  If applied correctly can override any inertia by using the emotion to spin fast till a great velocity has been achieved and you settle into the high of it.  If there is any objection to holding a concept gets angry and gets rid of it by spinning it out.  Do not be afraid to focus on an idea that scares you or appears too large to change.  Adrenalin is not the hormone we are looking to run so staying in anger is not the answer; the momentum of Merkaba build is what uses that energy up quickly and exhilaration is replaced like a horse out of the starting gate.  Then we arrive at this unspeakable place where the holographic pictures are held in the Merkaba correctly.
Fatigue is also inexcusable as an excuse from daily work once Merkaba is known because a ten minute spin in your office over lunch can give you the equivalent of a two hour nap.  Energy is yours to create from the zero point field that we are plugged into at all times by being in existence.  Nothing can ever be missing when we know that we are plugged in at all times.  Inertia against this is simply an ignorant mind that refuses its own exalted state.  People that insist on being that do not stay with the spiritual tools they have been taught and often choose a lesser reality.   Again fear based reaction to further evolution is occurring in this state and what to remember is on the other side of such attitude is eventual death.  Moving through the fear and reviewing all of the successes that you have accomplished and excelled in is vitally important to combat fear because it is the fruit of the work that has ripened your soul and this success allows the soul to release the codex recalibration affecting the DNA that you will learn about later. 

In the processing of information in the brain for Qantum Mind Management there is a change in the brain mapping of the cerebral cortex which allows for a new self reflection of more unity with the divine within that runs the autonomic processes. Fear there fore runs less the entity as it begins to know its supreme power of self preservation that is not the flight or flight survival mechanism it is now the power of mind management and mapping the divine information of the inner alchemist through study of other BME QMTtools and practice of this tool as well spoken of here in this writing. 

In addition ageing of the body may be lessened because of this now here is an example:  Leslie comes home from work and sees her Husband sitting in the living room upset.    Prior he had made himself cook got into a groove where he was in a faster space time going about his task without any complaints even had moments of missing space time using a faster area of his brain which is associated with longevity in action.  In Leslie's presence he complains he had to cook again mapping some emotionalism about the experience of irritability or upset in the slower portion of his brain and faster areas also changing the memory of it to unpleasant experience which sets the ageing mechanism of negating life in action instead and reaffirms split duality in consciousness; a demented state that causes chaos in the body in health over time potentially inviting disease as well. 

Another habit people have that produces ageing is excessive thinking for example sitting at your desk saying to yourself, 'gee I wonder what time it is?' In your cortex to yourself instead of glancing at the clock fast to see what time it is. The cortex chatter is slowing the biological matrix autonomic cellular maintenance when people are fully grown and cells no longer are hyper accelerated growth of childhood. Slow down of constant thinking causes this process of cell maintenance some lesser light from the CNS because it is partly engaged in the thinking process and tension in the neck and back may result for example. Try this example sit trance looking at something in the room now stop yourself and say in your mind, 'I wonder what time it is? Do you feel the jam in the neck area when yo do this?  Now try it out loud same sentence again.  Same jam happens.  Is it due to speaking then do you need to worry?  Now trance and close your eyes and say to yourself inward in trance, 'I wonder what time it is?' No jam because you are speaking autonomically using your cerebellum. Good speakers and actors use the autonomic to communicate and therefore some age less quickly than cortex talkers.  If you wondered how they look so good besides minor cosmetic surgery this is their secret; autonomic communication which occurs to good communicators when they are in a flow of dialogue. Autonomic Communication is also a Quantum Mind Tech tool that may be practiced and used mindfully.   Note: Shaking in a person after experiencing any kind of a major personal shift is the failure to map the experience successfully in the cortex area of the brain.  It is not unlike shock from a trauma or accident where the being must understand “what just happened to me?”  Sometimes the events are so swift it leaves the consciousness scrambling to unify in understanding.  Contemplation with notes helps to map any phenomenon that I have found many energetic healing practitioners experienced but were afraid because of lack of point of reference in knowledge as to what the experiences were.  Fear may prevent the evolution of&nbspevolution of enlightened mind therefore knowledge becomes the invaluable point of reference to free that evolution fearlessly. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015



In the study of Blue Matrix Energetics there is a change in the brain after reading these articles or any of my work that takes place where there is sleepiness while the brain is traced by its autonomic system. Usually the cortexes are mapped for new information the reader is absorbing and desiring to experience and miraculously old neurons connected are separated in order to facilitate the change.  What neurons?  Ones of the slower cortex identity what we call in BME the little I. The god self that runs the harmony of cellular replication; its inner beauty of life is the big I the boss the god within, the divine spirit that incarnated with its soul holding the recording of the experiences through the wiring described in the article Energy Science of the Soul Explained. Neurons separated are of the old little I who did not know or accept the information in the article it read. 

Those who study my work are able to retain more and more information with less sleepiness after a lot of rewiring has taken place and will find the process speeds up to moments of trance then they are awake reading again with a vibration felt in the brain the whole time 'buzzing.' Higher vibration of an enlivened nervous system with new information for well being is the result; with less ageing, greater success and joyfulness because the Quantum Mind Tech tools (QMTtools) of Blue Matrix Energetics (BME) incorporate all of those elements in the information provided.

During the early stage of brain change after the dozing off period some readers will look around the room and see their life differently with old prejudices or fears gone and are then ready to move forward.  Some will redecorate their homes, toss out clutter, change jobs, personal appearance, parenting skills, relationship skills and many more aspects of life improve. New brain connections are made where old ones have been separated through the doziness and trance to change them in the cerebral cortex. 

Plasticity is a know fact about the brain in new research and there are books about neural plasticity by scientists and doctors out now about this subject. Plasticity is this neural change as described from learning and or enacting new behavior with determination.  Any age with a healthy brain is able to facilitate this change no guarantee is given at this time for age old dementia or mentally challenged readers for full plasticity changes.  In addition people who have had space craft skirmish related injury are able to do this because they are highly desirous of healing for their brains and a new life where they 'know' in many cases.  One reason is grey cloning techniques of using greys brain mass which is morphogenic and 'fast' faster than human brains with genetic curiosity in their race. Another is the frustration of NDE light review where there is a desire to map the understood learning of healing after NDE and to understand what took place. Re cloned people I have seen with grey, meiotic from human DNA and in some cases hair follicle from their own cranium or a combination with brilliant brains where you cannot tell they were ever healed this way. For more information please see the Andromeda for Well Being page of the Starlight'sdate main blog under the blue morpho butterfly linked to on this page. 

Brain plasticity is a miracle of our divine consciousness and is there for the rewiring of humanity into super humanity from the study and application of BME QMT tools. I wrote the starlight'sdate blog to help people get through these challenging times and welcome those who read and also those who would like to learn the advanced information in live events. Enjoy these articles and your new wiring.

Sunday, August 9, 2015



The soul recording is in the brain as medical science indicates I agree with this. Cadavers have missing brain mass in the frontal cortex, temporal lobes and inner brain back of brain and cerebellum to about 15 ounces.  Where does it go?  After final death it is ascended up and is the soul recorder that takes flight!  This is then the spirit flying with birds, butterflies, visiting dolphins etc and people.  It knows unity with all life and the all that is around it that is a little ascension it had.  The first act of the alchemist is reincarnation when this brain mass in hyperspace is encoded into the new fetal matter in the new blood type chosen and new genetic material which can express as little of it or as much of the former life as the observer designs into the new incarnation.  Proof of this is in the light review from the former life being present in a new brain of the new life in addition to the current life.  It has occurred where the heart has stopped in some individuals in sleep their past life shown for a few seconds then they awoke with a strange dream archive about having been someone else.  The observer knows how to do this and we may feel very groggy and tired the next morning after it happens or super energized from the healing back to life.  So there is encoding from each life enfolded into the growing new brain carrying the previous one since the beginning of creation where it came from the vacuum as a star.  

Codex our codex is this way protected from lost forever in case of accidents: our codex is rigged to deliver the memory if you remember the way it functions and that is worthy of study of the great divine self. Stay inspired learning you need that inspiration to remember even uninjured later in life what you have learning by clear recall. The hippocampus and amygdala play a role in memory of scent and higher emotion triggering stimuli in the environment. They are brain structures that help to navigate the local space time and to remember important experiences to the codex. Science is correct the NDE or final death light review is in the brain.  The soul is the brain areas taken to about 15 oz missing mysteriously at death from the left over unanimated body that takes cerebellum areas that contain encoded info areas that shine red and green also have codex info from the beginning of our creation from the stars to the current life and some of the cerebral cortex is also taken, prefrontal, side areas and back and ascended into hyperspace. Modern medicine did not know this at the time of the writing except if they read my work this is a new science of the incarnating spirit and how it works in the biological matrix in BME as you know in this updated article written in 12/29/19.

Neural pathways: once you navigate to a place where you are firing in gamma that then are lighting up the entire brain which archives the memory of it the once this builds neural pathways that make it easier to then when using the cortexes jump off the concept mapped as a word or phrase that is then re routed to the mid brain and even to the cerebellum processor much faster than before as this process is in high use in higher conceptual design and other creation. The reticular formation gradually changes in order to facilitate faster moves through the brain out of the slow over identified little I reality to genius which also raises the IQ.

Immediate memory is most easily mapped in the mid brain surrounding cerebral cortex neurons then the little emotional impulse carrying frequency of the moment whether it is mitochondrial energy filled coasting on joy or upset goes to thalamaic cortex with this like looking at where your keys are.  That memory is like the slower light review info. This is also all registered by the cerebellum all of it is which also has an archive or there would be no light review with the info.  Back of brain especial in those with a longer back of brain contains memory of wisdom of experience.  If I go to remember where I put my  things 6 months ago it goes to the cerebral cortex.  There is morphing in the areas around the mid brain that contain info that is in the now as memory being created deposited into other ares of the cerebral cortex later all round it. Music is often around the area around the ears, temporal lobes and prefrontal with movies and music combined as memory so the consciousness moves around the memory which scene should test to see this phenomenon in the laboratory in controlled environment.  If neurons separate because say a movie or piece of music is not remembered for a while in the cerebral cortex it is still in the cerebellum and thalamic cortex to recall later which he cerebellum recalls it and roves the thalamic cortex and amygdala for it be recalled even if it left the old cerebral cortex connections. So we are reorganizers of memory banks in our brains all over them.  
Different types of memories have different types of positioning in the cerebral cortex, sports bounce all over it, music is where I mentioned, movies, kissing is in the mid brain surrounding areas and through higher centers, so science can study this if they have hook ups to monitor scanning equipment for photos taken once their equipment becomes more sensitive.  Fighting is blowing of neurons in mid brain and surrounding areas and big cerebral cortex with intense yelling.  Athletes who do this after sports, do not relive it for hours in cerebral cortex memory and go on to other activity heal faster.  You know why, slower brain is taking the body over to 'remember to run memory of the day."  Reading or other mid brain and autonomic activity low level facilitates healing, listening to music in joyfulness of success instead of rerunning highlights. 

Visualization fires the cerebellum to the pre frontal cortex which turns through the pre frontal, visual cortex beaming the visual (rotated through it) to the frontal cortex (also firing in mid brain areas as well as the amygdala and thalamic cortex) and it beams out into the quantum filed around the observer. Our visualizations are stored in  the mid brain thalamic cortex area and cerebellum predominantly as well as pre frontal and other areas that have to do with memory mapping according to type of activity we  want to do in the future. This is for this reason; you  go into like REM state in visualization and so this engages areas of the brain in sleep paralysis where the areas of the body used are cleared the neural pathways and healed for skiing, swimming, sex and other activity in the dreams for example.  Now this is used here also in gestation of new fetus who grows a new body from the soul codex archive of things we want to experience and be strong for not unlike dreaming our bodies for example in incarnation where we have wow strong parents genetic material to use so we grow this easily say for sports or gifts like music forming the alchemy of incarnation with reincarnating brain mass coordinating it; the souls and its immortal higher bandwidth light working in UV blue X ray and Gamma frequencies are firing the cascade.  So in visualization and say BME Merkaba we are accessing gifts we have from yes incarnating and REM and using them as the grown observer accessing supernatural phenomenon with more experience of firing many times focus such as this quantum mind tech tool and Le Peit Cafe or Soleil the children's version to hyperspace firing 'miraculous healing and abilities adept formation! We are the observer and control it all our incarnation and life and have legal rights to protect this.

Some information regarding the golden wing opening
phenomenon is this:  since when I was first 
humanoid I was not born of a mother I came down like a beam of sun light and the back rolled into flesh and the nerves in the spine and lungs began to breathe the first breath: different from  birth from  a mother. I find the lungs have a nervous system emanation that is conductive of the spirit anchored in the body incarnate breathing and the breath is linked directly to space time flow for if you sit and relax breathing slowly and deeply you are out of space time as linear. As the codex mechanism recorder of the soul is a vast connected hook up through the brain as mentioned in the codex page and is key activated to the reticular formation (also enabling the body to travel through hyperspace with activations of keys given for realizations) and the chest where the breath is taking place beside the heart in the center regulates through conscious awareness space time flow. Example in fight or flight there is the presence of rapid breathing in panic. In BME Merkaba there is slowed even breathing with the slight tightening against the back of the throat which is a similar mechanism to cats checking out food new food they do not drool so there is no stupor there.  This vibrates the brain areas which are firing so the whole brain system of the codex is active.   Now there is plasmic like emanation from the mirror matter which is self reflecting which is the soul content in the chest the feeling of soul of being of being alive feeling and processing the recorded information real time through the activity of the glandular system both higher and adrenalin related to heart rhythm and breathing affecting the emotional state through heart rate; the pulse and hormonal activity of the glands released during this process of ‘life’s a sentient being.  

Interestingly the heart muscle cells look like branches of veins and therefore the nervous system has a geometrical configuration that  is he energetic science example of what some in new age call sacred geometry. In ancient times the Mesopotamians had the sacred tree tablets of the tree teachings about (this written more about in this blog and my films) the Egyptians also had teachings of scales of the soul light as a feather in the management of adrenaline and initiations they held with the results measured in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.  In their initiations they had symbolic ‘ties of rope’ that represented the royal families of all their initiations realized and applied to ruler ship. These ropes would later become tied as the ankh symbol worn in gold representing the completion to success these initiations and duties which the ropes were represented from the reproductive organ area through the body to finally tying it all as that symbol. Egyptians did no use the trees though I was drawn to their tree paintings and the hang man is ironic for is it not the early man tied to the tree to understand his own history to make better choices or to be in a world fee of persecution? The poor fellow is dead too late.    The feather in the book of the dead was representative of the soul the chest contents and its paradoxical ‘weight’ measured on the symbolic scale for a we either blow lung minute vessels and heart ones through stress on the other side of it is the compression of the ether through higher consciousness work that the blood is actually energized glowed and so there is an interesting swirl of soul contents there that is electrically at best or chemically read for its ‘weight.’ 

The human codex has incredible information that opens upon ascension fully including the giants we were those lives that created the quantum field very powerfully because of brains as large as a room and the star formation we were in the vacuum.  Those who lift off and ascend fully and come back have become immortal just the brain areas that are taken up in death but the whole body. In BME it is then you work in the body in becoming adept not multiple NDES of escaping it. Not our work those ageing in their last years do it to prepare for final death in unstable heart conditions etc.  The young and mid age who study to become adept can lift of the whole body in BME Merkaba for example and multiple NDES are discouraged to stay in and take the whole body up into higher vibration prolonging life and health.

Those who ascend  I recommend you have some time to sit and record your experience on video tape or a journal and keep it private for when you are ready to pick and choose what you may share of it with others as something you may create later without disruption if possible. You will find you still pay taxes, eat drink and drive and take  plane and do normal things however find time to practice your QMT tools to develop your abilities of phenomenon.  You may hold keys to updating info in areas you participated in like I did in society prior and or today.  History is very in need of filling out of info where it is general and broad on our world through the ages. I have begun a project to allow the entry of such info to a blog where you may access the pages on line and post your info.  You may ask me about this in writing if you like. 

Blue Matrix Energetics is not a mystery school it is a 
mystery solved, decoded consciousness wielding organization of energetic science prowess that allows the practitioner; all people who study it whether for professional or private practice for themselves.

Note: this article is a good compliment to Codex and Biological Matrix of Blue Webs pages. 

Your entry into Starlight's secret date with you is here. 


  Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about...