Sunday, August 9, 2015



The soul recording is in the brain as medical science indicates I agree with this. Cadavers have missing brain mass in the frontal cortex, temporal lobes and inner brain back of brain and cerebellum to about 15 ounces.  Where does it go?  After final death it is ascended up and is the soul recorder that takes flight!  This is then the spirit flying with birds, butterflies, visiting dolphins etc and people.  It knows unity with all life and the all that is around it that is a little ascension it had.  The first act of the alchemist is reincarnation when this brain mass in hyperspace is encoded into the new fetal matter in the new blood type chosen and new genetic material which can express as little of it or as much of the former life as the observer designs into the new incarnation.  Proof of this is in the light review from the former life being present in a new brain of the new life in addition to the current life.  It has occurred where the heart has stopped in some individuals in sleep their past life shown for a few seconds then they awoke with a strange dream archive about having been someone else.  The observer knows how to do this and we may feel very groggy and tired the next morning after it happens or super energized from the healing back to life.  So there is encoding from each life enfolded into the growing new brain carrying the previous one since the beginning of creation where it came from the vacuum as a star.  

Codex our codex is this way protected from lost forever in case of accidents: our codex is rigged to deliver the memory if you remember the way it functions and that is worthy of study of the great divine self. Stay inspired learning you need that inspiration to remember even uninjured later in life what you have learning by clear recall. The hippocampus and amygdala play a role in memory of scent and higher emotion triggering stimuli in the environment. They are brain structures that help to navigate the local space time and to remember important experiences to the codex. Science is correct the NDE or final death light review is in the brain.  The soul is the brain areas taken to about 15 oz missing mysteriously at death from the left over unanimated body that takes cerebellum areas that contain encoded info areas that shine red and green also have codex info from the beginning of our creation from the stars to the current life and some of the cerebral cortex is also taken, prefrontal, side areas and back and ascended into hyperspace. Modern medicine did not know this at the time of the writing except if they read my work this is a new science of the incarnating spirit and how it works in the biological matrix in BME as you know in this updated article written in 12/29/19.

Neural pathways: once you navigate to a place where you are firing in gamma that then are lighting up the entire brain which archives the memory of it the once this builds neural pathways that make it easier to then when using the cortexes jump off the concept mapped as a word or phrase that is then re routed to the mid brain and even to the cerebellum processor much faster than before as this process is in high use in higher conceptual design and other creation. The reticular formation gradually changes in order to facilitate faster moves through the brain out of the slow over identified little I reality to genius which also raises the IQ.

Immediate memory is most easily mapped in the mid brain surrounding cerebral cortex neurons then the little emotional impulse carrying frequency of the moment whether it is mitochondrial energy filled coasting on joy or upset goes to thalamaic cortex with this like looking at where your keys are.  That memory is like the slower light review info. This is also all registered by the cerebellum all of it is which also has an archive or there would be no light review with the info.  Back of brain especial in those with a longer back of brain contains memory of wisdom of experience.  If I go to remember where I put my  things 6 months ago it goes to the cerebral cortex.  There is morphing in the areas around the mid brain that contain info that is in the now as memory being created deposited into other ares of the cerebral cortex later all round it. Music is often around the area around the ears, temporal lobes and prefrontal with movies and music combined as memory so the consciousness moves around the memory which scene should test to see this phenomenon in the laboratory in controlled environment.  If neurons separate because say a movie or piece of music is not remembered for a while in the cerebral cortex it is still in the cerebellum and thalamic cortex to recall later which he cerebellum recalls it and roves the thalamic cortex and amygdala for it be recalled even if it left the old cerebral cortex connections. So we are reorganizers of memory banks in our brains all over them.  
Different types of memories have different types of positioning in the cerebral cortex, sports bounce all over it, music is where I mentioned, movies, kissing is in the mid brain surrounding areas and through higher centers, so science can study this if they have hook ups to monitor scanning equipment for photos taken once their equipment becomes more sensitive.  Fighting is blowing of neurons in mid brain and surrounding areas and big cerebral cortex with intense yelling.  Athletes who do this after sports, do not relive it for hours in cerebral cortex memory and go on to other activity heal faster.  You know why, slower brain is taking the body over to 'remember to run memory of the day."  Reading or other mid brain and autonomic activity low level facilitates healing, listening to music in joyfulness of success instead of rerunning highlights. 

Visualization fires the cerebellum to the pre frontal cortex which turns through the pre frontal, visual cortex beaming the visual (rotated through it) to the frontal cortex (also firing in mid brain areas as well as the amygdala and thalamic cortex) and it beams out into the quantum filed around the observer. Our visualizations are stored in  the mid brain thalamic cortex area and cerebellum predominantly as well as pre frontal and other areas that have to do with memory mapping according to type of activity we  want to do in the future. This is for this reason; you  go into like REM state in visualization and so this engages areas of the brain in sleep paralysis where the areas of the body used are cleared the neural pathways and healed for skiing, swimming, sex and other activity in the dreams for example.  Now this is used here also in gestation of new fetus who grows a new body from the soul codex archive of things we want to experience and be strong for not unlike dreaming our bodies for example in incarnation where we have wow strong parents genetic material to use so we grow this easily say for sports or gifts like music forming the alchemy of incarnation with reincarnating brain mass coordinating it; the souls and its immortal higher bandwidth light working in UV blue X ray and Gamma frequencies are firing the cascade.  So in visualization and say BME Merkaba we are accessing gifts we have from yes incarnating and REM and using them as the grown observer accessing supernatural phenomenon with more experience of firing many times focus such as this quantum mind tech tool and Le Peit Cafe or Soleil the children's version to hyperspace firing 'miraculous healing and abilities adept formation! We are the observer and control it all our incarnation and life and have legal rights to protect this.

Some information regarding the golden wing opening
phenomenon is this:  since when I was first 
humanoid I was not born of a mother I came down like a beam of sun light and the back rolled into flesh and the nerves in the spine and lungs began to breathe the first breath: different from  birth from  a mother. I find the lungs have a nervous system emanation that is conductive of the spirit anchored in the body incarnate breathing and the breath is linked directly to space time flow for if you sit and relax breathing slowly and deeply you are out of space time as linear. As the codex mechanism recorder of the soul is a vast connected hook up through the brain as mentioned in the codex page and is key activated to the reticular formation (also enabling the body to travel through hyperspace with activations of keys given for realizations) and the chest where the breath is taking place beside the heart in the center regulates through conscious awareness space time flow. Example in fight or flight there is the presence of rapid breathing in panic. In BME Merkaba there is slowed even breathing with the slight tightening against the back of the throat which is a similar mechanism to cats checking out food new food they do not drool so there is no stupor there.  This vibrates the brain areas which are firing so the whole brain system of the codex is active.   Now there is plasmic like emanation from the mirror matter which is self reflecting which is the soul content in the chest the feeling of soul of being of being alive feeling and processing the recorded information real time through the activity of the glandular system both higher and adrenalin related to heart rhythm and breathing affecting the emotional state through heart rate; the pulse and hormonal activity of the glands released during this process of ‘life’s a sentient being.  

Interestingly the heart muscle cells look like branches of veins and therefore the nervous system has a geometrical configuration that  is he energetic science example of what some in new age call sacred geometry. In ancient times the Mesopotamians had the sacred tree tablets of the tree teachings about (this written more about in this blog and my films) the Egyptians also had teachings of scales of the soul light as a feather in the management of adrenaline and initiations they held with the results measured in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.  In their initiations they had symbolic ‘ties of rope’ that represented the royal families of all their initiations realized and applied to ruler ship. These ropes would later become tied as the ankh symbol worn in gold representing the completion to success these initiations and duties which the ropes were represented from the reproductive organ area through the body to finally tying it all as that symbol. Egyptians did no use the trees though I was drawn to their tree paintings and the hang man is ironic for is it not the early man tied to the tree to understand his own history to make better choices or to be in a world fee of persecution? The poor fellow is dead too late.    The feather in the book of the dead was representative of the soul the chest contents and its paradoxical ‘weight’ measured on the symbolic scale for a we either blow lung minute vessels and heart ones through stress on the other side of it is the compression of the ether through higher consciousness work that the blood is actually energized glowed and so there is an interesting swirl of soul contents there that is electrically at best or chemically read for its ‘weight.’ 

The human codex has incredible information that opens upon ascension fully including the giants we were those lives that created the quantum field very powerfully because of brains as large as a room and the star formation we were in the vacuum.  Those who lift off and ascend fully and come back have become immortal just the brain areas that are taken up in death but the whole body. In BME it is then you work in the body in becoming adept not multiple NDES of escaping it. Not our work those ageing in their last years do it to prepare for final death in unstable heart conditions etc.  The young and mid age who study to become adept can lift of the whole body in BME Merkaba for example and multiple NDES are discouraged to stay in and take the whole body up into higher vibration prolonging life and health.

Those who ascend  I recommend you have some time to sit and record your experience on video tape or a journal and keep it private for when you are ready to pick and choose what you may share of it with others as something you may create later without disruption if possible. You will find you still pay taxes, eat drink and drive and take  plane and do normal things however find time to practice your QMT tools to develop your abilities of phenomenon.  You may hold keys to updating info in areas you participated in like I did in society prior and or today.  History is very in need of filling out of info where it is general and broad on our world through the ages. I have begun a project to allow the entry of such info to a blog where you may access the pages on line and post your info.  You may ask me about this in writing if you like. 

Blue Matrix Energetics is not a mystery school it is a 
mystery solved, decoded consciousness wielding organization of energetic science prowess that allows the practitioner; all people who study it whether for professional or private practice for themselves.

Note: this article is a good compliment to Codex and Biological Matrix of Blue Webs pages. 

Your entry into Starlight's secret date with you is here. 


  Cats I found to be love hate with the public, people either like them or strongly dislike them most of the time when I spoke to them about...